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* This is the page for organization of the 6th Boulder AMS & ACSM Clinic Meeting. A shorcut to this page is [http://tinyurl.com/AMSClinic6 http://tinyurl.com/AMSClinic6]
* This is the page for organization of the 6th Boulder AMS & ACSM Clinic Meeting. A shorcut to this page is [http://tinyurl.com/AMSClinic6 http://tinyurl.com/AMSClinic6]
* The Clinic is not a meeting for beginners but for people who have experience with the AMS / ACSM and want to discuss technical issues with other users and the instrument developers.
* The Clinic is not a meeting for beginners but for people who have experience with the AMS / ACSM and want to discuss technical issues with other users and the instrument developers.
* A registration form and request for topics to be discussed will be circulated closer to the date.  
* The feedback from the Clinic is [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZqoC15i_iDpJPGAcIP9kwCaVAHshYDS9agSWLoy41z0/viewanalytics here]
[[File:GuacTOF.JPG|400px|thumb|right|G-TOF (Guacamole TOF): Data analysis in appetizer form.]]
[[File:DonnaLiz-DinnerParty.JPG|400px|thumb|right|G-TOF (Guacamole TOF): Data analysis in appetizer form.]]
== Dates and Location ==
== Dates and Location ==
* The 6th AMS Clinic will take place at CU-Boulder on Thu June 18 to Sat June 20, 2015.  
* The 6th AMS Clinic will take place at CU-Boulder on Thu June 18 to Sat June 20, 2015.  
** Map of Hotels, Conference Sites, and Dinner locaitons: [https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=zrCmhsYFe8pg.kiqVYvwlw74A AMS Clinic Map]
** Static Maps: [http://cires1.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/maps/MainCampus.JPG Campus Map] [http://cires1.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/maps/CloseMap.6thAMS.JPG Closeup Map]
** We'll start Thu @ 8:30 am and end Sat at 5 pm
** We'll start Thu @ 8:30 am and end Sat at 5 pm
** Tentative ARI dinner on Thu eve
** Thu & Fri: main meeting in Humanities 135 (across from the Ekeley building where we have met in past years). Breakouts: HUM 180 and 186
** Party at Donna's on Fri eve
** Sat: main meeting in Ekeley E1B20 (same room as past few Clinics). Breakouts in Ekeley E1B50 and E1B75.
* It will follow immediately after the [https://sites.google.com/site/citofms/um/um2015 2015 Aerodyne ToF-CIMS Users Meeting] that will take place in Fort Collins, CO (1 hr N of Boulder) during Mon June 15-Wed June 17, 2015.
** Aerodyne-sponsored dinner on Thu eve @ Backcountry Pizza (no alcohol included)
** Party at Donna's on Friday Evening. 
* The AMS Clinic will follow immediately after the [https://sites.google.com/site/citofms/um/um2015 2015 Aerodyne ToF-CIMS Users Meeting] that will take place in Fort Collins, CO (1 hr N of Boulder) during Mon June 15-Wed June 17, 2015.
== Clinic Schedule & Presentations ==
Detailed schedule is kept at [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Arne3B66AUZCclhiTkJIU2NlbThCOEQ1c1pRNDlveVE&single=true&gid=16&output=html this spreadsheet].
=== Thu 18-June-2015: Quantification Issues ===
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/QuantificationSlides_BoulderClinic_2015.pdf Manjula: Review of quantification issues (RIE, CEs, nitrate cals)]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/AMS_Field_Comparisons.pdf Jose-Luis Jimenez: Overview of field intercomparisons]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/2015_Clinic_Murphy.pdf Dan Murphy: Free molecular flow, thermal decomposition, and residence time in the AMS ion source]
* Doug Worsnop: Constraints on quantification from intercomparisons, hygroscopicity & other methods
* User input & discussion
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/2015-06-18_quick_VUV_for_AMS_clinic.pdf Jay Slowik: Citric acid w/ VUV at 600 and 300]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/SuzaneSdeSa_GoAmazon20145_CE_forsharing.pdf Suzane de Sa: apparent CE in GoAmazon]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/Docherty_CE.pdf Ken Docherty: CE vs f44/f57 in chamber SOA]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/Middlebrook_PM1_volumes.pdf Ann Middlebrook: observations from prior lab & field work: PM Volume comparisons]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/Middlebrook_IPP_NH4_f44.pdf Ann Middlebrook: observations from prior lab & field work: IPP, NH4, f44]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/SPandAMSVUVSlides_BoulderClinic.pdf Manjula Canagaratna: Slide on glutaric, citric acid in VUV]
* John Jayne: variability of f44
* Simone Pieber: f44 interference from nitrate and other salts (prez. not posted, manuscript in preparation)
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/HRClinic_Williams_pTOFvsMSPanel.pdf Leah Williams: PToF vs MS as diagnostic of slow f44]
=== Fri 19-June-2015: Instrumentation & Analysis Issues ===
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/2015_0617_CapVapOnf44_WW_Final.pdf WeiWei Hu: Capture vaporizer and f44]
* Mike Cubison:  Detecting metals with a ToF-ACSM (Donna to post a subset)
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/HROgCheckPanel.pdf Donna Sueper: Updates to HROrg Analysis for updated Elemental Analysis]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/HRNH4_inaccurate_due_to_NH3_inaccuracy.pdf Donna Sueper: A case of inaccurate HRNH4]
* Joel Kimmel: Event trigger (can't be posted yet due to pending patent)
