13 January, 2010 M 7.0 Earthquake Southern Haiti
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Unfortunately an up-to-date Middle America map no longer exists.
Source: US Geological
Survey National Earthquake Information Center
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Zooms available of Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto
Rico, and West Indies (broken)
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list of maps
Available views:
Last 10 days events, Central America (senso stricto) (Instituto
Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales - Direccion de Geofisica),inline with list (click on Centro América on left), inline or external
Past year's events from the GEOSCOPE
network, inline
(with hypertext listing) or external
(out of date) Recent significant events in region (Middle
America Seismograph Consortium, Univ. Puerto Rico, San Juan), clickable
list, inline only (also at Middle
America Digital Seismograph Consortium, Univ. Puerto Rico, Mayaguez), map
and list, inline)
(out of date) Most recent events (Middle
America Seismograph Consortium, Univ. Puerto Rico, San Juan), clickable
list, inline only (also at Middle
America Digital Seismograph Consortium, Univ. Puerto Rico, Mayaguez), list
and map, inline) (includes links to maps by contributing network)
Please send mail to cjones@cires.colorado.edu if you encounter any problems or have suggestions.
C. H. Jones | CIRES | Dept. of Geological Sciences | Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Last modified at Wednesday, January 13, 2010 4:36 PM