(view them if you dare)
SNEP 56. Note tilt and nearest two guy wires snapped. Frame is bent if you look closely.
SNEP86 as we found it after 3.5 mile hike; drifts in the area were ~ 6 ft.. GPS has been sheared off of top of pole and is dangling by panel.
Detail of the damage to the panel at 86.
Detail of the panel having shattered at 86.
Squashed Action Packer at 86--surprisingly dry but crushed both vertically and horizontally. Note mud all around.
1.5 miles from 23. And then we forgot to take the small battery, and the station's power was down (we will visit again).
SNEP34. Things have been opened and pulled out recently as no water and everything is running; probably kids on ATVs from Edison Lake. Station ran perfectly until card filled at end of February.
Overview of SNEP24. The vault is upside down with lid on and about 6" of water under the insulation.
Here is what a devaulted sensor looks like. We have no idea why the tarp is there in the hole. Note typically limp guy wires.
Here is the sensor handle (and 2 dead lizards). Amazingly the sensor was still level (we are not as sure how close to north it pointed) and it still functioned.
Not only is the packer at 24 full of water, and the DAS has water, and the flash cards have water, but the lid of packer was full of water. Despite all that (because of that?), the packer was not crushed. Battery was 0 v. DAS and green box corroded.
SNEP Main Page | C. H. Jones | CIRES | Dept. of Geological Sciences | Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
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