Open Action Items

Sedona, Arizona
1 - 3 February 2005

Open Action Items from June 04

1. A benchmark statistical description of the sub-grid scale velocity field is needed. - R. Brown, R. Frehlich, D. Emmitt, R. Foster

2. Develop a proposal for deployment of a wind lidar on commercial aircraft. - R. Fleming, R. Atlas, D. Emmitt, M. Hardesty

3. The Lidar Working Group should use the Lidar Technology Roadmap to track progress and provide updates to Ken Miller.

4. The use of GLAS data to improve the height assignment of GOES winds should be pursued. - J. Reagan

5. Explore potential collaboration with DoD on advances in telescope technology - S. Alejandro, I. Guch

6. Explore funding possibilities and the path forward for design studies for the Hybrid DWL concept - D. Tratt, I. Guch

NASA/ESTO funding D. Emmitt study to evaluate ICESat cloud stats and associated linkage to DWL implementation options.

7. Coordinate and scale to space, using observations from existing lidar systems, to verify space-based instrument specifications - M. Hardesty, D. Emmitt, B. Gentry, M. Kavaya, P.Gatt, I. Dors

8. Need to introduce the updated requirements for the tropospheric winds to the JARG, specifically those vetted through the GTWS process - I. Guch

9. How to approach NASA HQ on the importance of tropospheric winds needs to be discussed, including how the measurements could be valuable in gaining a better understanding of the atmosphere of Mars - D. Tratt, R. Atlas, B. Gentry, D. Emmitt, W. Baker

10. Need to prepare articles for the refereed literature updating the many advances in lidar technology, OSSEs, ground-based and airborne measurements, etc. since the BAMS 1995 article was published. - R. Atlas, D. Emmitt, J. Ryan, J. Yoe (J. Yoe to chair discussion of possible BAMS II article)

11. The technology readiness levels (TRLs) of the various subsystems need to be identified in the context of the technology roadmap. - U. Singh