Portion of release email from Silke Hings, 30May2005: Attached you can find the new version of the analysis software, that works with data provided by the new DAQ software (the former verion works properly for MS data only). New features are: - All parameters are now read from the info files. - After loading the first info file, a panel appears and gives the user the opportunity to change parameters - The diagnostics graph now also shows the variation in intercept and slope of the I-TOF calibration (only for MS data) and the measured flowrate. - The average MS calculation now works properly. - Raw MS are saved into a matrix. Not yet included is the possibility to adjust the DC markers after loading data or to plot P-TOF raw signal vs. TOF. Nevertheless, it's possible to change DC markers or use 'negative' DC markers inside the code (go to function 'Globals', change the values for the DC markers and run 'Globals()').