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* A shortcut to this page is: [http://tinyurl.com/anylsem2 http://tinyurl.com/anylsem2]
* A shortcut to this page is: [http://tinyurl.com/anylsem2 http://tinyurl.com/anylsem2]
* The seminar calendar is also displayed [http://chem.colorado.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=626&Itemid=400 here in the CHEM webpage]
* The seminar calendar is also displayed [https://www.colorado.edu/chemistry/events/seminars here in the CHEM webpage] and as a Google Calendar.
** The ANYL seminar calendar in the above CHEM page is a Google calendar that can be shared with anyone interested (ask <michael.lechner@colorado.edu>)
** The Google Cal is a public calendar, meaning that you can add it to your personal calendar and it will display the seminars at the right time and will the relevant details. Just enter the Calendar ID under "Other Calendars --> Add a friend's calendar" to the left of your Google Calendar:  qm8k9heqc27sauteit0p01kpjg@group.calendar.google.com. (If the Wiki and GCal don't agree, the Wiki should be correct, but please let us know if this happens).
=== General Information ===
=== General Information ===
* Jointly sponsored by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CIRES, and the Environmental Program
* Jointly sponsored by the Department of Chemistry, CIRES, and the Environmental Program
* All seminars will be held on Mondays @ noon - 1 pm in Ekeley S274, unless marked otherwise
* All seminars will be held on Mondays at '''12:20 - 1:20 PM''', and beginning Fall 2022 will be hybrid remote/in person unless otherwise noted.
* As in the past, students may be asked to move to a later (or occasionally earlier) date to accommodate schedules of out-of-town speakers.
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MHU8_vyGSldDWcc2rjywpe_r_2t_0K1ueoor7d0d1iA/pubhtml# Schedules for meeting with external speakers] (Ask Anne or faculty if interested)
* As in the past, CU speakers may be asked to move to a later (or occasionally earlier) date to accommodate schedules of out-of-town speakers.
* Links: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez/Analytical/  ANYL Division Page] / [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/ANYL_Sem_Guidelines  ANYL Seminar Guidelines] / [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/ANYL_Sem_Abstracts ANYL Seminar Abstracts] /  [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/CU-Analytical-Seminars-Prev Schedules of Past Years] / [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez/Analytical/2016_CHEM_Policy_Meals.pdf Guidelines for meal reimbursements in CHEM] / [http://cires1.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/Supergroup Atmos. Chem. Summer Supergroup]
* [http://cires1.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/ANYL_Award Best Student Paper Award]
* Links of interest:
==Fall 2024==
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/Analytical_Division  ANYL Division Main Wiki Page]
* '''Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 2:00 PM''' - Special seminar, [https://www.psi.ch/en/lac/multiphase-chemistry-research-group Lucia Iezzi], Paul Scherrer Institut, "Iodine activation and recycling driven by Fe(III)-carboxylate photochemistry"
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/ANYL_Sem_Guidelines  ANYL Seminar Guidelines]
* 2 September 2024 - No seminar, Labor Day
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/ANYL_Sem_Abstracts ANYL Seminar Abstracts]
* 9 September 2024 % - No Seminar -- Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/CU-Analytical-Seminars-Prev Schedules of ANYL Seminars in Past Years (for Reference)]
* 16 September 2024 % - ANYL Best Student & Postdoc Paper Awards Announcement; [http://volkamergroup.colorado.edu/ Rainer Volkamer] (ANYL Faculty), (1/2 seminar), and meeting of all first year students w/ faculty (other 1/2)
