The tide gauge at Vishakapatnan recorded a 1.5 m positive pulse 09:05 26 Dec 2004 near the peak of a 1 m high tide. (Record courtesy NIO Goa)

In 1881 a 20 cm wave was recorded in the same harbour (then named Vizagapatam). Record below from Walker (1883, 1884) reproduced in Ortiz and Bilham (2002). Note this was at low tide, and the amplitude of the tsunami was approximately 8 times smaller than in 2004.

Walker, J.T.,The earthquake of the 31December1881,General report on the operations of the Survey of India 1881–1882, pp.53–55, Surv.of India, Calcutta,1883.(Reprinted in proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, p.60, March 1883.)

Walker, J.T., Earthquake disturbances of the tides on the coasts of India, Nature,28,358–360,1884.