Randall M. Dole

Randall M. Dole

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982

Deputy Director for Research
NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division

E-mail: Randall.M.Dole@noaa.gov.
Office: David Skaggs Research Center 1D116
Phone: 303-497-5812

Research Interests

Dynamical extended-range prediction; extreme large-scale weather and climate events, e.g., major droughts and floods; storm track dynamics and baroclinic wave life cycles; tropical·midlatitude interactions.

Current Research Projects

Short-term climate extremes and El Niño·Southern Oscillation; influences of planetary scale deformation on storm tracks and low-frequency dynamics; development of prediction strategies for extreme large-scale weather and climate events.


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Honors and Awards

  • Fellow, American Meteorological Society
  • NOAA Administrator's Award, "For outstanding leadership in and dedication to developing U.S. Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Products integrating climate research for decision support."
  • Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award, "For superior federal service for designing and implementing the consolidation of six research organizations in Boulder, Colorado into the new NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory."
  • Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award, "For developing an integrated state, local and federal strategy for a National Integrated Drought Information System endorsed by the Western Governors' Association."