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Class Taught by Professor Xinzhao Chu in Spring 2011

ASEN-6519. Lidar Remote Sensing

The development of this lidar class was supported, in part, by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award. For more information about the award, see "Understanding the Global MLT Thermal Structure and Dynamics from Lidar and Satellite Observations and GCM Simulations."

Do not publish or reprint any materials from this site for other than educational purposes without first contacting us for permission.

Syllabus: PDF
Outline: PDF
Lecture Notes: Lecture01.pdf Lecture02.pdf Lecture03.pdf Lecture04.pdf Lecture05.pdf Lecture06.pdf Lecture07.pdf Lecture08.pdf
Lecture Notes: Lecture09.pdf Lecture10.pdf Lecture11.pdf Lecture12.pdf Lecture13.pdf Lecture14.pdf Lecture15.pdf Lecture16.pdf
Lecture Notes: Lecture17.pdf Lecture18.pdf Lecture19.pdf Lecture20.pdf Lecture21.pdf Lecture22.pdf Lecture23.pdf Lecture24.pdf
Lecture Notes: Lecture25.pdf Lecture26.pdf Lecture27.pdf Lecture28.pdf Lecture29.pdf Lecture30.pdf Lecture31.pdf Lecture32.pdf
Lecture Notes: Lecture33.pdf Lecture34.pdf Lecture35.pdf Lecture36.pdf Lecture37.pdf Lecture38.pdf Lecture39.pdf Lecture40.pdf
Reading Materials: IntroRemoteSensing.pdf IntroLidar.pdf Searchlight.pdf MidAtmosLidarComparison.pdf
Reading Materials: RayleighTempLidar.pdf RamanLidar.pdf FallingSphere.pdf RotationRaman.pdf
Reading Materials: WindLidarChapter.pdf DDLdoubleEdge.pdf DDLI2Filter.pdf DDLfringeImaging.pdf
Reading Materials: AerosolLidarChap.pdf HSRL.pdf HSRLI2Filter.pdf
Reading Materials: RamanLidarChapter.pdf
HW Reports: Report1 Report2 Report3
HW Projects: Project1 Project2 Project3 Project4
HW Lidar Data: NaLidar_AR1102 SampleCode_SaturationCorrection MSIS00_Data
Final Projects: Final_Project_Topics
Remote Sensing Seminar: RSseminar2008Lidar
Lecture ECCR 151 @ 1:00-1:50 pm on M, W, F
Instructor Professor Xinzhao Chu
Office: CIRES 241
Office Hours: TBD
Phone: 303-492-3280

Course Objectives
LIDAR stands for "Light Detection and Ranging", commonly known as Laser Radar. It is not only replacing conventional sensors, but also creating new methods with unique properties that could not be achieved before. Lidar is extremely useful in atmospheric and environmental research as well as space exploration. It also has wide applications in industry, defense, and military.

Our objectives are to provide:
  1. A comprehensive, yet easily understandable, up-to-date overview of lidar principles, technologies, and applications;
  2. Approaches for quantitative lidar simulation, lidar sensitivity and error analysis, lidar data retrieval, and lidar system design;
  3. Opportunities to see and possibly operate the real state-of-the-art lidar systems and make connections to lidar experts in the nation and world.