Thanks for you interest in the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) Spectral Database. Please send all submissions to, with "AMS Spectral Database" in the subject. Your comments on the database (structure, categories, etc) are also welcomed. DATA FORMATS Unit-resolution data will be posted as one wave with 301 points, where point number = m/z (so wave[44] is m/z 44). You can send it in this format, or I can change it if you submit it differently. Data formats have not been established for high-resolution data. Please submit a wave with signal and a corresponding wave of amu values. MAKING AN ITX To submit your data, please prepare your data as an itx (Igor text file). 1. From the pull-down menus, Go to Data -> Save Waves -> Save Igor Text... 2. Choose the appropriate wave(s). If your wave is not scaled in x by m/z, please also provide an amu wave(s). It's ok to put waves for multiple database entries in the same itx as long as they have clear names. 3. Do it! SENDING THE INFORMATION Send the itx along with the following information for EACH SPECTRUM. Filling out the html table below will expedite the inclusion of your spectra to the database.

author journal yr, vol, pgs. Fig , pg. For example: Rice Straw Smoke Ingrid Ulbrich
Jimenez - Colorado HR-ToF (W mode)
032 70 eV 600 Ulbrich, I., et al.,ES&T 2007, 60, 1234-1244. Fig 3a, pg. 1236 FLAME study, US Forest Service Fire Lab CURRENT SPECTRA CATEGORIES: Source Ambient (Measured) Ambient (Deconvoluted) Laboratory Standards Laboratory SOA Laboratory Other