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This Wiki is a repository of information about a field campaign to be conducted at an urban/rural site pair in Barcelona and Montseny (Catalonia, Spain) in winter and summer 2009.  
An easy to remember shortcut to this page is [http://tinyurl.com/daure09 http://tinyurl.com/daure09].
This Wiki is a repository of information about the DAURE field campaign to be conducted at an urban/rural site pair in Barcelona and Montseny (Catalonia, Spain) in winter and summer 2009. This is the main page about the study and focuses on the scientific aspects of the study. We have [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/DAURE_Logistics another Wiki page for the logistics and organization of the study].

== Objectives ==
== Objectives ==

The objectives of this campaign is to characterize the sources of fine aerosols in the Barcelona region, with particular attention to carbonaceous aerosols. State-of-the-Art methods such as 14C and HR-ToF-AMS analysis have been applied or are starting to be applied to the source apportionment problem in Central Europe, but not yet in the Mediterranean region. There are reasons to believe that the results from Central Europe (dominance of biogenic and biomass burning in the organic aerosol) may not apply in the Mediterranean, and this campaign is a unique opportunity to evaluate this hypothesis (CSIC, UC, PSI, CEH, BSC, UPC,CIEMAT, UB, UGR, and other participant groups).
DAURE stands for "Determination of the sources of atmospheric Aerosols in Urban and Rural Environments in the western Mediterranean" and also for "Determinacion de origenes del Aerosol atmosferico en ambiente Urbano y Rural del Mediterraneo occidental". The objectives of the DAURE campaign is to characterize the sources of fine aerosols in the Barcelona region, with particular attention to carbonaceous aerosols.  
State-of-the-Art methods such as 14C and HR-ToF-AMS analysis have been applied or are starting to be applied to the source apportionment problem in Central Europe, but not yet in the Mediterranean region. There are reasons to believe that the results from Central Europe (dominance of biogenic and biomass burning in the organic aerosol) may not be directly translatable to the Mediterranean, and this campaign is a unique opportunity to evaluate this hypothesis (CSIC, UC, PSI, CEH, BSC, UPC,CIEMAT, UB, UGR, and other participant groups).
Furthermore, Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds emissions and concentrations in Barcelona and Montseny and their implications as sources of aerosols will be also investigated (CREAF).
Furthermore, Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds emissions and concentrations in Barcelona and Montseny and their implications as sources of aerosols will be also investigated (CREAF).

== Sites ==
The campaign is also part of the [http://tarantula.nilu.no/projects/ccc/tfmm/index.html EMEP Coordinated Winter Campaign], and is carried out in collaboration with the [http://www.atm.helsinki.fi/eucaari/ EUCAARI European project].
* Pictures from the campaign are posted [http://www.flickr.com/groups/daure/pool/ here]
== Data Availability ==
* Data is publicly available on request. Please contact jose.jimenez@colorado.edu and douglas.day@colorado.edu
* Availability/status of different data products and time periods can be found [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTgmuiZlITKWrdnVQcU1ziABkqWTep6pmhYXy_ojOcTdl5cPxvSY7O_7dCXsBtgH5CC5osRqDccCQgx/pubhtml?gid=1&single=true here.]
== Papers from DAURE ==
=== Published Papers ===
* Amato, F., Viana, M., Richard, A., Furger, M., Prévôt, A. S. H., Nava, S., Lucarelli, F., Bukowiecki, N., Alastuey, A., Reche, C., Moreno, T., Pandolfi, M., Pey, J., and Querol, X.: [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/2917/2011/acp-11-2917-2011.html Size and time-resolved roadside enrichment of atmospheric particulate pollutants], Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 2917-2931, doi:10.5194/acp-11-2917-2011, 2011.
* Moreno, T., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Reche, C., Cusack, M., Amato, F., Pandolfi, M., Pey, J., Richard, A., Prévôt, A. S. H., Furger, M., and Gibbons, W.: [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/9415/2011/acp-11-9415-2011.html Variations in time and space of trace metal aerosol concentrations in urban areas and their surroundings], Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 9415-9430, doi:10.5194/acp-11-9415-2011, 2011.
* Seco, R., Peñuelas, J., Filella, I., Llusià, J., Molowny-Horas, R., Schallhart, S., Metzger, A., Müller, M., and Hansel, A.: [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/13161/2011/acp-11-13161-2011.html Contrasting winter and summer VOC mixing ratios at a forest site in the Western Mediterranean Basin: the effect of local biogenic emissions], Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 13161-13179, doi:10.5194/acp-11-13161-2011, 2011.
* Knote, C., Brunner, D., Vogel, H., Allan, J., Asmi, A., Äijälä, M., Carbone, S., van der Gon, H. D., Jimenez, J. L., Kiendler-Scharr, A., Mohr, C., Poulain, L., Prévôt, A. S. H., Swietlicki, E., and Vogel, B.: [http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/4/1077/2011/gmd-4-1077-2011.html Towards an online-coupled chemistry-climate model: evaluation of COSMO-ART], Geosci. Model Dev., 4, 1077-1102, doi:10.5194/gmd-4-1077-2011, 2011.
* M.C. Minguillon, N. Perron, X. Querol, S. Szidat, S.M. Fahrni, A. Alastuey, J.L. Jimenez, C. Mohr, A.M. Ortega, D.A. Day, V.A. Lanz, L. Wacker, C. Reche, M. Cusack, F. Amato, G. Kiss, A. Hoffer, S. Decesari, F. Moretti, R. Hillamo, K. Teinila, R. Seco, J. Penuelas, A. Metzger, S. Schallhart, M. Muller, A. Hansel, J.F. Burkhart, U. Baltensperger, and A.S.H. Prevot. [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/12067/2011/acp-11-12067-2011.html Fossil versus contemporary sources of fine elemental and organic carbonaceous particulate matter during the DAURE campaign in Northeast Spain], Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 12067-12084, doi:10.5194/acp-11-12067-2011, 2011.
* C. Reche, M. Viana, T. Moreno, X. Querol, A. Alastuey, J.Pey, M. Pandolfi, A. Prévôt, C. Mohr, A. Richard, B. Artiñano, F.J. Gomez-Moreno, N. Cots. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231011006716 Peculiarities in atmospheric particle number and size-resolved speciation in an urban area in the western Mediterranean: Results from the DAURE campaign], Atmos. Environ., 45 (30), 5282-5293, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.06.059, 2011.
* C. Reche, X. Querol, A. Alastuey, M. Viana, J. Pey, T. Moreno, S. Rodríguez, Y. González, R. Fernández-Camacho, J. de la Rosa, M. Dall'Osto, A.S.H. Prévôt, C. Hueglin, R.M. Harrison, and P. Quincey. [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/6207/2011/ New considerations for PM, Black Carbon and particle number concentration for air quality monitoring across different European cities], 11, 6207-6227, doi:10.5194/acp-11-6207-2011, 2011
* C. Mohr, P.F. DeCarlo, M.F. Heringa, R. Chirico, J.G. Slowik, R. Richter, C. Reche, A. Alastuey, X. Querol, R. Seco, J. Peñuelas, J.L. Jimenez, M. Crippa, R. Zimmermann, U. Baltensperger, and A.S.H. Prevot. [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/12/1649/2012/acp-12-1649-2012.html Identification and quantification of organic aerosol from cooking and other sources in Barcelona using aerosol mass spectrometer data]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 1649-1665, doi:10.5194/acp-12-1649-2012, 2012.
* B.L. van Drooge, M. Crusack, C. Reche, C. Mohr, A. Alastuey, X. Querol, A. Prevot, D.A. Day, J.L. Jimenez, and J.O. Grimalt. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S135223101200711X?v=s5 Molecular marker characterization of the organic composition of submicron aerosols from Mediterranean urban and rural environments under contrasting meteorological conditions]. Atmospheric Environment, 61: 482-489, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.07.039, 2012.
* B.L. van Drooge, J.F. Lopez, J.O. Grimalt. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-012-0890-4 Influences of natural emission sources (wildfires and Saharan dust) on the urban organic aerosol in Barcelona (Western Mediterranean Basis) during a PM event], Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19 (9), 4159-4167. doi:10.1007/s11356-012-0890-4, 2012.
* Llusia J, Peñuelas J, Seco R, Filella I. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10874-012-9238-1 Seasonal changes in the daily emission rates of terpenes by Quercus ilex and the atmospheric concentrations of terpenes in the natural park of Montseny, NE Spain]. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 69 (3): 215-230, 2012.
* M.F. Heringa, P.F. DeCarlo, R. Chirico, T. Tritscher, M. Clairotte, C. Mohr, M. Crippa, J.G. Slowik, L. Pfaffenberger, J. Dommen, E. Weingartner, A.S.H. Prévôt, and U. Baltensperger: [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/12/2189/2012/ A new method to discriminate secondary organic aerosols from different sources using high-resolution aerosol mass spectra]. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 2189-2203, doi:10.5194/acp-12-2189-2012, 2012.
* M. Sicard, M. Mallet, D. Garcia-Vizcaino, A. Comeron, F. Rocadenbosch, P. Dubuisson, and C. Munoz-Porcar. [http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/034016 Intense dust and extremely fresh biomass burning outbreak in Barcelona, Spain: characterization of their optical properties and estimation of their direct radiative forcing]. Environ. Res. Lett., 7 (3), 034016, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/034016, 2012.
* C. Reche, M. Viana, F. Amato, A. Alastuey, T. Moreno, R. Hill, K. Teinilä, K. Saarnio, R. Seco, J. Peñuelas, C. Mohr, A.S.H. Prévôt, X.Querol. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969712005074 Biomass burning contributions to urban aerosols in a coastal Mediterranean City], Science of The Total Envrionment, 427-428, 175-190, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.04.012, 2012
* R. Seco, J. Peñuelas, I. Filella, J. Llusia, S. Schallhart, A. Metzger, M. Müller, and A. Hansel: [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/4291/2013 Volatile organic compounds in the Western Mediterranean Basin: urban and rural winter measurements during the DAURE campaign], Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 4291-4306, doi.org/10.5194/acp-13-4291-2013, 2013
* O. Jorba, M. Pandolfi, M. Spada, J.M. Baldasano, J. Pey, A. Alastuey, D. Arnold, M. Sicard, B. Artiñano, M.A. Revuelta, X. Querol. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231013003890 Overview of the meteorology and transport patterns during the DAURE field campaign and their impact to PM observations]. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 607-620, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.05.040, 2013.
* M. Crippa, F. Canonaco, V.A. Lanz, M. Äijälä, J.D. Allan, S. Carbone, G. Capes, M. Dall’Osto, D.A. Day, P.F. DeCarlo, M. Ehn, A. Eriksson, E. Freney, L. Hildebrandt Ruiz, R. Hillamo, J.L. Jimenez, H. Junninen, A. Kiendler-Scharr, A.-M. Kortelainen, M. Kulmala, A. Laaksonen, A.A. Mensah, C. Mohr, E. Nemitz, C. O'Dowd, J. Ovadnevaite, S.N. Pandis, T. Petäjä, L. Poulain, S. Saarikoski, K. Sellegri, E. Swietlicki, P. Tiitta, D.R. Worsnop, U. Baltensperger, and A.S.H. Prévôt. [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/14/6159/2014 Organic aerosol components derived from 25 AMS data sets across Europe using a consistent ME-2 based source apportionment approach]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 6159-6176, doi:10.5194/acp-14-6159-2014, 2014.

The campaigns should be carried out simultaneously at two sites of NE Spain in the Mediterranean Basin
* K. Tsigaridis, N. Daskalakis, M. Kanakidou, P.J. Adams, P. Artaxo, R. Bahadur, Y. Balkanski, S.E. Bauer, N. Bellouin, A. Benedetti, T. Bergman, T.K. Berntsen, J.P. Beukes, H. Bian, K.S. Carslaw, M. Chin, G. Curci, T. Diehl, R. C. Easter, S.J. Ghan, S.L. Gong, A. Hodzic, C.R. Hoyle, T. Iversen, S. Jathar, J.L. Jimenez, J.W. Kaiser, A. Kirkevåg, D. Koch, H. Kokkola, Y.H. Lee, G. Lin, X. Liu, G. Luo, X. Ma, G.W. Mann, N. Mihalopoulos, J.-J. Morcrette, J.-F. Müller, G. Myhre, S. Myriokefalitakis, S. Ng, D. O’Donnell, J.E. Penner, L. Pozzoli, K.J. Pringle, L.M. Russell, M. Schulz, J. Sciare, Ø. Seland, D.T. Shindell, S. Sillman, R.B. Skeie, D. Spracklen, T. Stavrakou, S.D. Steenrod, T. Takemura, P. Tiitta, S. Tilmes, H. Tost, T. van Noije, P.G. van Zyl, K. von Salzen, F. Yu, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, R.A. Zaveri, H. Zhang, K. Zhang, Q. Zhang, X. Zhang. [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/14/10845/2014 The AeroCom evaluation and intercomparison of organic aerosol in global models]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 10845-10895, doi:10.5194/acp-14-10845-2014, 2014.