* 23 September 2024 % - [https://sites.google.com/view/brownelab/people Eleanor Browne] (ANYL Faculty) (1/2 seminar) & [https://www.colorado.edu/even/people/faculty/fernando-rosario-ortiz Fernando Rosario] (ANYL Affiliated Faculty)
* 30 September 2024 - [https://www.sandiego.edu/cas/faculty/biography.php?profile_id=39 Prof. David De Haan], University of San Diego (host: Students)
* 7 October 2024 ^% - [http://cires1.colorado.edu/jimenez/ Jose-Luis Jimenez] (ANYL Faculty) (1/2 seminar), & [https://sites.google.com/view/de-gouw-lab Joost de Gouw] (ANYL Faculty), (1/2 seminar)
* 14 October 2024 %@ - No Seminar -- Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
* 21 October 2024 ^%@ - No Seminar -- Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations (also AAAR Meeting)
* 28 October 2024 - [https://sites.google.com/site/ziemanngroup/ Paul Ziemann] (ANYL Faculty) (1/2 seminar) & [https://www.colorado.edu/lab/browngroup/members Steve Brown] (NOAA, Adjoint Faculty) (1/2 seminar)
* '''Thursday, 31 October 2024, 3:30 PM, Ekeley S247''' - Special seminar, Henning Finkenzeller, U. Helsinki
* 4 November 2024 - Leo Bloxham, (1/2 seminar) and Natalie Couch, (1/2 seminar) (ANYL 1st years)
* '''Tuesday, 5 November 2024, 1:00 PM''' - ANYL dissertation defense, Zachary Schiffman, [https://cires.colorado.edu/research/research-groups/margaret-tolbert-group Tolbert group]
* 11 November 2024 - Valentina Osorio, (1/2 seminar) and Max Muter, (1/2 seminar) (ANYL 1st years)
* 18 November 2024 - Lee Feinman, (1/2 seminar) and Nell Schafer, (1/2 seminar) (ANYL 1st years)
* 25 November 2024 - No seminar, fall break
* 2 December 2024 - Matt Schulman, (1/2 seminar) and Piper Read, (1/2 seminar) (ANYL 1st years)
* 9 December 2024 - No seminar, Fall AGU Meeting
* 16 December 2024 - No seminar, finals week
**Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (#): MAT; (%): PJZ; (^): ECB; (@): RMV; ($): JdG; (?): not sure)
=== Related Seminar Series in Boulder ===
==Spring 2025==
* 13 January 2025 - No seminar, first week of classes
* 20 January 2025 - No seminar, MLK Jr day
* 27 January 2025 - [https://atmoslab.gist.ac.kr/atmoslab/ Prof. Kyung-Eun Min], Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea (Host: PJZ)
* 3 February 2025 - [https://gml.noaa.gov/staff/Stephen.A.Montzka/ Dr. Steve Montzka], NOAA (Host: PJZ)
* 10 February 2025 -
* 17 February 2025 - [https://www.cheme.engineering.cmu.edu/directory/bios/jen-coty.html Prof. Coty Jen], Carnegie Mellon University (host: Students)
* 24 February 2025 - Guy Symonds, Jimenez Group, ANYL 3rd year talk
* 3 March 2025 - [https://coloradosph.cuanschutz.edu/resources/directory/directory-profile/Samet-Jonathan-UCD6001528964 Prof. Jonathan Samet], CU School of Public Health (host: JLJ)
* 10 March 2025 - [https://www.atmoschemgroup.org/ Prof. Nadine Borduas-Dedekind], University of British Columbia (host: RMV)
* 17 March 2025 - [https://health.snu.ac.kr/en/snu__professor/%EA%B9%80%ED%99%94%EC%A7%84_%ED%99%98%EA%B2%BD%EB%B3%B4%EA%B1%B4%ED%95%99%EA%B3%BC/ Prof. Hwajin Kim], Seoul National University: "The Application of Machine Learning to Air Quality Studies" (host: JdG)
* 24 March 2025 - No seminar, spring break
* 31 March 2025 - Madison Rutherford, de Jouw Group, ANYL 3rd year talk
* 7 April 2025 - [https://chemistry.ucsd.edu/faculty/profiles/slade__jonathan__h.html Prof. Jonathan Slade], Univ. of California-San Diego (Host: JLJ)
* 14 April 2025 - [https://sites.uci.edu/uagroup/ Prof. Jim Smith], Univ. of California Irvine (Host: ECB)
* 21 April 2025 - [https://willislab.colostate.edu/ Prof. Megan Willis], Colorado State University (Host: JLJ)
* 28 April 2025
* 5 May 2025 - No seminar, finals week
**Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (#): MAT; (%): PJZ; (^): ECB; (@): RMV; ($): JdG; (?): not sure)
==Fall 2025==
* 18 August 2025 - Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
* 25 August 2025 - Faculty 1/2 seminar, and meeting of all first year students w/ faculty (other 1/2)
* 1 September 2025 - no seminar, Labor Day
* 8 September 2025 - Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
* 15 September 2025 - Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
* 22 September 2025 - Faculty 1/2 seminar x 2
* 29 September 2025 - Faculty 1/2 seminar x 2
* 6 October 2025 - Faculty 1/2 seminar x 2
* 13 October 2025 - 1st year student seminar x2
* 20 October 2025 - 1st year student seminar x2
* 27 October 2025 - 1st year student seminar x2
* 3 November 2025
* 10 November 2025
* 17 November 2025
* 24 November 2025 - no seminar, fall break
* 1 December 2025
* 8 December 2025 - no seminar, Finals
* 15 December 2025
== Related Seminar Series in Boulder ==
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/calendar/events/index.php CIRES Events and Seminars] (dates and times vary)
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/calendar/events/index.php CIRES Events and Seminars] (dates and times vary)
* [https://www2.acd.ucar.edu/seminars NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry] (Mon 3:30 pm, [http://www.ucar.edu/org/bouldermap.shtml Foothills Lab])
* [https://www2.acom.ucar.edu/seminars ACOM Seminar Series] (Mon 3:30 pm, [https://www2.ucar.edu/campus/map-ncar-ucar-building-locations Foothills Lab]) (Note that they provide videos of many past seminars)
* [http://www.colorado.edu/chemistry/seminars/MICS/ CU Methods in Chemistry] (Tue 12-1 pm, [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=CIRE CIRES S274])
* [https://lasp.colorado.edu/home/about/events/science-seminars/ CU Astrobiology] (Wed 2-3 pm, LASP conference room D142, [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=DUAN Duane Physics Bldg.])
* [http://lasp.colorado.edu/life/seminars.html CU Astrobiology] (Wed 2-3 pm, LASP conference room D142, [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=DUAN Duane Physics Bldg.])
* [http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/seminars/ NOAA Chemical Sciences Division] (Wed 3:30 pm, [http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/img/location.gif Skaggs Bldg.], [http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/img/building.gif Room 2A305])
* [http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/seminars/ NOAA Chemical Sciences Division] (Wed 3:30 pm, [http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/img/location.gif Skaggs Bldg.], [http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/img/building.gif Room 2A305])
* [http://www.colorado.edu/MCEN/news/seminars/ CU Mechanical Engineering] (Thu 3:30 pm, [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=EC ECCR 200])
* [https://www.colorado.edu/mechanical/news-events/me-department-calendar CU Mechanical Engineering] ([http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=EC ECCR 200])
* [http://ceae.colorado.edu/env/?ii=37 CU Environmental Engineering] (Fri 12-1 pm, [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=EC ECCE 1B41])
* [https://www.colorado.edu/ceae/newsevents/seminars CU Environmental Engineering] (Fri 11 am, [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=EC ECCE 1B41])
* [http://chem.colorado.edu/pdfoutput/physicalPDF.php Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics] (Fri 4-5 pm, [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=JILA&x=12&y=10 JILA Aud.])
* [https://www.colorado.edu/chemistry/events Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics] (Fri 4-5 pm, [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=JILA&x=12&y=10 JILA Aud.])
