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Past year's large events.
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Zoom available of East Pacific Rise (Wilkes microplate)
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Available Pacific views:
Recent seismicity, southwest Pacific (depth colored/magnitude sized) (US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center) inline or external
Western Pacific's past year's large events from the GEOSCOPE network, inline (with hypertext listing) or external
Southern Pacific's past year's large events from the GEOSCOPE network, inline (with hypertext listing) or external
Central Pacific's (incl Fiji, Tonga) past year's large events from the GEOSCOPE network, inline (with hypertext listing) or external
Northern Pacific's past year's large events from the GEOSCOPE network, inline (with hypertext listing) or external
Eastern Pacific, previous 6 month download, (VENTS program, NOAA), inline only.
Please send mail to if you encounter any problems or have suggestions.
C. H. Jones | CIRES | Dept. of Geological Sciences | Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Last modified at Wednesday, March 15, 2000 9:57 AM
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