* M. Pandolfi, X. Querol, A. Alastuey, J.L. Jimenez, O. Jorba, D. Day, A. Ortega, M.J. Cubison, A. Comerón, M. Sicard, C. Mohr, A.S.H. Prévôt, M.C. Minguillón, J. Pey, J.M. Baldasano, J.F. Burkhart, R. Seco, J. Peñuelas, B.L. van Drooge , B. Artiñano, C. Di Marco, E. Nemitz, S. Schallhart, A. Metzger, A. Hansel, J. Llorente, S. Ng, J. Jayne, S. Szidat. [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2013JD021079/abstract Effects of Sources and Meteorology on Particulate Matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: An overview of the DAURE campaign]. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 119, 4978–5010, doi:10.1002/2013JD021079, 2014.

* Site BCN will be inside Barcelona (CSIC. Located in the university campus in the western side of Barcelona close to Diagonal Avenue, one of the main traffic roads from the city. In this area we will install 2 monitoring cabins BCN_1 and BCN_2. The first consits of a conventional aerosol monitosing site containing CSIC instrumentation. BCN_2 is a small office trailer ready to install the arriving instruments (power to be discussed) and it is located only 5 m away from BCN_1.
* S.R. Mesquita, B.L. van Drooge, C. Reche, L. Guimarães, J.O. Grimalt, C. Barata, B. Piña. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749113005320 Toxic assessment of urban atmospheric particle-bound PAHs: Relevance of composition and particle size in Barcelona (Spain)], Environmental Pollution, 184, 555-562, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2013.09.034, 2014.

Urban Background
* C. Mohr, P.F. DeCarlo, M.F. Heringa, R. Chirico, R. Richter, M. Crippa, X. Querol, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt. [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.5b02149 Spatial Variation of Aerosol Chemical Composition and Organic Components Identified by Positive Matrix Factorization in the Barcelona Region]. Environmental Science and Technology, 49 (17), 10421–10430, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b02149, 2015.
02° 6'58.06"E

* Q. Chen, C.L. Heald, J.L. Jimenez, M.R. Canagaratna, Q. Zhang, L.Y. He, X.F. Huang, P. Campuzano-Jost, B.B. Palm, L. Poulain, M. Kuwata, S.T. Martin, J.P.D. Abbatt, Alex K.Y. Lee, J. Liggio. [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015GL063693/full Elemental Composition of Organic Aerosol: The Gap Between Ambient and Laboratory Measurements]. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 4182–4189, doi:10.1002/2015GL063693, 2015.

* W.W. Hu, P. Campuzano-Jost, B.B. Palm, D.A. Day, A.M. Ortega, P.L. Hayes, J.E. Krechmer, Q. Chen, M. Kuwata, Y.J. Liu, S.S. de Sá, K. McKinney, S.T. Martin, M. Hu, S.H. Budisulistiorini, M. Riva, J.D. Surratt, J.M. St. Clair, G. Isaacman-Van Wertz, L.D. Yee, A.H. Goldstein, S. Carbone, J. Brito, P. Artaxo, J.A de Gouw, A. Koss, A. Wisthaler, T. Mikoviny, T. Karl, L. Kaser, W. Jud, A. Hansel, K.S. Docherty, M.L. Alexander, N.H. Robinson, H. Coe, J.D. Allan, M.R Canagaratna, F. Paulot, and J.L. Jimenez. [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/11807/2015 Characterization of a Real-Time Tracer for Isoprene Epoxydiols-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol (IEPOX-SOA) from Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Measurements]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 11807-11833, doi:10.5194/acp-15-11807-2015, 2015.

The station is located 10 m from a University Residence and around 300 m of our Institute of Earth Sciences ‘Jaume Almera’, CSIC. It is very convenient to book rooms at this residence a.s.a.p (see details below).
* M.R. Canagaratna, J.L. Jimenez, J. Kroll, Q. Chen, S. Kessler, P. Massoli, L. Hildebrandt Ruiz, E. Fortner, L. Williams, K. Wilson, J. Surratt, N. Donahue, J.T. Jayne, and D.R. Worsnop. [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/253/2015/ Elemental Ratio Measurements of Organic Compounds using Aerosol Mass Spectrometry: Characterization, Improved Calibration, and Implications]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 253-272, doi:10.5194/acp-15-253-2015, 2015.

* Site MSY will be a [http://www.diba.cat/parcsn/parcs/mapagp.asp?par=3 rural mountain site at Montseny] (~50 km away), ideally with the same measurements at both sites. In this area we seleceted 2 monitoring sites MSY_1 and MSY_2. The first consits of a conventional aerosol monitosing site containing CSIC instrumentation. MSY_2 is a traditional rural house plenty of space, with sleeping rooms, kitchen and very basic labs. CREAF has ge kindly allowed us to use this MSY 2 field laboratory. Spacial thanks to Javier Retana (director of CREAF)for facilitating all sort of actions to allow us organizing the measurements. This is ready to install the arriving instruments (up to 10 kW) and it is located only 200 m away from MSY_1.
* G. Ciarelli, S. Aksoyoglu, M. Crippa, J.L. Jimenez, E. Nemitz, K. Sellegri, M. Äijälä, S. Carbone, C. Mohr, C. O’Dowd, L. Poulain, U. Baltensperger, and A.S.H. Prévôt [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/10313/2016 Evaluation of European air quality modelled by CAMx including the volatility basis set scheme]. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 10313-10332, doi:10.5194/acp-16-10313-2016, 2016.

Regional background
* A. Kiendler-Scharr, A.A. Mensah, E. Friese, D. Topping, E. Nemitz, A.S.H. Prevot, M. Äijälä, J. Allan, F. Canonaco, M. Canagaratna, S. Carbone, M. Crippa, M. Dall Osto, D. A. Day, P. De Carlo, C.F. Di Marco, H. Elbern, A. Eriksson, E.Freney, L. Hao, H. Herrmann, L. Hildebrandt, R. Hillamo, J.L. Jimenez, A. Laaksonen, G. McFiggans, C. Mohr, C. O’Dowd, R. Otjes, J. Ovadnevaite, S.N. Pandis, L. Poulain, P. Schlag, K. Sellegri, E. Swietlicki, P. Tiitta, A. Vermeulen, A. Wahner, D. Worsnop, and H.-C. Wu. [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016GL069239/abstract Ubiquity of organic nitrates from nighttime chemistry in the European submicron aerosol]. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 7735–7744, doi:10.1002/2016GL069239, 2016.
MSY_1: CSIC aerosol monitoring station

MSY_2: Rural house with laboratory for DAURE
* N. Ng, S. Brown, A. Archibald, E. Atlas, R. Cohen, J. Crowley, D. Day, N. Donahue, J. Fry, H. Fuchs, R. Griffin, M. Guzman, H. Hermann, A. Hodzic, Y. Iinuma, J.L. Jimenez, A. Kiendler-Scharr, B. Lee, D. Luecken, J. Mao, R. McLaren, A. Mutzel, H. Osthoff, B. Ouyang, B. Picquet-Varrault, U. Platt, H. Pye, Y. Rudich, R. Schwantes, M. Shiraiwa, J. Stutz, J. Thornton, A. Tilgner, B. Williams, and R. Zaveri. [https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/17/2103/2017 Nitrate radicals and biogenic volatile organic compounds: oxidation, mechanisms and organic aerosol]. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 2103-2162, doi:10.5194/acp-17-2103-2017, 2017.
** Additionally there will be space enough to work with a conventional mobile unit (from PSI or from AQ local agencies. Note that at Montseny the unpaved mountain road is in poor condition, and has posed problems in the past.

* C. Reddington, K. Carslaw, P. Stier, N. Schutgens, H. Coe, D. Liu, J. Allan, J. Browse, K.J. Pringle, L.A. Lee, M. Yoshioka, J.S. Johnson, L.A. Regayre, D.V. Spracklen, G.W. Mann, A. Clarke, M. Hermann, S. Henning, H. Wex, T.B. Kristensen, W.R. Leaitch, U. Poeschl, D. Rose, M.O. Andreae, J. Schmale, Y. Kondo, N. Oshima, J. Schwarz, A. Nenes, B.E Anderson, G. Roberts, J. Snider, C. Leck, P.K. Quinn, X. Chi, A. Ding, J.L. Jimenez, Q. Zhang. [http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00317.1 The Global Aerosol Synthesis and Science Project (GASSP): Measurements and modelling to reduce uncertainty]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 1857–1877, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00317.1, 2017.

* M. Mircea, B. Bessagnet, M. D'Isidoro, G. Pirovano, S. Aksoyoglu, G. Ciarelli, S. Tsyro, A. Manders, J. Bieser, R. Stern, M. García Vivanco, C. Cuvelier, W. Aas, A.S.H. Prévôt, A. Aulinger, G. Briganti, G. Calori, A. Cappelletti, A. Colette, F. Couvidat, H. Fagerli, S. Finardi, R. Kranenburg, L. Rouïl, C. Silibello, G. Spindler, L. Poulain, H. Herrmann, J.L. Jimenez, D.A. Day, P. Tiita, S. Carbone. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590162119300218 The EURODELTA III exercise: an evaluation of air quality models' capacity to reproduce the carbonaceous aerosol]. Atmos. Environ.: X, 2, 10018, doi:10.1016/j.aeaoa.2019.100018, 2019

[[image:MSY_1foto.jpg|450px]]  [[image:MSY_2foto.jpg|450px]]
=== Submitted Papers ===
* O. Jorba, M. Pandolfi, M. Spada, J.M. Baldasano, J. Pey, A. Alastuey, D. Arnold, M. Sicard, B. Artiñano, M.A. Revuelta, and X. Querol: [http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/4953/2011/acpd-11-4953-2011.html The DAURE field campaign: meteorological overview], Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 4953-5001, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-4953-2011, 2011.

