Steve Park is the lead scientist for the successor CD project.
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Jim Luetgert
Walter Mooney
Howard Oliver
J. Kent "Zeke" Snow
Location map of 1993 Southern Sierra Continental Dynamics Project; Sierra is near center (between 118 and 119 degrees west); Owens lakebed is just east of crossing of refraction lines. Death Valley is deep (darkest green) valley in the eastern part of the map. (Clicking on map will get you bigger, full color JPEG image).
Moritz Fliedner photo
SSCD refraction deployment, shaded relief map, S. Ruppert, LLNL.
Stanford--Moritz Fliedner's Research page
Wernicke, B., and J. K. Snow, 1998, Cenozoic tectonism in the central Basin and Range: Motion of the Sierran-Great Valley block, Int. Geol. Rev., 40, 403-410.
Ruppert, S., M. M. Fliedner, and G. Zandt, 1998, Thin crust and active upper mantle beneath the Southern Sierra Nevada in the Western United States, 7th Deep Seismic Symposium Volume edited by Mooney and Klemperer, Tectonophysics, 286, p. 237-252, 1998.
Paul, A., D. Jongmans, M. Campillo, P. Malin, and D. Baumont, 1996, Amplitudes of regional seismic phases in relation to crustal structure of the Sierra Nevada, California: J. Geophys. Research, 101 [B11], 25,243-25,254.
Park, S. K., B. Hirasuna, G. R. Jiracek, and C. Kinn, 1996, Magnetotelluric evidence of lithospheric mantle thinning beneath the southern Sierra Nevada, J. Geophys. Res., 101 [B7], 16,241-16,255.
A paper related to this is:Ducea, M. N., and J. B. Saleeby, 1996, Buoyancy sources for a large, unrooted mountain range, the Sierra Nevada, California: Evidence from xenolith thermobarometry, J. Geophys. Res., 101 [B4], 8229-8244.Mackie, R. L., T. R. Madden, and S. K. Park, A three-dimensional magnetotelluric investigation of the California Basin and Range, J. Geophys. Res., 101 [B7], 16,221-16,239.
Fliedner, M.M., S. Ruppert, and SSCD Working Group, 1996, Three-dimensional crustal structure of the southern Sierra Nevada from seismic fan profiles and gravity modeling: Geology, 24, 367-370.
Wernicke, B., R. Clayton, M. Ducea, C. H. Jones, S. Park, S. Ruppert, J. Saleeby, J. K. Snow, L. Squires, M. Fliedner, G. Jiracek, R. Keller, S. Klemperer, J. Luetgert, P. Malin, K. Miller, W. Mooney, H. Oliver, and R. Phinney, 1996, Origin of high mountains in the continents: The southern Sierra Nevada, Science, 271, 190-193.
You can see a newspaper article from San Francisco Examiner on this paper as well as a commentary.
A short news article on this and the SSCD II experiment was published in Geotimes, p. 9-10, March, 1996.
Snow, J.K., and Wernicke, B., 1998?, Mass balance of Tertiary tectonism in the central Basin and Range Province: Part I, Magnitude, rate, partitioning, and distribution of upper crustal strain: in revision for Tectonics.
Wernicke, B., and Snow, J.K., 1998?, Mass balance of Tertiary tectonism in the central Basin and Range Province: Part II, The Sierran root problem: in preparation for Tectonics?
Ducea, M., and J. Saleeby, 1996, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Mineral Ages of Some Sierra Implications for Crustal Growth and Thermal Evolution, EOS, 77 [46, suppl.]., F831.
Duran, A. E., G. R. Keller, and K.C. Miller, 1996, A crustal structure study of the Owens Valley-Death Valley region, eastern California, EOS, 77 [46, suppl.]., F670-1.
Fliedner, M. M. & S. L. Klemperer, 1996, A Tale of Two Arcs: Wide-Angle Seismic Investigations of the Composition and Structure of the Sierra Nevada of California and the Aleutian Arc, Alaska, EOS, 77 [46, suppl.]., F659.
Jones, C. H., and R. A. Phinney, 1996, Southern Sierra Nevada Structure: The Use of Small Arrays for Determination of High Resolution Teleseismic Receiver Functions, EOS, 77 [46, suppl.]., F464.
Ducea, M., and J. Saleeby, 1996, Lithospheric mantle origin for the isotopic gradients within the Sierra Nevada batholith, Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Prog., 28 [7], A381, 1996.
Fliedner, Moritz M., and Simon L. Klemperer: Crustal velocities and Moho depth of the southern Sierra Nevada of California: 3-D wide-angle seismic refraction and reflection combined with gravity studies, Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Prog., 28 [7], A196, 1996. It might be possible to obtain copies of this poster directly from M. Fliedner.
Saleeby, J.B., and M. N. Ducea, 1996, A three-dimensional picture of the lower crust and upper mantle beneath the southern Sierra Nevada (SSN), California, Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Prog., 28 [5], 107.
Jones, C. H., R. A. Phinney, and C. B. Parker, 1995, Lithospheric structure from teleseismic P to S conversions at small arrays, Southern Sierra Nevada, California, XXI IUGG, XXI General Assembly, A408.
Phinney, R. A., and C. H. Jones, 1995, Study of strain release by detection of sub-microearthquake arrays and matched filters, EOS, 76 [suppl. to no. 46], F396.
Fliedner, M., and S. Ruppert, 1994: Southern Sierra Nevada: P-Wave Velocity and Moho Depth Modelling, EOS, v. 75, no. 44, p. 585.
Ruppert, S. D., M Fliedner, and K. Miller, 1994; Detailed crustal structure beneath the Southern Sierra Nevada Region: Refraction/wide-angle reflection P-wave modeling, EOS, v. 75, no. 44, p. 644.
M M Fliedner and SSCD Working Group, 1993: Preliminary Results From the Southern Sierra Nevada Continental Dynamics Project 1993: Wide-Angle Fan Profiles, EOS, v. 74, no. 43, p. 414.
Last modified at Tuesday, June 6, 2000 2:39 PM