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The purpose of this page is to serve as a list of skills that new group members need to either already have, or acquire as they start to work in the group.
The purpose of this page is to serve as a list of skills that new group members need to either already have, or acquire as they start to work in the group.

Latest revision as of 21:40, 15 September 2017


The purpose of this page is to serve as a list of skills that new group members need to either already have, or acquire as they start to work in the group.

Tubing, fittings, flows, etc.

Tubing and Fittings

___ Types of fittings: swagelok, ultratorr (cajon), NPT, barbed, other pipe (ISO, FPT...), others
___ Ferrules: front and back, how to put them in (use tube trick)
___ How to swage a fitting: 1 1/4 turns when new (less when re-doing)
___ How to tell whether a swagelok fitting is damaged
___ How to tell whether an ultratorr fitting has all the parts and is assembled right
___ How to make an NPT connection (only one that uses teflon tape)
___ Types of manual valves: ball 2-way, 3-way, needle
___ Types of fitting materials and when to use each: steel, brass, nylon, teflon, aluminum
___ Types of tubing materials and when to use each: steel, copper, TSI silicone conductive, nylon, teflon, sulfinert, others
___ Avoid TSI black silicone conductive tubing ahead of chemical or hygroscopicity instruments
___ How to tell whether an ultratorr fitting has all the parts tube)
___ Tubing cutters for metal and how to cut
___ Tubing cutters for plastic
___ Can we use scissors for plastic tubing
___ Tubing benders for large copper and steel

Controlling and Measuring Flows

___ Using the Gast air pumps / compressors (34 lpm free air displacement, only 1 use)
___ Measuring flows with a Drycal (intermittent)
___ Measuring flows with a rotameter (intermittent or continuous)
___ Measuring flows with a Gillibrator or bubble flowmeter (intermittent)
___ Measuring flows with a TSI mass flowmeter (continuous)
___ Controlling flows with a mass flow controller (continuous)
___ Measuring flows with a Differential P gage or transducer (intermittent or continuous)
___ Controlling flow with O'Keefe critical orifice set
___ How to control larger flows (parallel orifices, drill orifices)
___ How to control smaller flows (AMS style orifices)
___ Using Computer-controlled ball valves
___ Using Computer-controlled solenoid valves
___ Estimating pressure drop on a tube
___ Determining whether flow in a tube is laminar or turbulent
___ Deciding whether you want the flow in a tube to be laminar or turbulent
___ Estimating particle losses in a tube

Using Cyclones to Cut Particle Size

___ How does a cyclone work
___ Connecting a cyclone at the end of a line
___ Connecting a cyclone in the middle of a line (be wary of leaks)

Testing for Leaks

___ Making bubbles with Snoop (if system can be pressurized)
___ Pressurizing the system and checking rate of P loss (if system can be pressurized)
___ Evacuating the system (with hand or electrical pump) and checking rate of P loss (if system can tolerate vacuum)
___ Filtering the air into the system and using a CPC (for flow systems)
___ Using a Helium leak detector
___ Using the AMS mass spectrometer (for leaks in the AMS)

Electricity & Electronics

AC Power

___ Making a new AC plug or socket
___ Testing AC sockets with plug tester
___ Using a Kill-a-Watt for measurement
___ Knowing the current limit of a Kill-a-Watt
___ Identifying circuits with circuit tester
___ Use good quality surge protectors to power instruments
___ Using a UPS
___ How to tell the limits of a UPS in current and time
___ How to comply with the limits of a UPS

DC Power

___ Using DC power supplies
___ Testing DC power supplies

Making electrical and electronic connections

___ Using a soldering iron
___ How to tell the gage of a wire
___ How to tell which wire gage you need for a certain current or signal
___ Differences between normal, twisted pair, and shielded cables
___ Making a new serial connector
___ Telling the difference between serial (9-pin), VGA (15-pin), and other connectors
___ Straight-thru vs. null-modem cables and adaptors
___ Loopback plugs (serial)
___ BNC cables and connectors, and when to use them
___ How to finish the shield on a BNC or other shielded cable
___ MHV and SHV connectors
___ Never connect or disconnect cables without turning things off first
___ Label all permanent cables with permanent tape
___ Managing cables with cable ties (velcro for temporary, plastic for permanent)
___ Cutting cable ties carefully with tie-cutter
___ Using a multimeter: measuring AC, DC voltages
___ Using a multimeter: testing continuity and open circuit
___ Using a multimeter: measuring current
___ Using a multimeter: measuring capacitance and inductance
___ Using the high voltage probe
___ Using an oscilloscope
___ Using an oscilloscope dividing probe
___ Using the high voltage probe with the oscilloscope
___ When do you need to use a grounding strap
___ How to use a grounding strap
___ Measuring voltages with a computer (NI USB, Labjack) & how to test
___ Measuring voltages with a computer (PCI Cards)
___ Generating voltages with a computer (NI USB, Labjack, PCI) & how to test
___ Creating simple programs in Labview