== Participant Groups==
== Participant Groups==

The following groups are likely to participate in this campaign, although in some cases this depends on funding.
* CSIC Host group: The aerosol research group at the [http://www.csic.es/web/guest/home Institute of Earth Sciences, CSIC in Barcelona], Spain (PI Xavier Querol)
* Colorado: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez Jimenez group at the University of Colorado-Boulder], USA (PI J.L. Jimenez)
* CEH: [http://www.atmosci.ceh.ac.uk/ Atmospheric Sciences Dept. at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology], Edinburg, Scotland, UK (PI Eiko Nemitz)
* PSI: [http://lac.web.psi.ch/ Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry at the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland] (PI Andre Prevot)
* Innsbruck: [http://www.uibk.ac.at/ionen-angewandte-physik/umwelt/mitarbeiter/ah.html Ion Chemistry Group, University of Innsbruck, Austria] (PI Armin Hansel)
* BSC: [http://www.bsc.es/plantillaE.php?cat_id=4 Barcelona Supercomputing Centre], Spain (PI Jose Maria Baldasano)
* CREAF: [http://www.creaf.uab.cat/eng/index.htm Penuelas Group], UB and CSIC, Spain (PI Josep Peñuelas). (See acknowledgement below)
* CIEMAT [http://www.ciemat.es/portal.do?TR=A&IDR=1&identificador=1194, Atmospheric Pollution Characterization Group], Madrid, Spain (PI Begoña Artiñano)
* UPC: [http://www.tsc.upc.edu/?sel=&sub=&idm=ENG Department of Signal Theory and Communications (TSC) (Lidar experts)], Barcelona, Spain (PI Michaël Sicard)
* UB: [http://www.am.ub.es/grcm.html Atmospheric Physics Group of the University of Barcelona], Spain: Aerosol optical characterization from columnar radiometric measurements, Cimel sunphotometer, spectroradiometers and meteorological instruments (PI Jeroni Lorente)
* [http://www.aerodyne.com Aerodyne Research], Boston, USA (PI John Jayne)
* Collaborating Groups
** GenCat: [http://www20.gencat.cat/portal/site/dmah Departament de Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya] (gas-phase measurements at MSY and BCN)
** FMI: [http://www.fmi.fi/research_air/air_3.html, Finnish Meteorological Institute] (PI Risto Hillamo) (levoglucosan analyses from filters in collaboration with CSIC)
** RJL: [http://www.rjlg.com/ RJ Lee Group Inc.] (PI [http://www.rjlg.com/thegroup/professionals/professional15.html Gary Casuccio]) (electron microscopy in collaboration with CIEMAT)
** NILU: [http://transport.nilu.no/flexpart Flexpart trajectory model results] (through the EUCAARI collaboration, PIs John Burkhart and Andreas Stohl at NILU)
*** Winter Results for [http://transport.nilu.no/flexpart-projects?stn=MSY MSY] and [http://transport.nilu.no/flexpart-projects?stn=BCN BCN]
*** Summer Results for [http://niflheim.nilu.no/~burkhart/EUCAARI/MSY/MSY_200907 MSY] and  [http://niflheim.nilu.no/~burkhart/EUCAARI/BCN/BCN_200907 BCN]
*** [http://transport.nilu.no/projects/eucaari Results for other EUCARII stations]
*** Descriptions of FLEXPART: [http://transport.nilu.no/flexpart/model-information Model Information]; [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/5/2461/2005/acp-5-2461-2005.html ACP Paper 2005] and [http://transport.nilu.no/projects/eucaari/eucaari/web_based_tool.pdf/view Description of output]
** CNR-ISAC: Analysis of the water-soluble organic carbon by NMR (by the CNR-ISAC group in Bologna) (same as 14C filters, through EUCAARI, coordinated by Andre Prevot)
** University of Aveiro (Portugal) and University of Pannonia (Hungary): Analysis of molecular markers by other EUCAARI groups (same filters as for 14C analyses, coordinated by Andre Prevot). [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Other/EUCAARI_Organic_Analyses.pdf Document with description of tracers that will be analyzed for]
** Agencia Nacional de Meteorologia, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente: as part of EMEP, they will analyze samples coordinated with DAURE from stations in Huelva(Southwest Spain) and Risco Llano (Central Spain).
== DAURE Science Meetings ==
'''First DAURE Science Meeting''' on Mon. March 2, 10 am-1 pm at the main conference room at IJA (C/ Lluis Sole i Sabaris s/n, Barcelona). Short (10 min = 5-7 slides + 5 min discussion and questions) on the measurements / modeling being performed by each group, and the objectives of each group. This will help people to get to know each other and what each group will do during the campaign, and to know what previous data is available to provide context to our measurements.
* 10:00-10:30: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CSIC_1st_Mtg.pdf Xavier Querol (CSIC), context for the campaign from previous measurements, and measurements by CSIC during DAURE]
* 10:30-10:45: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/PSI_1st_Mtg.pdf Andre Prevot: PSI measurements]
* 10:45-11:00: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CIEMAT_1st_Mtg.pdf Begona Artinano: CIEMAT measurements]
* 11:00-11:15: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Colorado_1st_Mtg.pdf Jose-Luis Jimenez: Colorado/CEH/Penn State/Aerodyne measurements]
* 11:15-11:30: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Innsbruck_1st_Mtg.pdf Simon Schallharter : Innsbruck measurements]
* 11:30-11:45: Coffee Break
* 11:45-12:00: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CREAF_1st_Mtg.pdf Josep Penuelas: CREAF measurements]
* 12:00-12:15: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/UPC_1st_Mtg.pdf Michael Sicard: UPC LIDAR measurements]
* 12:15-12:30: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/BSC_1st_Mtg.pdf Jose Maria Baldasano: BSC Air Quality Modeling]
* 12:30-12:45: general discussion
* 12:45-2:00: informal lunch at cafeteria of School of Biology (across from IJA)
'''Second DAURE Science Meeting''' on Tue March 10, 10:30 am at the main conference room at IJA.
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Intro_JLJ_2nd_Mtg.pdf Intro and logistics (JLJ)]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CSIC_2nd_Mtg.pdf Xavier Querol, CSIC]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/PSI_2nd_Mtg.pdf Peter DeCarlo, PSI]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CIEMAT_2nd_Mtg.pdf Francisco Gomez, CIEMAT]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Colorado_2nd_Mtg.pdf Jose-Luis Jimenez, Colorado/CEH/Penn State]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Innsbruck_2nd_Mtg.pdf Axel Metzger, Innsbruck]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CREAF_2nd_Mtg.pdf Roger Seco, CREAF]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/UPC_2nd_Mtg.pdf Michael Sicard, UPC]
* BSC Modeling group (no presentation)
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Aerodyne_2nd_Mtg.pdf Sally Ng, Aerodyne]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Data_specs_2nd_Mtg.pdf FILE AND DATA FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS]
'''Third DAURE Science Meeting''' on Tue March 17, 10:30 am at the main conference room at IJA.
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Intro_JLJ_3rd_Mtg.pdf Intro and logistics (JLJ)]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CSIC_3rd_Mtg.pdf Xavier Querol, CSIC]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/PSI_3rd_Mtg.pdf Claudia Mohr, PSI]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CIEMAT_3rd_Mtg.pdf Francisco Gomez, CIEMAT]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Colorado_3rd_Mtg.pdf Amber Ortega, Colorado/CEH/Penn State]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Innsbruck_3rd_Mtg.pdf Simon Schallhart, Innsbruck]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CREAF_3rd_Mtg.pdf Roger Seco, CREAF]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/UPC_3rd_Mtg.pdf Michael Sicard, UPC]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/BSC_3rd_Mtg.pdf Maria Pey, BSC]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Aerodyne_3rd_Mtg.pdf Sally Ng, Aerodyne]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Colorado_MSY_Comp_3rd_Mtg.pdf Carly Robinson, Colorado]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Colorado_BCN_Comp_3rd_Mtg.pdf Sanna Saarikoski, Colorado]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Appendix_Comp_3rd_Mtg.pdf Appendix from Colorado Group: Additional Comparison plots]
'''Fourth DAURE Science Meeting''' on Tue March 24, 10:30 am at the main conference room at IJA.
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Intro_4th_Mtg.pdf Intro and logistics (JLJ)]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CSIC_4th_Mtg.pdf Xavier Querol, CSIC]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/PSI_4th_Mtg.pdf Claudia Mohr, PSI]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CIEMAT_4th_Mtg.pdf Francisco Gomez, CIEMAT]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Colorado_4th_Mtg.pdf Amber Ortega, Colorado/CEH/Penn State]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Innsbruck_4th_Mtg.pdf Simon Schallhart, Innsbruck]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/CREAF_4th_Mtg.pdf Roger Seco, CREAF]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/UPC_4th_Mtg.pdf Michael Sicard, UPC]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/BSC_4th_Mtg.pdf Matthias Piot, BSC]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Comparisons_4th_Mtg.pdf Sanna Saarikoski, Colorado]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Discussion_4th_Mtg.pdf Discussion of future steps]
'''5th DAURE Science Meeting''' on Tue May 26, 10:30 am at the main conference room at IJA.
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/Intro_5th_Mtg.pdf Intro and logistics (JLJ)]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/CSIC_5th_Mtg.pdf Marco Pandolfi and Jorge Pey, CSIC]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/CIEMAT_1_5th_Mtg.pdf Begona Artinano, CIEMAT]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/CIEMAT_2_5th_Mtg.pps Esther Coz, CIEMAT]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/DAURE_Microscopy#Images_from_the_MSY_site DAURE Microscopy Page] by Esther Coz (CIEMAT)
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/UPC_5th_Mtg.pdf Michael Sicard, UPC]
=== 6th DAURE Science Meeting on Jan 14, 2010 ===
The meeting will take place @ 11:00 am at the main conference room at IJA.
* 11:00-11:05: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/CU_Intro_6th_Mtg.pdf Intro and logistics]: JL Jimenez
* 11:05-11:10: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/NILU_6th_Mtg.pdf Brief overview of FLEXPART Results]  (JLJ for JB)
** Summer Results for [http://niflheim.nilu.no/~burkhart/EUCAARI/MSY/MSY_200907/ MSY] and  [http://niflheim.nilu.no/~burkhart/EUCAARI/BCN/BCN_200907/ BCN]
** [http://niflheim.nilu.no/~burkhart/EUCAARI/eucaari_updates.ppt Presentation from John Burkhart at the EUCAARI meeting]
* 11:10-11:15: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/ARI_6th_Mtg.pdf Update on mini-AMS results from Aerodyne]  (JLJ for Sally Ng)
* 11:15-12:05: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/CSIC_6th_Mtg.pdf CSIC results and plans for further analysis]: Marco Pandolfi (overview), Cristina Reche (BCN), and Michael Cusack (MSY)
* 12:05-12:15: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Restricted/UPC_6th_Mtg.pdf UPC LIDAR results and plans for further analysis]: Michel Sicard (Password)
* 12:15-12:35: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/PSI_6th_Mtg.pdf PSI results and plans for further analysis]: Claudia Mohr
* 12:35-12:45: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/Minguillon_14C_6th_Mtg.pdf 14C Results] X Querol (for MC Minguillon)
* 12:45-1:45: Lunch
* 1:45-2:00: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/CREAF_6th_Mtg.pdf Roger Seco: CREAF results and plans for further analysis]
* 2:00-2:15: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Mtgs/BSC_6th_Mtg.pdf BSC results and plans for further analysis]: Oriol Jorba
* 2:15-2:40: Discussion of next steps (JLJ) (slides included with intro presentation)
* Attending but not presenting: Begona Artinano (CIEMAT), Francisco Gomez (CIEMAT), Josep Peñuelas (CREAF), Iolanda Filella (CREAF), Manuel Dall'Osto (Galway), Xavier Querol (CSIC), Andres Alastuey (CSIC), Jose Maria Baldasano (BSC), others TBD.
=== Mtg EGU 2010 ===
* A meeting will be held during the [http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2010/ 2010 EGU Conference in Vienna, Austria], on Tue 4th May 2010. The abstract deadline for the EGU meeting was 18-Jan-2010.
* We have registered the DAURE meeting as an "splinter" meeting at EGU ([http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2010/session/3627 short description] and [http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2010/townhall_and_splinter/splinter_meeting_overview.html splinter meeting overview]). We have been granted free space within the conference center (with a data projector). We will meet Mon May 3rd over lunch 12:00-1:30 in room SM3, and continuing on Tue May 4th 8:30 am - 10:15 am in room SM1 (note the different rooms).
* Presentations
** Eiko Nemitz: Large scale context of DAURE-winter from the EUCAARI-EMEP campaigns
** Marco Pandolfi: update on the overview paper for DAURE
** Xavier Querol
** Barend Van Drooge, CSIC: organic tracer analyses from DAURE filters
* Attendees:
** Fulvio Amato, Mari Cruz Minguillon, Marco Pandolfi, Esther Coz, Arancha Revuelta, Claudia Mohr, Xavier Querol, Andre Prevot, JL Jimenez, Agnes Richard, Pete DeCarlo, Barend Van Drooge, Oriol Jorba, Eiko Nemitz (17).
== DAURE-related Presentations at Conferences ==
Please send the abstracts of DAURE-related conference presentations to Jose for posting here, as this helps to keep track of the ongoing analyses from the different groups and the likely papers.
* Authorship policy for EGU-2010:  When submitting the abstract, please include in the author list the groups whose data you plan to use in their presentation. Typically include the student who has done the work and the principal investigator, and anyone else who has made a major contribution to that dataset. Then share the abstract with those groups, and they will let you know if they prefer to be listed in the acknowledgements (e.g. for small contributions) or whether anyone else needs to be added to the list. By the time the presentation is ready for EGU, you may be using other datasets and not using some of the ones you were planning to use. Just adapt the author list for the poster or talk with the principles above, and share a PDF of the talk or poster with your coauthors for their feedback. Note that if you have more than 10 authors, you will need to include the "DAURE Team" for the rest of the authors, as the form only allows 10.
* [http://aaar.conference2009.org/ AAAR 2009]
** Mohr et al., Investigation of sources of ambient submicron aerosol in the Barcelona metropolitan area using AMS mobile and stationary data. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/0904_Abstract_Mohr_AAAR_BCN.pdf Abstract] [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/Mohr_AAAR2009_DAURE_poster.pdf PDF of Poster].
** Ng et al., An Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) for Routine Monitoring of Atmospheric Aerosol Composition [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2009_AAAR_Ng_Mini-AMS.pdf Abstract]
** Prevot et al., Overview of PM1 Composition and Sources of Organic Mass in Europe. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2009_AAAR_Prevot_EUCAARI.pdf Abstract]
* [http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2010/ EGU 2010]
** Metzger et al., Air Mass Characterization During the DAURE Field Campaign by PTR-TOF [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Metzger_PTR_TOF.pdf Abstract]
** Piot et al., Preliminary Modelling Results of the Chemical Composition of Particulate Matter in NE Spain for the DAURE campaign. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Piot_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
** Amato et al., Application of Receptor Modeling Techniques (PMF2, ME-2) to Rural and Urban PM Measurements Performed During DAURE Campaign: Comparison with Multiyear Time Series. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Amato_PM.pdf Abstract]
** Minguillon et al., Origin of Fine Carbonaceous Particulate Matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: Fossil Versus Modern Sources. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Minguillon_Origin.pdf Abstract]
** Pandolfi et al., An Overview of the DAURE Campaign: Aerosols Emissions and Evolution in the Western Mediterranean Basin. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Pandolfi_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
** Reche et al., Causes of Daily Cycle Variability of Atmospheric Pollutants in a Western Mediterranean Urban Site (DAURE Campaign). [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Reche_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
** Coz et al., Structural Characteristics of Internally Mixed Carbonaceous Aggregates from Barcelona (Spain) During DAURE Winter Campaign. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Coz_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
** Plaza et al., Characterization of the Inorganic Aerosol in Barcelona Site During DAURE 2009 Field Campaigns. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Plaza_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
** Revuelta et al., Particle Size Distribution and Inorganic Aerosol Characterization During DAURE 2009 Winter Field Campaign at Montseny Site. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Revuelta_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
** Mohr et al., Investigation of Sources of Ambient Submicron Aerosol in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Using AMS Mobile and Stationary Data. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Mohr_AMS.pdf Abstract]
** Richard et al., Source Apportionment Studies at Different European Sites with Time and Size Resolved Trace Element Data. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_EGU_Richard_Source_Apportionment.pdf Abstract]
*[http://www.iac2010.fi/ IAC - 2010]
** Pandolfi et al., Intensive Aerosol Measurements during the DAURE Campaign at an EUSAAR Rural Site in the NW Mediterranean.
** Viana et al., Carbonaceous aerosol measurements at a Mediterranean regional background site.
** Minguillón et al., Carbonaceous particulate matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: contribution of fossil versus modern sources.
** Revuelta et al., Characterization of Particulate Nitrate in Barcelona during DAURE 2009 Winter Campaign [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_IAC_Revuelta_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
*RECTA - 2010
** Revuelta et al., Experimental Characterization of Aerosol Properties During the DAURE 2009 Campaigns. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_RECTA_Revuelta_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
*AAAS - 2010
**Coz et al., Anthropogenic influenced mineral dust ambient fine particles at an urban site in Barcelona (Spain). [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2010_AAAS_Coz_Anthropogenic.pdf Abstract]
*[http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2011/ EGU 2011]
** Pandolfi et al., Impact of the Emissions from the Barcelona Metropolitan Area on the Levels and Composition of Fine Aerosols at both Urban and Regional Scale in the Western Mediterranean Basin: Preliminary Results of the DAURE Campaign.
** Amato et al., Size and time-resolved roadside enrichment of atmospheric particulate pollutants.
**Coz et al., Characteristics of the Nanoparticles in Soot Aggregates from Barcelona (Spain) During DAURE Winter Campaign: the Closure of a Complex State of Mixture. [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Prez/2011_EGU_Coz_DAURE.pdf Abstract]
== Tentative List of Journal Papers w/ DAURE data ==
*  Papers confirmed as being written as of July-2010:
** 1. Marco Pandolfi et al. (CSIC): "Sources and Origin of PM in the Western Mediterranean Basin: an Overview of the DAURE Campaign"
** 2. Esther Coz et al. (CIEMAT): Quantitative morphology and state of mixture of atmospheric carbonaceous aggregates from Barcelona during DAURE winter campaign.
** 3. Barend Van Drooge (CSIC): organic tracers
** 5. Mari Cruz Minguillon (CSIC): 14C results compared with other measurements
*  Papers listed as "being written" in Jan-2010, don't know current status:
** 6. Oriol Jorba et al. (BSC): meteorological overview of DAURE (Feb 2010)
* Papers listed as "tentative, pending further analysis" in Jan-2010, don't know current status:
** 7. Claudia Mohr (PSI) et al.: "Investigation of Ambient Submicron Aerosol in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area using AMS Mobile and Stationary Data" (will be written after Summer 2010)
** 8. Agnes Richard (PSI): possible paper on DRUM-XRF (maybe combined w other campaigns)
** 9. Mar Viana (CSIC) et al.: Comparison of tracers for biomass burning
** 10. Lanz (PSI) et al.: paper comparing PMF analysis across EUCARII-EMEP
** 11. Sicard et al. (UPC): Correlation between ground PM measurements & PBL height, synoptic situations. Ground vs columnar size distribution from AERONET & LIDAR
** 12. Plaza et al. (CIEMAT): Size-segregated Inorganic aerosols in BCN during DAURE winter campaign.
** 13. Coz et al. (CIEMAT): Diurnal cycle and associated individual characteristics of mineral dust, metal bearing and primary biogenic aerosol particles at Barcelona during DAURE winter campaign.
** 14. BSC: Model evaluation paper using DAURE data (including mobile results) (maybe break up)
** 15. Innsbruck: One paper TBD
** 16. Joan Llusia & Yolanda Fillela: Winter biogenic emissions rates vs air concentrations
** 17. Roger & Simon et al.: Aerosol vs biogenics vs O3 at MSY
** 18. Roger: VOCs in urban environment
== Data policy ==
From previous experience, it is important to share data early to identify instrument problems, early findings etc. We would like to propose the following data policy, which is based on that from MILAGRO and other large field campaigns. Please let us know of any suggestions for changes etc.
(a) Data will be shared during the field phase as soon as it is available (if possible the next day after it is taken for continuous instruments). We hope to set up an FTP site for this purpose within the next couple of days. This is done with the understanding that data is not fully calibrated/corrected/etc., and its main use is to look at trends and start to identify patterns and correlations at the different sites. Field data from other groups can only be used by people participating in the campaign, and CANNOT be shown or shared with people outside the campaign unless you have the permission of the data owners.
(b) Data should also be made available to all participants during the data analysis phase. Data from other groups cannot be used in presentations or publications without the permission of the data owners, and coauthorship should be offered to the data producers (which are then free to accept or decline the offer).
== Data Server ==
We have created a secure FTP site to upload preliminary data and model results. You need a secure FTP program such as SFTP or SSH. A very good one for Windows is WinSCP, which you can download from [http://winscp.net/eng/download.php this link]. An equivalent free program for Macs is [http://cyberduck.ch Cyberduck] (recommended by Pete DeCarlo). Once you download the program, you need to set up a connection to cires.colorado.edu, and log in with "daure" and the password which Jose sent by email (pls request from him again if you've lost it). We have created a folder for every group, please load the data or model results  there as they become available. An ASCII format would be best, please include the units, contact person, any data flags, etc.
To keep track easily of which data have been uploaded / will be uploaded / will not be available because of instrument problems etc., we have created another tab on the Google Spreadsheet, which can be viewed directly at [http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=ppWcMl_Y6xfJLDSFKBUTkEw&gid=1 this link]. Please let us know about the status of the data which is currently in gray (unknown), or whether anything is missing, etc.