* [http://paos.colorado.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=8&Itemid=38 CU Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences] (Fri 4-5 pm, Physics Commons, top of [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=W-GT&x=20&y=11 Gamow Tower])
* [https://www.colorado.edu/atoc/colloquium CU Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences] (Fri 4-5 pm, Physics Commons, top of [http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=W-GT&x=20&y=11 Gamow Tower])
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/FRAC_Meetings Front Range Aerosol Community (FRAC) Meetings] (2-3 meetings per year on afternoons)
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/FRAC_Meetings Front Range Aerosol Community (FRAC) Meetings] (2-3 meetings per year on afternoons)
* [https://facss.mit.edu/ Frontiers in Atmospheric Chemistry Seminar Series] - Online only, join email list for links
==Fall 2013==
Coordinator:  Prof. Margaret Tolbert
Dates may change to accommodate external speakers
* September 2, 2013 LABOR DAY -- NO SEMINAR
* September 9, 2013 -- [http://cee.engr.ucdavis.edu/Faculty/cappa/default.htm Prof. Chris Cappa], Univ. of California, Davis (Hosts: M Tolbert and JL Jimenez)
* September 16, 2013 (faculty) -- [http://www.bobsievers.com/scienceandtechnology.html Bob Sievers] and
* September 23, 2013 (faculty) -- [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez Jose-Luis Jimenez] and [http://chem.colorado.edu/faculty-93/faculty-a-z/41-our-department/faculty/669-paul-j-ziemann Paul Ziemann]
* September 30, 2013 (faculty) -- [http://chem.colorado.edu/volkamergroup/ Rainer Volkamer] and [http://cires.colorado.edu/science/groups/tolbert/ Margaret Tolbert]
* October 7, 2013  -- [http://eaps-www.mit.edu/paoc/people/dan-cziczo Prof. Dan Cziczo], MIT, Combining Field and Laboratory Studies to Understand the Dominant Sources and Mechanisms of Cirrus Cloud Formation (Hosts: Tolbert, Volkamer, Jimenez)
* October 14, 2013 (PChem faculty or future adjoints?)
* October 21, 2013 (@) (1st yrs) -- Demetrios Pagonis and Abigail Koss
* October 28, 2013 (#) (1st yrs) -- Erin McDuffie and
* November 4, 2013 (1st yrs) -- Amanda McLaughlin and Ingrid Mielke-Maday
* November 11, 2013 (1st yrs) -- Lucas Algrim and Suichi Ushijima
* November 18, 2013 -- [http://envisci.ucr.edu/faculty/atkinson.html Prof. Roger Atkinson], Univ. of California-Riverside (Host: P Ziemann)
* November 25, 2013 FALL BREAK -- NO SEMINAR
* December 2, 2013 -- [http://fernandorosario.wordpress.com/ Prof. Fernando Rosario-Ortiz], Civil & Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Colorado-Boulder. "Photochemical formation of reactive oxygen species from wastewater organic matter." [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/ANYL_Sem_Abstracts#Monday.2C_Dec_2.2C_2013 Abstract] (Host: JL Jimenez)
* December 9, 2013 -- AGU MEETING -- NO SEMINAR
* Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (&): RES; (#): MAT; (@): RMV; (?): not sure)
** JLJ will be here all Mondays in the Fall semester
==Spring 2014==
Coordinator:  Prof. Robert Sievers
Dates may change to accommodate external speakers
* January 20, 2014 MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr. HOLIDAY
* January 27, 2014
* February 3, 2014 (*?)
* February 10, 2014 (*?)
* February 17, 2014  (*?) Prof. Yu Xia, Purdue University -- host:  Veronica Bierbaum
* February 24, 2014 (*?)
* March 3, 2014
* March 10, 2014
* March 17, 2014  Tim Bertram, UC San Diego
* March 24, 2014 SPRING BREAK -- NO SEMINAR
* March 31, 2014
* April 7, 2014
* April 14, 2014
* April 21, 3014
* April 28, 2014
Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (&): RES; (#): MAT; (@): RMV; (?): not sure)
* During Feb 2014 (and/or possibly Mar 2014) Jose & some of his group members may be at the GoAmazon campaign in Brazil (pending funding)