Basic Measurements

Measuring and controlling temperature

___ Types of thermocouples (we normally use yellow = K)
___ Using a thermocouple display
___ Using a thermocouple amplifier (1 mV per degree, use in F for better SNR)
___ Changing the battery in a thermocouple amplifier (Lithium 3V, NOT AA 1.5V)
___ Connecting a thermocouple amplifier to a multimeter
___ Connecting a thermocouple amplifier to a computer
___ Using an infrared handheld thermometer
___ Using a Variac with heating tapes

Measuring and controlling pressure

___ Measuring pressure with a passive gage
___ Measuring pressure with a baratron gage
___ Pressure limits of baratrons (do not overpressure)

Measuring and controlling humidity

___ Relative humidity probes
___ Stand-alone T & RH probe (with display)
___ Humitter 50Y T & RH probe
___ Salts for calibration of RH probe

Using Computers for Data Acquisition

___ Making sure that Windows Update and Antivirus are updated
___ Serial to USB connectors
___ Working with USB hubs
___ Using KVM extenders
___ Using KVM switches
___ Synchronizing computer clocks at least every day
___ Getting external clock from serial or IRIG line
___ Data acquisition hardware: USB NI Card, Labjack, PCI cards
___ Data acquisition software: Labview
___ Data acquisition Software: Visual Basic
___ Daily backup of data using Viceversa
___ Backing up campaign data and notebooks in group server

Aerosol Measurements

Non-AMS Measurements

___ How to use a CPC 3010
___ How to test a CPC with a filter
___ How to compare two CPCs
___ How to read a CPC 3010 in a computer
___ IMPORTANT: how to avoid flooding a CPC 3010
___ How to use the water CPC
___ How to fill and empty a CPC
___ Safety procedures with butanol
___ Dry a CPC overnight before transport
___ How to use a DMA
___ How to use an SMPS
___ Radioactive chargers: Kr-85 vs Po-210
___ How to tell if a charger is still active or has decayed
___ Safety and regulation of radioactive sources
___ How to read and analyze data from an SMPS
___ How to use the DustTrak
___ How to use the Grimm OPC
___ How to use the CO and CO2 probe
___ How to use the O3 analyzer (2b)
___ How to use the O3 analyzer (TECO)

AMS Basic Use

___ Shutdown procedure in case of panic: close valve, shut down TPS, vaporizer
___ What to monitor on the AMS: bare minimum check flow (5% changes) and AB (10%)
___ How to change the critical orifice (close valve first!)
___ How to clean a c.o. (isopropanol)
___ How to test a c.o. (microscope, flowmeter)
___ Proper positioning of a c.o. (larger side on high P side)
___ How to test the chopper servo
___ How to change the chopper servo
___ How to measure ambient temperature (plug thermocouple amplifier to channel 0)
___ Connecting and disconnecting quick flanges
___ Connecting and disconnecting ISO flanges
___ Make sure all structural screws are present and tight on the AMS frame
___ How to tell whether it is the turbo pump or turbo controller that has failed

Basic Experimental Laboratory and Campaign Tasks

___ Keeping a good notebook in a consistent format (electronic or paper)
___ Label all parts with PERSON, DATE, and status (esp. used parts)
___ Record any instrument or experiment changes in the notebook, especially unusual or unexplained ones
___ Keep computer clocks synchronized
___ Pick up everything that is or falls on the floor
___ Make sure you bring everything back from field study (including stuff we loaned)

Basic Data Analysis in Igor

General Igor Usage

___ Creating and modifying waves
___ Making scatter and line graphs
___ Formatting graphs
___ Doing calculations in the command line
___ Re-doing past operations in the command line
___ Creating and executing functions
___ How to use a FOR loop
___ How to use an IF statement
___ Passing variables by reference
___ Using global variables (best to avoid)

AMS Data Analysis Tools

___ Using Squirrel to do UMR Analysis
___ Using PIKA to do HR Analysis
___ Finding and reading the code behind a button or display
___ Using APES to do Elemental Analysis
___ Using PET to do PMF Analysis