* CSIC Host group: The aerosol research group at the [http://www.ija.csic.es/cat/benvinguts.php Institute of Earth Sciences, CSIC in Barcelona], Spain (contact Xavier Querol)
And finally, remember that the data is shared in accordance with the [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/DAURE#Data_policy DAURE data policy], which is now official since no one has expressed any reservations about it.
** Fuinding for CSIC participation, some logistic expenses and for 14C analysis were obtained from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science: Proyecto DOASUR: CGL2007-62505/CLI. Acción Complementaria DAURE CGL2007-30502-E/CLI, and Consolider-Ingenio project [http://www.graccie.eu/ GRACCIE]CSD 2007-00067.
* Colorado [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez Jimenez group at the University of Colorado-Boulder], USA
** This will be potentially in collaboration with Eiko Nemitz's group at CEH Edimburgh
** Funding is pending
* PSI [http://lac.web.psi.ch/] Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry at the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
* BSC [http://www.bsc.es/plantillaE.php?cat_id=4 Barcelona Supercomputing Centre], Spain
* The CREAF [http://www.creaf.uab.cat/eng/index.htm], Spain (contact Josep Peñuelas). CREAF has ge kindly allowed us to use MSY 2 field laboratory. Special thanks are given to Javier Retana (director of CREAF)for facilitating all sort of actions to allow us organizing the measurements.
* CIEMAT [http://www.ciemat.es/portal.do?TR=A&IDR=1&identificador=1194], Spain, with continuous OC, EC and nitrate analysis (contact Begoña Artiñano)
* UB: Atmospheric Physics Group of the University of Barcelona, Spain [http://www.am.ub.es/main_eng.html]: Aerosol optical characterization from columnar radiometric measurements, Cimel sunphotometer, spectroradiometers and meteorological instruments (contact Jeroni Lorente)

* Several other groups have expressed an interest in participating, including:
== Data from Monitoring Networks and Other Sources ==
** [http://www.uibk.ac.at/ionen-angewandte-physik/umwelt/members/group_members/armin_hansel.html Prof. Armin Hansel from University of Innsbruck], Austria, with the High-Resolution Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometer (HR-PTR-MS) for VOC detection
** [http://people.clarkson.edu/~chengweb/people/faculty/hopke/ Prof. Phil Hopke from Clarkson Univ.], US, with continuous EC/OC analyzers
** [http://www.usc.edu/dept/civil_eng/dept/faculty-staff/faculty-directory/sioutas-constantinos.htm Prof. Costas Sioutas from Univ. Southern California]. US, TBD.
** Granada University, Spain with column aerosols measurements

== Instrumentation (only winter campaign) ==
There is an [http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/type_one_station_opera_v2_new?site=Barcelona&nachal=2&level=1&place_code=10 AERONET site in Barcelona] which reports optical depth at several wavelengths during sunny days. The PIs belong to the BSC group which is participating in DAURE.
There are two monitoring networks in Barcelona, one operated by the regional government and another one by the city:
* Network of the regional government ("Generalitat")
** [http://www.gencat.net:8000/oicqa/owa/b01.consulta?estacio=00&contaminant=99&dades=1 Link to download data from Generalitat]
** [http://www20.gencat.cat/portal/site/dmah/menuitem.64be942b6641a1214e9cac3bb0c0e1a0/?vgnextoid=6c61d2c220a27210VgnVCM1000008d0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=6c61d2c220a27210VgnVCM1000008d0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default Further info on Air Quality from Generalitat]

The following instrumentation is planned to be working during the winter campaign (the summer one will be discussed later as a function of the first results):
* Network from the City ("Ayuntamiento")
** [http://www.bcn.es/estadistica/castella/dades/anuari/cap01/index.htm Some historical data up to 2007 are posted here]
** We don't have a working link for the city network yet (Pls let Jose know if you find it)

* Meteorological information and data
** [http://www.meteocat.com/mediamb_xemec/servmet/castellano/index.html Weather information from MeteoCat]
** Optical counter for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.
** [http://www.meteocat.com/mediamb_xemec/servmet/marcs/marc_c_dades.html Link to download meteorological data]
** 3 high volume samplers for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1: 12 to 24 h speciation of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 including sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, OC, EC, Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Ti, and 55 trace elements. Analysis will be performed after sampling with ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Sunset TO OC-EC, IC, seletive electrodes.
** [http://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html Upper air soundings]
** 1/2 filter of PM1 for selecetd samples will be used for 14C analysis of EC and OC
** MAAP.
** Water CPC (without SMPS, we would appreciate if someone bring one).
** SO2, NOx, O3, CO (will be installed with 75% probability).
** Met-data available from Faculty of Physics (300 m from the station).
** Low volume sampler (Partisol) with denuder and QBQ for OC (with positive and negative artifact correction) and EC in PM2.5.

