by Craig H. Jones, CIRES, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
on behalf of the Field Team of the CPGB experiment
And yet Clarence King's Survey of the Fortieth Parallel went on to become an example of efficiency sufficient to propel the survey's leader into becoming the first head of the U.S. Geological Survey. I reflected on this as I followed in the expedition s footsteps, courting disaster in the name of sc ience. My risks were considerably smaller, but the snow of the mid-November storm flooding over the hood of my truck seem foreboding. I lowered the window and learned the reason: the snow was deeper than the floorboards were high. My truck was now acting as a snowplow on the untravelled dirt track in central Utah. Shifting into the lowest gear I had, I moved forward towards one of our seismometers.
Just 8 days previous I had installed this broadband seismometer under clear skies and without any snow at all. It was one of eleven PASSCAL and one UNR portable broadband seismometers deployed and operating across the Colorado Plateau into the eastern Basin and Range (Figure 1) . The instruments in Nevada had been deployed by Martha Savage and Serdar Ozalaybey in September, 1994; the instruments I and Anne Sheehan were responsible for were only deployed in late October and November owing to difficulties in obtaining permits from the BLM. Much as King's survey filled a gap between the original California State Geological Survey and Hayden's Rocky Mountain Survey, our basic goal was to fill a gap between the Rocky Mountain Front broadband deployment of 1991-2 ( Lerner-Lam and RMF Field Party, 1993) and the permanent broadbands run by the University of Nevada, Reno in western Nevada.
Figure 1. Shaded relief map of the southwestern United States with locations of digital broadband seismic instruments east of California as of 1994.
Figure 2a. Parking spot in mid-November 1994 near station MDW.
Figure 2b. Installing station CYF. Typical CPGB installation using sewer pipe for vault is apparent. CU-Boulder undergraduate Noah Hughes is examining the recording equipment.
Figure 2c. Station MDW prior to removal of snow, mid-November 1994.
I was shocked to see 11.6 volts from the internal sensor--pretty good for our 1 1/2 year old batteries; furthermore, the disk usage and number of events was consistent with the station having remained up throughout the storm. In point of fact, the station had not lost power at all and would remain up through most of the winter. Overall, our stations recorded data more than 95% of the time, and several stations (including one at 2280 m on the south flank of the Uinta Mountains (Figure 2d)) recorded continuously over the full duration of the experiment. Such success allowed us to start to make a systematic connection between the Rockies and the western Great Basin using receiver functions, surface waves, and shear-wave splitting techniques.
Figure 2d. Anne Sheehan servicing station RCC on the south flank of the Uinta Mountains.
We used a Sun workstation with about 8 Gb of free disk space; wit h this setup we could download about 2 months of data from our network at one time--roughly the data from one visit to the field. The station log (aka soh) files were processed for timing glitches and drift; the results from this were used in a modified version of Tom Owens's soh2db TCL script to create a CSS 3.0 schema database. The format of this database and tools developed and maintained by the IRIS JSP center at the University of Colorado permitted us to view the entire two months of data from all stations interactively without manually decompressing the data. In addition, we could search for teleseisms and local events using catalogs converted to the CSS format. Indeed we could (and did) extract full gathers of regional and teleseismic events of interest with a single command; by building this set of event gathers during the experiment, we were able to begin analysis of the data nearly immediately. Total time to create a time-corrected database with event gathers was under a week from the time the field tapes reached the lab. Concurrently, waveforms from US NSN stations in the region were collected from their auto-DMR system and have since been merged into the database.
King's Fortieth Parallel Survey was a reconnaissance to provide uniform, if sketchy, information useful to those looking for opportunity along the transcontinental railroad (then under construction). This was one of the first geological studies of the contrast between the Basin Ranges (as they were then called) and the Plateau country to the east. The recognition of basin-range normal faulting and its impact on the physiography of the region came in part from this work; this style of "fault-block" mountains was one of the few fundamental and original contributions to tectonic theory from the southwestern U.S. The fundamental causes of this deformation and the absence of similar deformation immediately to the east remains a topic of controversy, a topic we have sought to explore.
Our survey was conducted to obtain a uniformly collected, if spatially sketchy, view of the relative roles of crust and mantle in the deformation of the Basin and Range and relative absence of deformation in the Colorado Plateau. Are there fundamental differences between provinces in the crust? Are there any in the mantle? Is the Colorado Plateau a piece of craton lost in the Cordillera? Or is it merely an accident of history that this region has remained nearly undeformed for more than half a billion years? Is its modern elevation due to some difference in the mantle relative to its neighbors, or is it in the crust? We have begun to address these and other questions through study of receiver functions, shear-wave splitting, and surface waves.
Figure 3. Radial receiver functions stacked over tens of earthquakes at each of the CPGB stations. The probable Ps phase from the Moho is in red and a strong intracrustal conversion is in green. Processing and most of the events used are identical across the network.
Other analyses are well underway. Deeper level receiver functions will be constructed in the near future to investigate differences in the upper mantle discontinuities down to the 660 km discontinuity to complement work from the Rocky Mountain and Snake River Plain experiments (Dueker and Sheehan, ms in prep.). Shear-wave splitting measurements from teleseismic SKS and S phases provide information on the strain patterns in the upper mantle; initial results have already been presented (Savage et al., 1995). Surface wave analysis will provide an important constraint on the shear wave structure of the lithosphere in the region with the receiver functions; already an analysis combining these techniques has been done within Nevada using the UNR and portable stations from this deployment (Ozalaybey, 1996, Ozalaybey et al., ms in prep., results map at UNR You can also view the abstract at UNR.).
While our contributions cannot match the observations of the King Survey for primacy (and our perils cannot match theirs for thrills), our work is part of the first detailed look at this orogen using broadband seismic recordings. We hope our efforts provide data equally seminal to our understanding of the diverse tectonics of the region. Armed with this data, we can look in the coming years to better understand the causative processes that generated the geology first systematically described by King and his contemporaries.
Acknowlegements. This project was funded by the National Science Foundation Seismology Program. Although CHJ is responsible for this report and any inaccuracies present, there would be nothing to tell were it not for the efforts in the field of M. K. Savage, A. F. Sheehan, L. Trimble, N. Hughes, and especially Serdar Ozalaybey, who kept the Nevada part of the network running. Discussion of some of the early work is possible because of the efforts of those people and K. Dueker and J. Bartsch .
Lerner-Lam, A. L., and RMF Field Party, PASSCAL meets the Rocky Mountain Front, IRIS newsletter, v. 12, no. 1, 1-3,11, 1993.
Ozalaybey, S.., Seismic velocity structure in the western U. S. from
shear-wave splitting and receiver functions of teleseismic earthquakes,
Ph.D. thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, 1996.
Savage, M. K., A. F. Sheehan
, J. E. Bartsch, Seismic anisotropy across the Colorado Plateau and surrounding regions, EOS, 76 [suppl. to no. 46], F604, 1995.
Sheehan, A.F., G. A. Abers
, C. H. Jones, and A. L. Lerner-Lam
, Crustal thickness variations across the Colorado Rocky Mountains from teleseismic receiver functions,J. Geophys. Res., 100, p. 20,391-20,404, 1995. You can view the abstract of this paper