Action Items

Key West, Florida
23-25 January 2002

1. A benchmark statistical description of the sub-grid scale velocity field is needed - R. Brown to provide to R. Frehlich

2. Prepare a proposal to support a targeted observations field experiment with a wind lidar on a C130 or other aircraft - M. Hardesty, Z. Toth, E. Kalnay

3 . Prepare a proposal for wind lidar commercial aircraft deployment - R. Fleming

4. The NCEP OSSE plans need to be reconciled with the IPO schedule for NPOESS instrument decisions - S. Mango, S. Lord

5. Prepare a whitepaper comparing a lidar and other wind sensors - M. Kavaya, P. Flamant

6. Draft a letter to the appropriate Japanese official(s) expressing support for Japanese efforts in the development of a wind lidar for deployment on the ISS - R. Brown, K. Asai

7. NASA should initiate discussions with potential Government (NOAA/IPO, DoD), industry, and academia partners on a wind lidar technology roadmap for operational deployment - F. Peri, J. Barnes