* Tools for back-trajectory calculations
** [http://tarantula.nilu.no/trajectories/index.cfm FLEXTRA model from NILU]
** W-ToF-AMS.
** [http://www.arl.noaa.gov/HYSPLIT.php NOAA HYSPLIT]
** Another W-ToF-AMS will be available to performs mobile and stationary measurements at the same time
** 14C analyses on filters. 10 daily samples at MSY and 10 samples at BCN. For each sample 2 analysis, one for OC the other for EC. This will be repeated during both for winter and summer campaigns.
** 1 rotating drum impactors (2 hourly resolution for subsequent synchrotron-XRF at PSI).
** 1 aethalometer.
** 1 SMPS/calibration unit
** 1 APS
** Mobile laboratory (AMS, MAAP, FMPS, CO2, NOx, CO) to measure at different sites at the begining and at the end of the campaign
** Real time measurements of nitrate R&P 8400N (PM2.5).
** Real time measurements of EC, OC (R&P 5400).
** Real time measurements of sulfate (Thermo).  
* UB
** Cimel sunphotometer.  
** Spectroradiometers.
** Meteorological instruments.

== Results from Previous Research ==
** Optical counter for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.
** 3 high volume samplers for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1: 12 to 24 h speciation of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 including sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, OC, EC, Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Ti, and 55 trace elements. Analysis will be performed after sampling with ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Sunset TO OC-EC, IC, seletive electrodes.
** MAAP.
** Butanol CPC (without SMPS, we would appreciate if someone bring one).
** SO2, NOx, O3, CO (will be installed with 75% probability).
** Met-data available.
** Low volume sampler (Partisol) with denuder and QBQ for OC (with positive and negative artifact correction) and EC in PM2.5.
** 1 rotating drum impactors (2 hourly resolution for subsequent synchrotron-XRF at PSI).

The following papers present results from previous research in this area that will be useful to provide context for the DAURE data. (Please add any other papers below or email the references to Jose).
** 1/2 filter of PM1 for selecetd samples will be used for 14C analysis of EC and OC
** 14C analyses on filters. 10 daily samples at MSY and 10 samples at BCN. For each sample 2 analysis, one for OC the other for EC. This will be repeated during both for winter and summer campaigns.
** ToF AMS
** Dust track
** BVOC emission rates. Leaf enclosure technique will be employed using LiCor 6400 Photosynthesis System to determine photosynthetic activity and BVOC emission flux at a given temperature, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), relative humidity, and CO_2 concentration. Cuvette air samples will be drawn (pumped out) from the exhaust line into sampling tubes packed with adsorbents.
** Analysis of air samples ­ C_5 to C_20 compounds will be determined. Air samples will be analyzed using gas chromatography / mass spectrometry at CREAF. In addition, scans of C_1 -C_20 VOCs will be conducted by sampling air with tedlar bags or canisters to be later analysed with PTR-MS (in case the PTR-MS itself can not be transported to the sites)
** Calculations of biogenic VOC emission and modeling ­ emission fluxes will be calculated for different levels (1) leaf-and branch-scale, (2) canopy, and (3) landscape emission capacity model following standard algorithms with adjustments when appropriate.

* Measurement Results from Montseny site:
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/STOTEN_Monteny_levels.pdf Interpretation of the variability of levels of regional background aerosols in the Western Mediterranean]. N. Pérez, J. Pey, S. Castillo, M. Viana, A. Alastuey, X. Querol. ''Science of the Total Environment'', 407 (2008) 527–540.
** Meteo and AQ modeling and forecast (CMAQ, WRF) CALIOPE project [http://www.bsc.es/plantillaH.php?cat_id=343]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/Restricted/Montseny_Chemistry-Revised_english-3_.pdf Geochemistry of regional background aerosols in the Western Mediterranean]. J. Pey, N. Pérez, S. Castillo, M. Viana, T. Moreno, M. Pandolfi, J.M. López-Sebastián, A. Alastuey, X. Querol. Submitted.
** African dust modeling and forecast BSC-DREAM [http://www.bsc.es/projects/earthscience/DREAM/]
** Lidar measurements for PM upto 5km high each Monday and Thursday. Additionally, 2 more measurements/week around 01:00 UTC and 13:00 UTC, coinciding with CALIPSO passage over Barcelona.  

* Measurement Results from Barcelona Site:
** Molecular tracers and NMR spectral fingerprints (through collaborators in EUCARII)
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/AEA_BCN_PM1.pdf Partitioning of major and trace components in PM10–PM2.5–PM1 at an urban site in Southern Europe]. N. Perez, J. Pey, X. Querol, A. Alastuey, J.M. Lopez, M. Viana. ''Atmospheric Environment'' 42 (2008) 1677–1691.
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/2008_AE_Pey_BCN_N_Size.pdf Variations of urban aerosols in the western Mediterranean]. Jorge Pey, Sergio Rodríguez, Xavier Querol, Andrés Alastuey, Teresa Moreno, Jean Philippe Putaud and Rita Van Dingenen. ''Atmospheric Environment'' 42, (2008), 9052-9062.
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/2006_AE_Viana_ECOC_Barcelona.pdf Organic and elemental carbon concentrations in carbonaceous aerosols during summer and winter sampling campaigns in Barcelona, Spain]. M. Viana, X. Chi, W. Maenhaut, X. Querol, A. Alastuey, P. Mikuška, Z. Večeřa. ''Atmospheric Environment'', 40, (2006), 2180-2193.
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Field/DAURE-09/2005_AE_Viana_Space_Time_BCN.pdf Spatial and temporal variability of PM levels and composition in a complex summer atmospheric scenario in Barcelona (NE Spain)]. M. Viana, C. Pérez, X. Querol, A. Alastuey, S. Nickovic, J.M. Baldasano. ''Atmospheric Environment'', 39, (2005), 5343-5361.

== Dates ==
* CALIOPE Model Structure and Results
** Baldasano J.M., L. P. Güereca, E. López, S. Gassó, P. Jimenez-Guerrero. [http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1352231008006481 Development of a high-resolution (1 km x 1 km, 1 h) emission model for Spain: the High-Elective Resolution Modelling Emission System (HERMES)]. ''Atmospheric Environment'', 42 (31): 7215-7233, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.07.026. ISSN: 1352-2310, October 2008.
** Jiménez P., J. Lelieveld and J.M. Baldasano. [http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2006/2005JD006516.shtml Multi-scale Modelling of air pollutants Dynamics in the North-Western Mediterranean Basin during a typical summertime episode]. ''Journal of Geophysical Research'', September 2006.
** Pérez C., P. Jiménez, O. Jorba, M. Sicard and J.M. Baldasano. [http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1352231006004079 Influence of the PBL scheme on high-resolution photochemical simulations in an urban coastal area over the Western Mediterranean]. ''Atmospheric Environment'', 40, 27: 5274-5297 , April 2006.
** A complete list of publications for BSC can be found [http://www.bsc.es/plantillaE.php?cat_id=4 here]
** Literature for the CMAQ model (used within the CALIOPE model):
*** Binkowski, F. S., and S. J. Roselle (2003), [http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2003/2001JD001409.shtml Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model aerosol component 1. Model description], J. Geophys. Res., 108(D6), 4183, doi:10.1029/2001JD001409.
*** Mebust, M. R., B. K. Eder, F. S. Binkowski, and S. J. Roselle (2003), [http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2003/2001JD001410.shtml Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model aerosol component 2. Model evaluation], J. Geophys. Res., 108(D6), 4184, doi:10.1029/2001JD001410.
*** ''EPA Report'' EPA-454/B-07-02, [http://www.epa.gov/scram001/guidance/guide/final-03-pm-rh-guidance.pdf Guidance on the use of models and other analyses for demonstrating attaintment of air quality goal for ozone, PM2.5, and regional haze], 2007

If sufficient funding and personnel are available, we will conduct 2 campaigns to contrast summer and winter at the paired urban/rural sites.
== Sites ==
The campaigns were carried out simultaneously at two sites of NE Spain in the Mediterranean Basin

=== Confirmed dates in Winter/Spring 2009 ===
* Site BCN is inside Barcelona (CSIC. Located in the university campus in the western side of Barcelona close to Diagonal Avenue, one of the main traffic roads from the city. In this area we will install 2 monitoring cabins BCN_1 and BCN_2. The first consits of a conventional aerosol monitosing site containing CSIC instrumentation. BCN_2 is a small office trailer ready to install the arriving instruments and it is located only 5 m away from BCN_1.
* 23-Feb-09 to 27-March-09, together with EMEP-2 campaign. PSI is available for sure and can bring HR-ToF-AMS. Also molecular tracers and spectral fingerprints.

=== Tentative Dates in Summer 2009 ===
Urban Background
* Tentatively the last 3 weeks of Jul-09 and first week of Aug-09, to catch a summer period. (Eiko has a campaign 8-June to 8-July 2009 in the Netherlands, which prevents moving this time period earlier in time, if his instrument is used).
* Andre Prevot (Email on 14-Dec-2008): "We prefer a real summer campaign in 2009 over the autumn campaign during EMEP. The summer campaign could be anytime from May to August in our opinion. We have to wait to fix the dates until we know the dates for the campaign in Paris which is part of the Megacity EU project MEGAPOLI. We can come to Barcelona before or after the Paris campaignIn the summer campaign we can bring the ToF and eventually the Q-AMS. If we have another AMS at one of the fixed sites, we might bring the Q-AMS in our mobile van instead of putting it at a fixed site. (Molecular tracers and spectral fingerprints will not be available)"
<br>02° 6'58.06"E
<br>80 meters amsl
<br>(Decimal Coordinates: Latitude: 41.390003 Longitude: 2.116128

=== Dates that don't work ===
* We had discussed May-08, simultaneously with the EUCARII-1 campaign in Europe. However Jose cannot make this time period due to a conflict in April-08 with the NASA ARCTAS campaign.
* Alternative: Mid-Sep-08 to Mid-Oct-08, together with EMEP-1 campaign. However this may be too early for several of the groups involved, and too late meteorologically, as September is not as warm in Barcelona as the June-Aug period.

== Logistics ==
* Accomodation

We recommend booking a.s.a.p accomodation at vthe following residence:
The station is located 10 m from a University Residence and around 300 m of our Institute of Earth Sciences ‘Jaume Almera’, CSIC. It is very convenient to book rooms at this residence a.s.a.p (see details below).

Residencia Torre Girona
* Site MSY was at [http://www.diba.cat/parcsn/parcs/mapagp.asp?par=3 rural mountain site at Montseny] (~50 km away), ideally with the same measurements at both sites. In this area we seleceted 2 monitoring sites MSY_1 and MSY_2. The first consits of a conventional aerosol monitosing site containing CSIC instrumentation. MSY_2 is a traditional rural house plenty of space, with sleeping rooms, kitchen and very basic labs. CREAF has ge kindly allowed us to use this MSY 2 field laboratory. Special thanks to Javier Retana (director of CREAF)for facilitating all sort of actions to allow us organizing the measurements. This is ready to install the arriving instruments (up to 10 kW) and it is located only 200 m away from MSY_1.

Passeig dels Til•lers, 19
Regional background
<br>MSY_1: CSIC aerosol monitoring station
<br>720 meters amsl
<br>(Decimal Coordinates Latitude: 41.779342  Longitude: 2.358033)

08034 Barcelona
MSY_2: Rural house with laboratory for DAURE
** Additionally there will be enough space to work with a conventional mobile unit (from PSI or from AQ local agencies. Note that at Montseny the unpaved mountain road is in poor condition, and has posed problems in the past.

Telephon: (0034) 93 390 43 00

Fax: (0034) 93 205 69 10

E-mail: torregirona@resa.es
[[image:MSY_1foto.jpg|450px]]  [[image:MSY_2foto.jpg|450px]]

Price of a single room:
== Instrumentation (only winter campaign) ==

1 month: 652 Euros (room only, without breakfast, you will have a small kitchen in the rrom) + 75 Euros contract for 2008. Additional fees: 12+35 Euros for water and electricity consumption
The following instrumentation is planned to be working during the winter campaign:
1 day: Single Monday to Friday 62.5 Euros, Week end 51.5 Euros


At Montseny there is free (very basic) accomodation if you bring sheets and a blanket or a sleeping bag.
=== Site BCN_1 ===
The rural house has central heating and a fireplace but this can not be used. We will get electric heaters. Telephone, water, power, beds, a basic lab, some offices and a kitchen will be available. We are trying to get internet there but this may be not possible. Cellular phones from Movistar get service there but Vodafone dont.

