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Alaska detail Hawaii: HVO Central Japan: EQ Res. Ctr, NEID Clickable list of recent events: FREESIA, NEID Clickable list of recent events: FREESIA, NEID Last event:Taiwan Meterol. Bur. GEOSCOPE (map home) N Pacific EQs
Larger earthquakes from the past year (may not include most recent events)

Source: GEOSCOPE network

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Zooms available of Alaska, Hawaii, and central Japan

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Available Pacific views

  • Recent seismicity, southwest Pacific (depth colored/magnitude sized) (US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center) inline or external
  • Western Pacific's past year's large events from the GEOSCOPE network, inline (with hypertext listing) or external
  • Southern Pacific's past year's large events from the GEOSCOPE network, inline (with hypertext listing) or external
  • Central Pacific's (incl Fiji, Tonga) past year's large events from the GEOSCOPE network, inline (with hypertext listing) or external
  • Northern Pacific's past year's large events from the GEOSCOPE network, inline (with hypertext listing) or external
  • Eastern Pacific, previous 6 month download, (VENTS program, NOAA), inline only.

  • Please send mail to if you encounter any problems or have suggestions.

    C. H. Jones | CIRES | Dept. of Geological Sciences | Univ. of Colorado at Boulder

    Last modified at Friday, January 24, 2003 11:11 PM