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The DAQ has moved to [ a new site]
See Also: [[ToF-AMS DAQ FAQs]]; [[ToF-AMS DAQ Release Notes]]; [[ToF-AMS Main]]
== Latest Versions ==
{| style="color:black; background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1"
!Release Notes
|[ '''V3.1.0''']
|[[ToF-AMS_DAQ_Release_Notes#3.1.0_.2823-Aug-2010.29 | Read]]
|[ '''V3.1.3''']
|[[ToF-AMS_DAQ_Release_Notes#3.1.2_.2804-Feb-2011.29 | Read]]
Win7 Compatible.  See Table below.
|[ '''V4.0.0''']
|[[ToF-AMS_DAQ_Release_Notes#4.0.0 | Read]]
[ '''Notes on First Install''']
=== Installation Requirements ===
{| style="color:black; background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1"
!.NET Framework
|[ '''8.6.1'''] - 9.1.7
|[ '''9.1.7''']
|[ '''3.5''']
|XP or Win7
|[ '''9.1.7''']
|[ '''3.5''']
|XP or Win7
|[ '''5.1.5''']
NOTE: v3.1.3+ should be compatible with versions of NIDAQmx later than 9.1.7. But 9.1.7 is the last version to support .NET Framework 1.1, which is required for use of 3.1.0.  With 9.1.7 installed, you should be able to run v3.1 and v4.0.0 on the same Windows XP machine.
== News ==
*'''5-April-2011''' Link to v4.0.0 posted. Beta version being made public for first testing.  See special installation notes.  User can revert to v3.1.0 after testing.  Contact Joel with questions. 
*'''23-Aug-2010''' v3.1.0 posted. Stable version with heavy testing during the CalNex campaign.  All changes detailed in release notes.
== Known Bugs in Recent Releases ==
{| style="color:black; background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1"
!Work around
!Fixed In Version
|Acquisition (Gen-Alt, PToF)
|If PToF AND BFSP active in Gen-Alt, data from first pass (e.g. 5 s) through PToF is cleared and not included in saved average.
|Acquisition (Gen-Alt, Non-Autosave)
|If BFSP active in Gen-Alt and Autosave off, BFSP skipped after first GenAlt cycle.
|Acquisition (FMS)
|If DAQ is in FMS mode at midnight, system will get stuck indefinitely acquiring FMS data in fixed chopper position.
[[DAQ_Bug_Archive | Archive of DAQ Bugs]]
== Other Downloads ==
=== Supplemental ===
{| style="color:black; background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1"
|ToF-AMS DAQ dlls
|Necessary for v2.2.22+
|[ Download (.zip)]
|CRITR 1.1
|Program for movement of chopper, TOF Triggering, and monitor/save of slow board voltages
|[ Download]
|DAQ QuickView Display
|By D. Sueper. Save to C:\ToFAMS\ToFAMSData\LogFiles\TimeTrace
|[ Download]
|Exact Mass File (v1.1)
|Displays list of m/z values in calibration window. Save to C:\ToFAMS\ToFAMSCode.
|[ Download]
|Compress HDF files
|By D.Sueper. A stand-alone ipf file that compresses existing DAQ .hdf files.
|[ Download]
|Diagnostics (v1)
|A simple exe for diagnosing certain AMS problems. Use only if instructed to do so. Save to AMS PC, run, and email generated text to Joel. 
|[ Download]
|MakeDotSet (v1)
|Generate a TPS .set file from a ToF-AMS Menu file (.prm). 
|[ Download]
=== External ===
{| style="color:black; background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1"
|Tofwerk TPS Control Software
|Email Joel
|DAQ Requires v8.6.1
|[ link]
|Acqiris Digitizer Software and Drivers
|Follow Link or Search "Acqiris Software" at [] 
|[ Link]
|Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1
|Follow Link or Search "Framework 1.1" at [] 
|[ Link]
== Documentation ==
===ToF-AMS DAQ Manual===
[ v3.1 (.pdf)]
[ v4.0.X (.pdf)] (Most recent beta version)
=== Release Notes ===
*[[ToF-AMS DAQ Release Notes]] Compiled release notes for v3.0.3+
*[ Archive] of release notes for v2.1.4 and earlier.
*[ Notes] on first install of a ToF-AMS DAQ version requiring NIDAQmx.
===[ Technical Specifications for LS Mode (.pdf)]===
Timing and logic diagrams for LS mode.  Use of LS mode is described the manual.
===[[ToF-AMS DAQ FAQs]]===

Latest revision as of 12:08, 13 February 2012

The DAQ has moved to a new site