The main problem at Montseny is the access road (gravel / rock) which can be difficult, especially in case of snow.
{| border="1"
|+<b>Gas-Phase Species</b>
! Group
!Contact Person
|PM10, PM2.5 and PM1
|Optical Counter
|Corrected w/ gravimetric measurements
|12 to 24 h speciation of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1
|3 high volume samplers + ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Sunset TO OC-EC, IC, seletive electrodes
|sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, OC, EC, Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Ti, and 55 trace elements
|Black Carbon
|PM number concentration
|Water CPC
|SO2, NO, NOx, O3, CO
|Commercial gas analyzers
|T, RH, Wind direction and speed, radiation, rain
|Met station
|Faculty of Physics
|PM1 chemical analysis
|additional high volume sampler
|CSIC (PM1 inlet from PSI)
|Sampling will be 24h or 48h and filters will not be weighed
|PM1 chemical analysis
|high volume sampler
|breakup: 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES(IJA), 1/4 for levoglucosan & dicarboxylic acids (Risto Hillamo, Finnish Met. Institute), 1/4 for EC and OC analyses (PSI)?. Additional filter: 1/2 for 14C analysis of EC and OC (PSI selected samples). At most 6 filters per site will be selected (12 EC and OC analysis per site) this will be repeated for summer campaign.
|PM2.5 chemical analysis
|high volume sampler
|breakup: 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES(IJA), 1/4 for levoglucosan & dicarboxylic acids (Risto Hillamo, Finnish Met. Institute), 1/4 for lixiviate, 1/4 for EC and OC analysis and any other analysis (open)
|PM10 chemical analysis
|high volume sampler
|breakup: 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES(IJA), 1/4 for lixiviate, 1/2 is available
|OC & EC in PM2.5
|low volume sampler (partisol)
|with denuder and QBC for OC (with positive and negative artifact correction) and EC in PM2.5
|NH3 and HNO3
|2 low volume samplers (1m3/h)
|Denuders for NH3 and HNO3 artifact determination. 24 hour samples

Normal cars may have difficulties in travelling across this track.

Closest vilages to Montseny site are: Santa María de Palautordera and Sant Esteve de Palautordera. Restaurants and accomodation are available also overthere. Montseny is 1.5 h driving from Barcelona and 20 min from the above villages.
=== Site BCN_2 ===

== Issues to deal with ==
{| border="1"
* Eiko Nemitz, email of 26-Nov-2007: "I would be interested to investigate the possibility to measure NH3 and HNO3 also. Modelling of NH4NO3 is still a major uncertainty in the European regional models, including the EMEP model. We could potentially loan a simple rotating wet denuder which fills hourly samples into test tubes for subsequent laboratory analysis for NH4+ and anions (HNO3, HCl, SO2). However, this would require laboratory analysis of 24 x 30 samples + some blanks for each month by some local lab. Is there a chance for the Spanish ministry to support this measurement?"
|+<b>Particle-Phase Species</b>
! Group
!Contact Person
|Another W-ToF-AMS will be present to perform mobile and stationary measurements at the same time
|Analysis on filters
|10 daily samples at MSY and 10 samples at BCN. For each sample 2 analysis, one for OC the other for EC. This will be repeated during both for winter and summer campaigns.  
|1 rotating drum impactor
|2 hourly resolution for subsequent synchrotron-XRF
|CO2, NOx, CO
|Mobile laboratory (AMS, MAAP, and FMPS)
|to measure at different sites at the begining and at the end of the campaign
|Real time measurements of nitrate (PM2.5)
|R&P 8400N
|10 minute time resolution
|Real time measurements of sulfate
|10 minute time resolution (will start later than 23-Feb due to technical issues)
|MOUDI (Microorifice Uniform Deposit Impactor)
|ten size stages from 0.056mm  to 18 mm and the filter back-up stage (<0.056 mm) : quartz fiber filters for chemical analysis
|Low vol/or high vol sampler for SEM-EDX analysis of aerosols
|Cimel sunphotometer
|Meteorological instruments

* Check water supply MSY

* Verifying power at MSY_2
=== Site MSY_1 ===

* Rent a container for instruments and computers at BCN_2 (may be not needed if PSI brings trailer)
{| border="1"
|+<b>Gas-Phase Species</b>
| PM10, PM2.5 and PM1
| Grimm Optical counter
| Corrected with gravimetric measurements
| Black Carbon
| Particle Number Concentration
| Butanol CPC (TSI)
| SO2, NOx, O3, CO
| Monitoring-quality analyzers
| GenCat
| Meteorological data
| Weather station
| 12 to 24 h speciation of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1
| Weather station
| Includes sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, OC, EC, Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Ti, and 55 trace elements. Analysis will be performed after sampling with ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Sunset TO OC-EC, IC, seletive electrodes. Use of the filters for analysis would be exactly the same as described for BCN_1
| OC (with positive and negative artifact correction) and EC in PM2.5
| Low volume sampler (Partisol) with denuder and QBQ
| 2-hr resolution elemental composition
| 1 rotating drum impactor w/ subsequent synchrotron-XRF at PSI
| PM1 chemical analysis: 14C, molecular tracers and NMR spectral fingerprints (through collaborators in EUCARII)
| Low volume sampler (Partisol) with denuder and QBQ
| Sampling will be 24h or 48h. These filters will not be weighed.

* 2 mobile units fro AQ monitoring booked at local AQ agency, but may be not needed if CSIC's cabins are equipped with instruments for gaseous pollutants (in progress).

* Booking 2 cars at CSIC for 15 Feb to 27 de March
=== Site MSY_2 ===

* May be it is necessary to rent a pick up for transporting aerodyne to MSY
{| border="1"
|+<b>Gas-Phase Species</b>
|Low vol sampler
|MOUDI (Microorifice Uniform Deposit Impactor)
|impactor (ten size stages from 0.056mm  to 18 mm and the filter back-up stage (<0.056 mm) : quartz fiber filters for chemical analysis
|Dust track
|BVOC, Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), RH, and CO2
|Leaf enclosure techniques using LiCor 6400, Cuvette samples
|Cuvette samples pumped out from the exhaust line into sampling tubes packed with adsorbents.
|C_5 to C_20 compounds and C_1 to C_20 VOCs
|(C_5-C_20 air samples) Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry at CREAF. (C_1-C_20 VOC air samples) PTR-MS
|VOC sampling done with tedlar bags or canisters to be later analysed in case the PTR-MS cannot be transported to the site.
|VOC emission and modeling
|Standard algorithms with appropriate adjustments
|3 different levels. 1. leaf/branch scale 2. canopy 3. landscape emission capacity model

* CSIC does not has SMPS systems, solutions for this. May be we may buy DMA-Electrometrefrom TSI UFIPOLNET?????????

* Denuders fro OC for partisol: nned to build 2 of them
=== Site BCN3 ===

* Interesting having Radon measurements from UPC?
{| border="1"
|+<b>Gas-Phase Species</b>
|Meteo and AQ modeling and forecast
|Meteo and AQ modeling and forecast (CMAQ, WRF) [http://www.bsc.es/projects/earthscience/aqforecast-en Air Quality Modeling], [http://www.bsc.es/caliope CALIOPE project]
|Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)-UPC
|Forecast is for following 48 hours. 1. Europe (12km grid cell resolution) 2. Iberian peninsula (4km grid cell resolution) 3. Barcelona (1km grid cell resolution)
|Mineral dust
|Daily DREAM mineral dust model forecasts North Africa/Europe and East-Asia: [http://www.bsc.es/projects/earthscience/DREAM/ BSC-DREAM]
|PM up to 5km
|(aerosols above 5 km might also be detected depending on their concentration). Each Monday (2pm solar time ± 1 h and sunset -2 h + 3 h) and Thursday (sunset -2 h + 3 h). Additionally, 2 more measurements/week around 01:00 UTC and 13:00 UTC, coinciding with CALIPSO passage over Barcelona

* Internet MSY
== Media Coverage ==

* AERODYNE Mini-AMS (50% possibilities)check if possible
* [http://www.tv3.cat/videos/1231519 Video in TV3]

* CLARKSON UNIVERSITY: Real time sulfate????? chek if possible
== Funding and Acknowledgements ==

* CIEMAT: Nitrate, OC and EC real time check if possible

* GRANADA UNIVERSITY Column aerosol measurement instrumentation (CIMEL and others) check availability
* CSIC Group, 14C analyses and some logistical expenses: Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science: Proyecto DOASUR: CGL2007-62505/CLI. Acción Complementaria DAURE CGL2007-30502-E/CLI, and Consolider-Ingenio project [http://www.graccie.eu/ GRACCIE]CSD 2007-00067.
* CIEMAT group: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: Accion Complentaria  “Participación en la campaña DAURE 2009” CGL2008-02817-E/CLI, PROFASE Project CGL2007-64117/CLI as well as the GRACCIE project 
* Colorado & Penn State Groups: [http://www.nsf.gov US National Science Foundation] Grant ATM-0920940 (Atm. Chem. Program) and [http://www.nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?div=OISE NSF OISE (Office of International Science and Engineering)]
* BSC: Project CALIOPE: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 157/PC08/3-12.0
* CREAF-CSIC: finantial support from the Spanish Government (CGL2006-04025/BOS, Consolider Montes CSD2008-00040), and the Catalan Government (grant SGR2005-00312)
* [http://www.creaf.uab.es CREAF] has kindly allowed us to use MSY-2 as our field laboratory. Special thanks to Javier Retana (director of CREAF)for facilitating all sort of actions to allow us organizing the measurements.

Latest revision as of 21:08, 31 March 2019

An easy to remember shortcut to this page is http://tinyurl.com/daure09.

This Wiki is a repository of information about the DAURE field campaign to be conducted at an urban/rural site pair in Barcelona and Montseny (Catalonia, Spain) in winter and summer 2009. This is the main page about the study and focuses on the scientific aspects of the study. We have another Wiki page for the logistics and organization of the study.


DAURE stands for "Determination of the sources of atmospheric Aerosols in Urban and Rural Environments in the western Mediterranean" and also for "Determinacion de origenes del Aerosol atmosferico en ambiente Urbano y Rural del Mediterraneo occidental". The objectives of the DAURE campaign is to characterize the sources of fine aerosols in the Barcelona region, with particular attention to carbonaceous aerosols.

State-of-the-Art methods such as 14C and HR-ToF-AMS analysis have been applied or are starting to be applied to the source apportionment problem in Central Europe, but not yet in the Mediterranean region. There are reasons to believe that the results from Central Europe (dominance of biogenic and biomass burning in the organic aerosol) may not be directly translatable to the Mediterranean, and this campaign is a unique opportunity to evaluate this hypothesis (CSIC, UC, PSI, CEH, BSC, UPC,CIEMAT, UB, UGR, and other participant groups). Furthermore, Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds emissions and concentrations in Barcelona and Montseny and their implications as sources of aerosols will be also investigated (CREAF).

The campaign is also part of the EMEP Coordinated Winter Campaign, and is carried out in collaboration with the EUCAARI European project.

  • Pictures from the campaign are posted here

Data Availability

  • Data is publicly available on request. Please contact jose.jimenez@colorado.edu and douglas.day@colorado.edu
  • Availability/status of different data products and time periods can be found here.

