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Science Rendezvous > 2009 Posters
The presenter is listed in italics. All poster presentations are the property of their respective authors. Please contact the authors for permission to use images, information, or ideas.

New ways to discretize the atmosphere for numerical weather prediction

Rainer Bleck, Jian-Wen Bao, Stan Benjamin, Jin Lee, Sandy MacDonald, Jacques Middlecoff, Ning Wang

Global weather prediction requires solving a set of fluid dynamics equations on a sphere. Doing this in spherical coordinates leads tonumerical problems at the two poles. An increasingly popular alternativeis a grid layout based on approximating the sphere by an icosahedron andjudiciously subdividing its 20 triangles. This poster presents firstresults from a high-resolution (30 km mesh size) global atmospheric model developed at ESRL featuring an icosahedral grid in the horizontal and aquasi-Lagrangian, or "flow-following", grid in the vertical. The special vertical grid is meant to reduce vertical as well as horizontal numerical dispersion errors that affect traditional "fixed" grids during simulation of 3-dimensional transport and mixing processes.