Jimenez Group at CU-Boulder

J-Group in May 2024
(Individual Pictures)
Past J-Group Photos

Prof. Jimenez joined the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU) in 2002, and is currently a Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry (Analytical, Environmental, and Atmospheric Chemistry Division), and a Fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences (CIRES). CU is ranked #2 worldwide in Geosciences and Boulder is arguably the world capital of Atmospheric Chemistry, which provide an excellent environment for research in our field.

The research of the Jimenez group centers on the development and application of advanced instrumentation for real-time, quantitative measurements of the chemical composition of submicron aerosols and gases. We care about atmospheric aerosols for many reasons, including their effect on radiation balance (climate forcing), severe short-term and long-term effects on human health, reduced visibility, and deposition of acids, toxics, and nutrients to ecosystems and crops. Most of these effects are not well understood, in good part due to the limitations of the instrumentation available. Advanced instrumentation can be used to make faster progress in many of these areas, and we typically work at the cutting edge of instrument development and application. We work on field studies, laboratory chamber and reactor studies, instrument development, and computer modeling.

If you are interested in joining the Jimenez group as a graduate student or postdoc, please read first our FAQs for prospective students & postdocs and then email Jose at jose.jimenez@colorado.edu with a brief description of your research interests and your CV. We typically take 1 PhD student per year, while postdoc positions are available at various times depending on funding, and always advertised here. And remember that Boulder is a great place to live!
News: Jimenez Research Group Info: Web Resources for our Instrumentation & Facilities Faculty and Researchers with Related Research Interests at CU & Boulder Jose's Courses at CU
  • Jose's: CV / Publications / Google Scholar / Researcher ID

    Contact Information:

    Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez
    Professor & Fellow of CIRES
    Dept. of Chemistry & CIRES
    Cristol 436
    University of Colorado; UCB 216
    (For Fedex Add: CIRES Building; Room 318)
    Boulder, CO 80309-0216

    Phone: 303-492-3557
    Fax: 303-492-1149
    Email: jose.jimenez@colorado.edu
    Web: http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez
    Jimenez Research Group
    Postdoc Office: 303-492-0820
    Student Office: 303-735-5990
    Lab: 303-492-3631
    Fax: 303-492-1149

    This page has been visited several times since Sep-1997 (includes previous pages at MIT & Caltech)