Papers from DAURE

Published Papers

  • M. Crippa, F. Canonaco, V.A. Lanz, M. Äijälä, J.D. Allan, S. Carbone, G. Capes, M. Dall’Osto, D.A. Day, P.F. DeCarlo, M. Ehn, A. Eriksson, E. Freney, L. Hildebrandt Ruiz, R. Hillamo, J.L. Jimenez, H. Junninen, A. Kiendler-Scharr, A.-M. Kortelainen, M. Kulmala, A. Laaksonen, A.A. Mensah, C. Mohr, E. Nemitz, C. O'Dowd, J. Ovadnevaite, S.N. Pandis, T. Petäjä, L. Poulain, S. Saarikoski, K. Sellegri, E. Swietlicki, P. Tiitta, D.R. Worsnop, U. Baltensperger, and A.S.H. Prévôt. Organic aerosol components derived from 25 AMS data sets across Europe using a consistent ME-2 based source apportionment approach. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 6159-6176, doi:10.5194/acp-14-6159-2014, 2014.
  • K. Tsigaridis, N. Daskalakis, M. Kanakidou, P.J. Adams, P. Artaxo, R. Bahadur, Y. Balkanski, S.E. Bauer, N. Bellouin, A. Benedetti, T. Bergman, T.K. Berntsen, J.P. Beukes, H. Bian, K.S. Carslaw, M. Chin, G. Curci, T. Diehl, R. C. Easter, S.J. Ghan, S.L. Gong, A. Hodzic, C.R. Hoyle, T. Iversen, S. Jathar, J.L. Jimenez, J.W. Kaiser, A. Kirkevåg, D. Koch, H. Kokkola, Y.H. Lee, G. Lin, X. Liu, G. Luo, X. Ma, G.W. Mann, N. Mihalopoulos, J.-J. Morcrette, J.-F. Müller, G. Myhre, S. Myriokefalitakis, S. Ng, D. O’Donnell, J.E. Penner, L. Pozzoli, K.J. Pringle, L.M. Russell, M. Schulz, J. Sciare, Ø. Seland, D.T. Shindell, S. Sillman, R.B. Skeie, D. Spracklen, T. Stavrakou, S.D. Steenrod, T. Takemura, P. Tiitta, S. Tilmes, H. Tost, T. van Noije, P.G. van Zyl, K. von Salzen, F. Yu, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, R.A. Zaveri, H. Zhang, K. Zhang, Q. Zhang, X. Zhang. The AeroCom evaluation and intercomparison of organic aerosol in global models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 10845-10895, doi:10.5194/acp-14-10845-2014, 2014.
  • A. Kiendler-Scharr, A.A. Mensah, E. Friese, D. Topping, E. Nemitz, A.S.H. Prevot, M. Äijälä, J. Allan, F. Canonaco, M. Canagaratna, S. Carbone, M. Crippa, M. Dall Osto, D. A. Day, P. De Carlo, C.F. Di Marco, H. Elbern, A. Eriksson, E.Freney, L. Hao, H. Herrmann, L. Hildebrandt, R. Hillamo, J.L. Jimenez, A. Laaksonen, G. McFiggans, C. Mohr, C. O’Dowd, R. Otjes, J. Ovadnevaite, S.N. Pandis, L. Poulain, P. Schlag, K. Sellegri, E. Swietlicki, P. Tiitta, A. Vermeulen, A. Wahner, D. Worsnop, and H.-C. Wu. Ubiquity of organic nitrates from nighttime chemistry in the European submicron aerosol. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 7735–7744, doi:10.1002/2016GL069239, 2016.
  • N. Ng, S. Brown, A. Archibald, E. Atlas, R. Cohen, J. Crowley, D. Day, N. Donahue, J. Fry, H. Fuchs, R. Griffin, M. Guzman, H. Hermann, A. Hodzic, Y. Iinuma, J.L. Jimenez, A. Kiendler-Scharr, B. Lee, D. Luecken, J. Mao, R. McLaren, A. Mutzel, H. Osthoff, B. Ouyang, B. Picquet-Varrault, U. Platt, H. Pye, Y. Rudich, R. Schwantes, M. Shiraiwa, J. Stutz, J. Thornton, A. Tilgner, B. Williams, and R. Zaveri. Nitrate radicals and biogenic volatile organic compounds: oxidation, mechanisms and organic aerosol. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 2103-2162, doi:10.5194/acp-17-2103-2017, 2017.
  • C. Reddington, K. Carslaw, P. Stier, N. Schutgens, H. Coe, D. Liu, J. Allan, J. Browse, K.J. Pringle, L.A. Lee, M. Yoshioka, J.S. Johnson, L.A. Regayre, D.V. Spracklen, G.W. Mann, A. Clarke, M. Hermann, S. Henning, H. Wex, T.B. Kristensen, W.R. Leaitch, U. Poeschl, D. Rose, M.O. Andreae, J. Schmale, Y. Kondo, N. Oshima, J. Schwarz, A. Nenes, B.E Anderson, G. Roberts, J. Snider, C. Leck, P.K. Quinn, X. Chi, A. Ding, J.L. Jimenez, Q. Zhang. The Global Aerosol Synthesis and Science Project (GASSP): Measurements and modelling to reduce uncertainty. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 1857–1877, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00317.1, 2017.
  • M. Mircea, B. Bessagnet, M. D'Isidoro, G. Pirovano, S. Aksoyoglu, G. Ciarelli, S. Tsyro, A. Manders, J. Bieser, R. Stern, M. García Vivanco, C. Cuvelier, W. Aas, A.S.H. Prévôt, A. Aulinger, G. Briganti, G. Calori, A. Cappelletti, A. Colette, F. Couvidat, H. Fagerli, S. Finardi, R. Kranenburg, L. Rouïl, C. Silibello, G. Spindler, L. Poulain, H. Herrmann, J.L. Jimenez, D.A. Day, P. Tiita, S. Carbone. The EURODELTA III exercise: an evaluation of air quality models' capacity to reproduce the carbonaceous aerosol. Atmos. Environ.: X, 2, 10018, doi:10.1016/j.aeaoa.2019.100018, 2019

Submitted Papers

  • O. Jorba, M. Pandolfi, M. Spada, J.M. Baldasano, J. Pey, A. Alastuey, D. Arnold, M. Sicard, B. Artiñano, M.A. Revuelta, and X. Querol: The DAURE field campaign: meteorological overview, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 4953-5001, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-4953-2011, 2011.

Participant Groups

DAURE Science Meetings

First DAURE Science Meeting on Mon. March 2, 10 am-1 pm at the main conference room at IJA (C/ Lluis Sole i Sabaris s/n, Barcelona). Short (10 min = 5-7 slides + 5 min discussion and questions) on the measurements / modeling being performed by each group, and the objectives of each group. This will help people to get to know each other and what each group will do during the campaign, and to know what previous data is available to provide context to our measurements.

Second DAURE Science Meeting on Tue March 10, 10:30 am at the main conference room at IJA.

Third DAURE Science Meeting on Tue March 17, 10:30 am at the main conference room at IJA.

Fourth DAURE Science Meeting on Tue March 24, 10:30 am at the main conference room at IJA.

5th DAURE Science Meeting on Tue May 26, 10:30 am at the main conference room at IJA.

6th DAURE Science Meeting on Jan 14, 2010

The meeting will take place @ 11:00 am at the main conference room at IJA.

  • Attending but not presenting: Begona Artinano (CIEMAT), Francisco Gomez (CIEMAT), Josep Peñuelas (CREAF), Iolanda Filella (CREAF), Manuel Dall'Osto (Galway), Xavier Querol (CSIC), Andres Alastuey (CSIC), Jose Maria Baldasano (BSC), others TBD.

Mtg EGU 2010

  • We have registered the DAURE meeting as an "splinter" meeting at EGU (short description and splinter meeting overview). We have been granted free space within the conference center (with a data projector). We will meet Mon May 3rd over lunch 12:00-1:30 in room SM3, and continuing on Tue May 4th 8:30 am - 10:15 am in room SM1 (note the different rooms).
  • Presentations
    • Eiko Nemitz: Large scale context of DAURE-winter from the EUCAARI-EMEP campaigns
    • Marco Pandolfi: update on the overview paper for DAURE
    • Xavier Querol
    • Barend Van Drooge, CSIC: organic tracer analyses from DAURE filters
  • Attendees:
    • Fulvio Amato, Mari Cruz Minguillon, Marco Pandolfi, Esther Coz, Arancha Revuelta, Claudia Mohr, Xavier Querol, Andre Prevot, JL Jimenez, Agnes Richard, Pete DeCarlo, Barend Van Drooge, Oriol Jorba, Eiko Nemitz (17).

DAURE-related Presentations at Conferences

Please send the abstracts of DAURE-related conference presentations to Jose for posting here, as this helps to keep track of the ongoing analyses from the different groups and the likely papers.

  • Authorship policy for EGU-2010:  When submitting the abstract, please include in the author list the groups whose data you plan to use in their presentation. Typically include the student who has done the work and the principal investigator, and anyone else who has made a major contribution to that dataset. Then share the abstract with those groups, and they will let you know if they prefer to be listed in the acknowledgements (e.g. for small contributions) or whether anyone else needs to be added to the list. By the time the presentation is ready for EGU, you may be using other datasets and not using some of the ones you were planning to use. Just adapt the author list for the poster or talk with the principles above, and share a PDF of the talk or poster with your coauthors for their feedback. Note that if you have more than 10 authors, you will need to include the "DAURE Team" for the rest of the authors, as the form only allows 10.
  • AAAR 2009
    • Mohr et al., Investigation of sources of ambient submicron aerosol in the Barcelona metropolitan area using AMS mobile and stationary data. Abstract PDF of Poster.
    • Ng et al., An Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) for Routine Monitoring of Atmospheric Aerosol Composition Abstract
    • Prevot et al., Overview of PM1 Composition and Sources of Organic Mass in Europe. Abstract
  • EGU 2010
    • Metzger et al., Air Mass Characterization During the DAURE Field Campaign by PTR-TOF Abstract
    • Piot et al., Preliminary Modelling Results of the Chemical Composition of Particulate Matter in NE Spain for the DAURE campaign. Abstract
    • Amato et al., Application of Receptor Modeling Techniques (PMF2, ME-2) to Rural and Urban PM Measurements Performed During DAURE Campaign: Comparison with Multiyear Time Series. Abstract
    • Minguillon et al., Origin of Fine Carbonaceous Particulate Matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: Fossil Versus Modern Sources. Abstract
    • Pandolfi et al., An Overview of the DAURE Campaign: Aerosols Emissions and Evolution in the Western Mediterranean Basin. Abstract
    • Reche et al., Causes of Daily Cycle Variability of Atmospheric Pollutants in a Western Mediterranean Urban Site (DAURE Campaign). Abstract
    • Coz et al., Structural Characteristics of Internally Mixed Carbonaceous Aggregates from Barcelona (Spain) During DAURE Winter Campaign. Abstract
    • Plaza et al., Characterization of the Inorganic Aerosol in Barcelona Site During DAURE 2009 Field Campaigns. Abstract
    • Revuelta et al., Particle Size Distribution and Inorganic Aerosol Characterization During DAURE 2009 Winter Field Campaign at Montseny Site. Abstract
    • Mohr et al., Investigation of Sources of Ambient Submicron Aerosol in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Using AMS Mobile and Stationary Data. Abstract
    • Richard et al., Source Apportionment Studies at Different European Sites with Time and Size Resolved Trace Element Data. Abstract
  • IAC - 2010
    • Pandolfi et al., Intensive Aerosol Measurements during the DAURE Campaign at an EUSAAR Rural Site in the NW Mediterranean.
    • Viana et al., Carbonaceous aerosol measurements at a Mediterranean regional background site.
    • Minguillón et al., Carbonaceous particulate matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: contribution of fossil versus modern sources.
    • Revuelta et al., Characterization of Particulate Nitrate in Barcelona during DAURE 2009 Winter Campaign Abstract
  • RECTA - 2010
    • Revuelta et al., Experimental Characterization of Aerosol Properties During the DAURE 2009 Campaigns. Abstract
  • AAAS - 2010
    • Coz et al., Anthropogenic influenced mineral dust ambient fine particles at an urban site in Barcelona (Spain). Abstract
  • EGU 2011
    • Pandolfi et al., Impact of the Emissions from the Barcelona Metropolitan Area on the Levels and Composition of Fine Aerosols at both Urban and Regional Scale in the Western Mediterranean Basin: Preliminary Results of the DAURE Campaign.
    • Amato et al., Size and time-resolved roadside enrichment of atmospheric particulate pollutants.
    • Coz et al., Characteristics of the Nanoparticles in Soot Aggregates from Barcelona (Spain) During DAURE Winter Campaign: the Closure of a Complex State of Mixture. Abstract

Tentative List of Journal Papers w/ DAURE data

  • Papers confirmed as being written as of July-2010:
    • 1. Marco Pandolfi et al. (CSIC): "Sources and Origin of PM in the Western Mediterranean Basin: an Overview of the DAURE Campaign"
    • 2. Esther Coz et al. (CIEMAT): Quantitative morphology and state of mixture of atmospheric carbonaceous aggregates from Barcelona during DAURE winter campaign.
    • 3. Barend Van Drooge (CSIC): organic tracers
    • 5. Mari Cruz Minguillon (CSIC): 14C results compared with other measurements
  • Papers listed as "being written" in Jan-2010, don't know current status:
    • 6. Oriol Jorba et al. (BSC): meteorological overview of DAURE (Feb 2010)
  • Papers listed as "tentative, pending further analysis" in Jan-2010, don't know current status:
    • 7. Claudia Mohr (PSI) et al.: "Investigation of Ambient Submicron Aerosol in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area using AMS Mobile and Stationary Data" (will be written after Summer 2010)
    • 8. Agnes Richard (PSI): possible paper on DRUM-XRF (maybe combined w other campaigns)
    • 9. Mar Viana (CSIC) et al.: Comparison of tracers for biomass burning
    • 10. Lanz (PSI) et al.: paper comparing PMF analysis across EUCARII-EMEP
    • 11. Sicard et al. (UPC): Correlation between ground PM measurements & PBL height, synoptic situations. Ground vs columnar size distribution from AERONET & LIDAR
    • 12. Plaza et al. (CIEMAT): Size-segregated Inorganic aerosols in BCN during DAURE winter campaign.
    • 13. Coz et al. (CIEMAT): Diurnal cycle and associated individual characteristics of mineral dust, metal bearing and primary biogenic aerosol particles at Barcelona during DAURE winter campaign.
    • 14. BSC: Model evaluation paper using DAURE data (including mobile results) (maybe break up)
    • 15. Innsbruck: One paper TBD
    • 16. Joan Llusia & Yolanda Fillela: Winter biogenic emissions rates vs air concentrations
    • 17. Roger & Simon et al.: Aerosol vs biogenics vs O3 at MSY
    • 18. Roger: VOCs in urban environment

Data policy

From previous experience, it is important to share data early to identify instrument problems, early findings etc. We would like to propose the following data policy, which is based on that from MILAGRO and other large field campaigns. Please let us know of any suggestions for changes etc.

