Memo to the
Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds

Coconut Grove, Florida
8-11 February 2011

FROM: Robert (Mike) Hardesty and Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Chairpersons

SUBJECT: Minutes of the Working Group Meeting in Coconut Grove, Florida

The minutes from the meeting of the Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds, held February 8-9, 2011, in Coconut Grove, Florida will be provided here. The LWG meeting agenda, list of attendees and action items are posted. The "LWG Presentations" menu item links to material from the meeting as it becomes available.

For pictures of the LWG meeting go to

Following the LWG meeting, the Science Planning for An International Space Station Lidar Winds Mission (ISS) workshop was held February 10-11. The workshop agenda is posted. The "ISS Presentations" menu item links to material presented at the workshop as it becomes available.

The following material was provided for the ISS workshop.

Science Announcement
Potential lSS Lidar Winds Mission