Latest revision as of 13:44, 8 October 2024


  • A shortcut to this page is: http://tinyurl.com/anylsem2
  • The seminar calendar is also displayed here in the CHEM webpage and as a Google Calendar.
    • The Google Cal is a public calendar, meaning that you can add it to your personal calendar and it will display the seminars at the right time and will the relevant details. Just enter the Calendar ID under "Other Calendars --> Add a friend's calendar" to the left of your Google Calendar: qm8k9heqc27sauteit0p01kpjg@group.calendar.google.com. (If the Wiki and GCal don't agree, the Wiki should be correct, but please let us know if this happens).

General Information

Fall 2024

  • Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 2:00 PM - Special seminar, Lucia Iezzi, Paul Scherrer Institut, "Iodine activation and recycling driven by Fe(III)-carboxylate photochemistry"
  • 2 September 2024 - No seminar, Labor Day
  • 9 September 2024 % - No Seminar -- Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
  • 16 September 2024 % - ANYL Best Student & Postdoc Paper Awards Announcement; Rainer Volkamer (ANYL Faculty), (1/2 seminar), and meeting of all first year students w/ faculty (other 1/2)
  • 23 September 2024 % - Eleanor Browne (ANYL Faculty) (1/2 seminar) & Fernando Rosario (ANYL Affiliated Faculty)
  • 30 September 2024 - Prof. David De Haan, University of San Diego (host: Students)
  • 7 October 2024 ^% - Jose-Luis Jimenez (ANYL Faculty) (1/2 seminar), & Joost de Gouw (ANYL Faculty), (1/2 seminar)
  • 14 October 2024 %@ - No Seminar -- Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
  • 21 October 2024 ^%@ - No Seminar -- Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations (also AAAR Meeting)
  • 28 October 2024 - Paul Ziemann (ANYL Faculty) (1/2 seminar) & Steve Brown (NOAA, Adjoint Faculty) (1/2 seminar)
  • Thursday, 31 October 2024, 3:30 PM, Ekeley S247 - Special seminar, Henning Finkenzeller, U. Helsinki
  • 4 November 2024 - Leo Bloxham, (1/2 seminar) and Natalie Couch, (1/2 seminar) (ANYL 1st years)
  • Tuesday, 5 November 2024, 1:00 PM - ANYL dissertation defense, Zachary Schiffman, Tolbert group
  • 11 November 2024 - Valentina Osorio, (1/2 seminar) and Max Muter, (1/2 seminar) (ANYL 1st years)
  • 18 November 2024 - Lee Feinman, (1/2 seminar) and Nell Schafer, (1/2 seminar) (ANYL 1st years)
  • 25 November 2024 - No seminar, fall break
  • 2 December 2024 - Matt Schulman, (1/2 seminar) and Piper Read, (1/2 seminar) (ANYL 1st years)
  • 9 December 2024 - No seminar, Fall AGU Meeting
  • 16 December 2024 - No seminar, finals week
    • Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (#): MAT; (%): PJZ; (^): ECB; (@): RMV; ($): JdG; (?): not sure)

Spring 2025

  • 13 January 2025 - No seminar, first week of classes
  • 20 January 2025 - No seminar, MLK Jr day
  • 27 January 2025 - Prof. Kyung-Eun Min, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea (Host: PJZ)
  • 3 February 2025 - Dr. Steve Montzka, NOAA (Host: PJZ)
  • 10 February 2025 -
  • 17 February 2025 - Prof. Coty Jen, Carnegie Mellon University (host: Students)
  • 24 February 2025 - Guy Symonds, Jimenez Group, ANYL 3rd year talk
  • 3 March 2025 - Prof. Jonathan Samet, CU School of Public Health (host: JLJ)
  • 10 March 2025 - Prof. Nadine Borduas-Dedekind, University of British Columbia (host: RMV)
  • 17 March 2025 - Prof. Hwajin Kim, Seoul National University: "The Application of Machine Learning to Air Quality Studies" (host: JdG)
  • 24 March 2025 - No seminar, spring break
  • 31 March 2025 - Madison Rutherford, de Jouw Group, ANYL 3rd year talk
  • 7 April 2025 - Prof. Jonathan Slade, Univ. of California-San Diego (Host: JLJ)
  • 14 April 2025 - Prof. Jim Smith, Univ. of California Irvine (Host: ECB)
  • 21 April 2025 - Prof. Megan Willis, Colorado State University (Host: JLJ)
  • 28 April 2025
  • 5 May 2025 - No seminar, finals week
    • Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (#): MAT; (%): PJZ; (^): ECB; (@): RMV; ($): JdG; (?): not sure)

Fall 2025

  • 18 August 2025 - Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
  • 25 August 2025 - Faculty 1/2 seminar, and meeting of all first year students w/ faculty (other 1/2)
  • 1 September 2025 - no seminar, Labor Day
  • 8 September 2025 - Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
  • 15 September 2025 - Meeting of CHEM-6101 to prepare 1st yr student presentations
  • 22 September 2025 - Faculty 1/2 seminar x 2
  • 29 September 2025 - Faculty 1/2 seminar x 2
  • 6 October 2025 - Faculty 1/2 seminar x 2
  • 13 October 2025 - 1st year student seminar x2
  • 20 October 2025 - 1st year student seminar x2
  • 27 October 2025 - 1st year student seminar x2
  • 3 November 2025
  • 10 November 2025
  • 17 November 2025
  • 24 November 2025 - no seminar, fall break
  • 1 December 2025
  • 8 December 2025 - no seminar, Finals
  • 15 December 2025

Related Seminar Series in Boulder