(a) Data will be shared during the field phase as soon as it is available (if possible the next day after it is taken for continuous instruments). We hope to set up an FTP site for this purpose within the next couple of days. This is done with the understanding that data is not fully calibrated/corrected/etc., and its main use is to look at trends and start to identify patterns and correlations at the different sites. Field data from other groups can only be used by people participating in the campaign, and CANNOT be shown or shared with people outside the campaign unless you have the permission of the data owners.

(b) Data should also be made available to all participants during the data analysis phase. Data from other groups cannot be used in presentations or publications without the permission of the data owners, and coauthorship should be offered to the data producers (which are then free to accept or decline the offer).

Data Server

We have created a secure FTP site to upload preliminary data and model results. You need a secure FTP program such as SFTP or SSH. A very good one for Windows is WinSCP, which you can download from this link. An equivalent free program for Macs is Cyberduck (recommended by Pete DeCarlo). Once you download the program, you need to set up a connection to cires.colorado.edu, and log in with "daure" and the password which Jose sent by email (pls request from him again if you've lost it). We have created a folder for every group, please load the data or model results there as they become available. An ASCII format would be best, please include the units, contact person, any data flags, etc.

To keep track easily of which data have been uploaded / will be uploaded / will not be available because of instrument problems etc., we have created another tab on the Google Spreadsheet, which can be viewed directly at this link. Please let us know about the status of the data which is currently in gray (unknown), or whether anything is missing, etc.

And finally, remember that the data is shared in accordance with the DAURE data policy, which is now official since no one has expressed any reservations about it.

Data from Monitoring Networks and Other Sources

There is an AERONET site in Barcelona which reports optical depth at several wavelengths during sunny days. The PIs belong to the BSC group which is participating in DAURE.

There are two monitoring networks in Barcelona, one operated by the regional government and another one by the city:

Results from Previous Research

The following papers present results from previous research in this area that will be useful to provide context for the DAURE data. (Please add any other papers below or email the references to Jose).


The campaigns were carried out simultaneously at two sites of NE Spain in the Mediterranean Basin

  • Site BCN is inside Barcelona (CSIC. Located in the university campus in the western side of Barcelona close to Diagonal Avenue, one of the main traffic roads from the city. In this area we will install 2 monitoring cabins BCN_1 and BCN_2. The first consits of a conventional aerosol monitosing site containing CSIC instrumentation. BCN_2 is a small office trailer ready to install the arriving instruments and it is located only 5 m away from BCN_1.

Urban Background
02° 6'58.06"E
80 meters amsl
(Decimal Coordinates: Latitude: 41.390003 Longitude: 2.116128

The station is located 10 m from a University Residence and around 300 m of our Institute of Earth Sciences ‘Jaume Almera’, CSIC. It is very convenient to book rooms at this residence a.s.a.p (see details below).

  • Site MSY was at rural mountain site at Montseny (~50 km away), ideally with the same measurements at both sites. In this area we seleceted 2 monitoring sites MSY_1 and MSY_2. The first consits of a conventional aerosol monitosing site containing CSIC instrumentation. MSY_2 is a traditional rural house plenty of space, with sleeping rooms, kitchen and very basic labs. CREAF has ge kindly allowed us to use this MSY 2 field laboratory. Special thanks to Javier Retana (director of CREAF)for facilitating all sort of actions to allow us organizing the measurements. This is ready to install the arriving instruments (up to 10 kW) and it is located only 200 m away from MSY_1.

Regional background
MSY_1: CSIC aerosol monitoring station
720 meters amsl
(Decimal Coordinates Latitude: 41.779342 Longitude: 2.358033)

MSY_2: Rural house with laboratory for DAURE

    • Additionally there will be enough space to work with a conventional mobile unit (from PSI or from AQ local agencies. Note that at Montseny the unpaved mountain road is in poor condition, and has posed problems in the past.

Instrumentation (only winter campaign)

The following instrumentation is planned to be working during the winter campaign:

Site BCN_1

Gas-Phase Species
Parameter Technique Group Contact Person Notes
PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 Optical Counter CSIC Corrected w/ gravimetric measurements
12 to 24 h speciation of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 3 high volume samplers + ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Sunset TO OC-EC, IC, seletive electrodes CSIC sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, OC, EC, Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Ti, and 55 trace elements
Black Carbon MAAP CSIC
PM number concentration Water CPC CSIC
SO2, NO, NOx, O3, CO Commercial gas analyzers Generalitat
T, RH, Wind direction and speed, radiation, rain Met station Faculty of Physics
PM1 chemical analysis additional high volume sampler CSIC (PM1 inlet from PSI) Sampling will be 24h or 48h and filters will not be weighed
PM1 chemical analysis high volume sampler CSIC breakup: 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES(IJA), 1/4 for levoglucosan & dicarboxylic acids (Risto Hillamo, Finnish Met. Institute), 1/4 for EC and OC analyses (PSI)?. Additional filter: 1/2 for 14C analysis of EC and OC (PSI selected samples). At most 6 filters per site will be selected (12 EC and OC analysis per site) this will be repeated for summer campaign.
PM2.5 chemical analysis high volume sampler CSIC breakup: 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES(IJA), 1/4 for levoglucosan & dicarboxylic acids (Risto Hillamo, Finnish Met. Institute), 1/4 for lixiviate, 1/4 for EC and OC analysis and any other analysis (open)
PM10 chemical analysis high volume sampler CSIC breakup: 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES(IJA), 1/4 for lixiviate, 1/2 is available
OC & EC in PM2.5 low volume sampler (partisol) CSIC with denuder and QBC for OC (with positive and negative artifact correction) and EC in PM2.5
NH3 and HNO3 2 low volume samplers (1m3/h) CSIC Denuders for NH3 and HNO3 artifact determination. 24 hour samples

Site BCN_2

Particle-Phase Species
Parameter Technique Group Contact Person Notes
W-ToF-AMS PSI Another W-ToF-AMS will be present to perform mobile and stationary measurements at the same time
14C Analysis on filters PSI 10 daily samples at MSY and 10 samples at BCN. For each sample 2 analysis, one for OC the other for EC. This will be repeated during both for winter and summer campaigns.
1 rotating drum impactor PSI 2 hourly resolution for subsequent synchrotron-XRF
aethalometer PSI
aethalometer PSI
CO2, NOx, CO Mobile laboratory (AMS, MAAP, and FMPS) PSI to measure at different sites at the begining and at the end of the campaign
Real time measurements of nitrate (PM2.5) R&P 8400N CIEMAT 10 minute time resolution
Real time measurements of sulfate Thermo CIEMAT 10 minute time resolution (will start later than 23-Feb due to technical issues)
MOUDI (Microorifice Uniform Deposit Impactor) CIEMAT ten size stages from 0.056mm to 18 mm and the filter back-up stage (<0.056 mm) : quartz fiber filters for chemical analysis
Low vol/or high vol sampler for SEM-EDX analysis of aerosols CIEMAT
Cimel sunphotometer UB
Spectroradiometers UB
Meteorological instruments UB

Site MSY_1

Gas-Phase Species
Parameter Technique Group Notes
PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 Grimm Optical counter CSIC Corrected with gravimetric measurements
Black Carbon MAAP CSIC
Particle Number Concentration Butanol CPC (TSI) CSIC
SO2, NOx, O3, CO Monitoring-quality analyzers GenCat
Meteorological data Weather station CSIC
12 to 24 h speciation of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 Weather station CSIC Includes sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, OC, EC, Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Ti, and 55 trace elements. Analysis will be performed after sampling with ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Sunset TO OC-EC, IC, seletive electrodes. Use of the filters for analysis would be exactly the same as described for BCN_1
OC (with positive and negative artifact correction) and EC in PM2.5 Low volume sampler (Partisol) with denuder and QBQ CSIC
2-hr resolution elemental composition 1 rotating drum impactor w/ subsequent synchrotron-XRF at PSI PSI
PM1 chemical analysis: 14C, molecular tracers and NMR spectral fingerprints (through collaborators in EUCARII) Low volume sampler (Partisol) with denuder and QBQ PSI Sampling will be 24h or 48h. These filters will not be weighed.

Site MSY_2

Gas-Phase Species
Parameter Technique Group Notes
Aerosols Low vol sampler CIEMAT SEM-EDX
MOUDI (Microorifice Uniform Deposit Impactor) CIEMAT impactor (ten size stages from 0.056mm to 18 mm and the filter back-up stage (<0.056 mm) : quartz fiber filters for chemical analysis
Dust track UC-CEH
BVOC, Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), RH, and CO2 Leaf enclosure techniques using LiCor 6400, Cuvette samples CREAF Cuvette samples pumped out from the exhaust line into sampling tubes packed with adsorbents.
C_5 to C_20 compounds and C_1 to C_20 VOCs (C_5-C_20 air samples) Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry at CREAF. (C_1-C_20 VOC air samples) PTR-MS CREAF VOC sampling done with tedlar bags or canisters to be later analysed in case the PTR-MS cannot be transported to the site.
VOC emission and modeling Standard algorithms with appropriate adjustments CREAF 3 different levels. 1. leaf/branch scale 2. canopy 3. landscape emission capacity model

Site BCN3

Gas-Phase Species
Parameter Technique Group Notes
Meteo and AQ modeling and forecast Meteo and AQ modeling and forecast (CMAQ, WRF) Air Quality Modeling, CALIOPE project Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)-UPC Forecast is for following 48 hours. 1. Europe (12km grid cell resolution) 2. Iberian peninsula (4km grid cell resolution) 3. Barcelona (1km grid cell resolution)
Mineral dust Daily DREAM mineral dust model forecasts North Africa/Europe and East-Asia: BSC-DREAM BSC
PM up to 5km Lidar UPC (aerosols above 5 km might also be detected depending on their concentration). Each Monday (2pm solar time ± 1 h and sunset -2 h + 3 h) and Thursday (sunset -2 h + 3 h). Additionally, 2 more measurements/week around 01:00 UTC and 13:00 UTC, coinciding with CALIPSO passage over Barcelona

Media Coverage

Funding and Acknowledgements

  • CSIC Group, 14C analyses and some logistical expenses: Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science: Proyecto DOASUR: CGL2007-62505/CLI. Acción Complementaria DAURE CGL2007-30502-E/CLI, and Consolider-Ingenio project GRACCIECSD 2007-00067.
  • CIEMAT group: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: Accion Complentaria “Participación en la campaña DAURE 2009” CGL2008-02817-E/CLI, PROFASE Project CGL2007-64117/CLI as well as the GRACCIE project
  • Colorado & Penn State Groups: US National Science Foundation Grant ATM-0920940 (Atm. Chem. Program) and NSF OISE (Office of International Science and Engineering)
  • BSC: Project CALIOPE: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 157/PC08/3-12.0
  • CREAF-CSIC: finantial support from the Spanish Government (CGL2006-04025/BOS, Consolider Montes CSD2008-00040), and the Catalan Government (grant SGR2005-00312)
  • CREAF has kindly allowed us to use MSY-2 as our field laboratory. Special thanks to Javier Retana (director of CREAF)for facilitating all sort of actions to allow us organizing the measurements.