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/UsersClinic_MDW.pdf Megan Willis: preliminary ambient SP Event trigger data]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/06-19-2015_PCJ_ePToF_AMSClinic.pdf Pedro Campuzano Jost: ePToF]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/HRClinic_Williams_eptof.pdf Leah Williams: Is ePToF better for ambient data?]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/DeCarlo_eptof Pete DeCarlo: ePToF was helpful at high loadings]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/PM2p5system.pdf  Wen Xu: PM 2.5]
=== Sat 20-June-2015: ME-2, PMF, User Open Mike ===
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/2015-06-20_ME2_AMS_clinic.pdf Jay Slowik: Updates on ME-2]
** [http://www.psi.ch/acsm-stations/me-2 ME2 Software Website]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/SPAMSpresentationOnasch_6192015.pdf Tim Onasch:  SP-AMS: Main Issues for Quantification]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/FortnerAlignbeams.pdf Ed Fortner: SP-AMS Aligning particle and laser beams]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/FortnerPowerSensProblem.pdf Ed Fortner: SP-AMS Some laser power problems]
* Raea Hicks: Soil analysis by laser-ablation + AMS (will not be posted, manuscript in preparation)
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/Dara_evap.pdf Dara Salcedo: AMS evaporation model for non-refractory vs. semi-refractory material]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/06-20-2015_PCJ_Lens_Transmission_issues_v2.pdf Pedro Campuzano-Jost: Lens transmission issues]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/HRClinic_Williams_More_pTOFvsMS.pdf Leah Williams (presented by Manjula Canagaratna): followup on PToF/MS Ratios vs m/z]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/QZ_Prez.pdf Qi Zhang: Comparison of DESI vs AMS O/C, and issues with m/z calibrations in SP-AMS]
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/UsrMtgs/clinic_2015/EventTriggerPanelIntroductionandDiscussion.pdf Jason Schroder & Donna Sueper: IE panel for ET data]
== Party at Donna's 19 June 2015 ==
* Address: 875 Roxwood Lane #A Boulder, CO.
** [https://www.google.com/maps/dir//875+Roxwood+Lane+%23A+Boulder,+CO/@40.0069474,-105.2721457,15z Directions ]
* The Plan:
** Empanadas from Rincon in Boulder will be served.
** Non-Alcoholic Beverages and a few beers will be provided.
** Donations to cover food and drink Encouraged.
** Feel free to bring your own food and drink if you wish.
** Have fun mingling in Donna's beautiful back yard if weather cooperates, and/or inside.
== Tentative List of Attendees ==
== Tentative List of Attendees ==
The following 49 people have registered for the meeting:
The following 50 people have registered for the meeting:
* Doug Worsnop, John Jayne, Leah Williams, Donna Sueper, Joel Kimmel, Philip Croteau, Manjula Canagaratna, Harald Stark, Tim Onasch, Ed Fortner - Aerodyne Research
* Doug Worsnop, John Jayne, Leah Williams, Donna Sueper, Joel Kimmel, Philip Croteau, Manjula Canagaratna, Harald Stark, Tim Onasch, Ed Fortner - Aerodyne Research
Line 30: Line 98:
* Dongyu "Simon" Wang, University of Texas at Austin
* Dongyu "Simon" Wang, University of Texas at Austin
* Haiyan Li, Tsinghua University
* Haiyan Li, Tsinghua University
* Sanna Saarikoski, FMI, Finland
* Sanna Saarikoski, Risto Hillamo, FMI, Finland
* Megan Willis, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
* Megan Willis, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
* Qi Zhang, Nicky Young, Shan Zhou, University of California, Davis
* Qi Zhang, Nicky Young, Shan Zhou, University of California, Davis
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* Ping Chen, Handix
* Ping Chen, Handix
* Ken Docherty, US EPA (pending confirmation)
* Ken Docherty, US EPA (pending confirmation)
* Ingeborg Nielsen, Aarhus Univ.
People indicated an interest in attending but have not registered yet:
* Sonya Collier (undecided), UC-Davis
* James Allan, Univ of Manchester, UK
* Risto Hillamo, FMI
== Schedule for Thu (UMR, quantification) ==
* 8:30: start, welcome, discussion of structure, dynamics of clinic, review of topics that people want to cover, possibility of breaking into subgroups
* 8:45: Review of quantification issues, lab measurements of RIE_OA
* 9:45-11 am: Dan Murphy (NOAA) will present his taken on possible issues on AMS quantification of OA, followed by responses / discussion / possible plans
* 1:00: m/z 44 in ACSM vs AMS, vs open/closed time, and other idiosyncracies
== Some Topics to be Discussed ==
== Some Topics to be Discussed ==
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**Contact: +1 (303) 440-8877
**Contact: +1 (303) 440-8877
**Block Reservation Name: University of Colorado AMS Clinic
**Block Reservation Name: University of Colorado AMS Clinic
*Other hotel blocks coming soon.

Latest revision as of 15:05, 1 July 2015

  • This is the page for organization of the 6th Boulder AMS & ACSM Clinic Meeting. A shorcut to this page is http://tinyurl.com/AMSClinic6
  • The Clinic is not a meeting for beginners but for people who have experience with the AMS / ACSM and want to discuss technical issues with other users and the instrument developers.
  • The feedback from the Clinic is here
G-TOF (Guacamole TOF): Data analysis in appetizer form.
G-TOF (Guacamole TOF): Data analysis in appetizer form.

Dates and Location

  • The 6th AMS Clinic will take place at CU-Boulder on Thu June 18 to Sat June 20, 2015.
    • Map of Hotels, Conference Sites, and Dinner locaitons: AMS Clinic Map
    • Static Maps: Campus Map Closeup Map
    • We'll start Thu @ 8:30 am and end Sat at 5 pm
    • Thu & Fri: main meeting in Humanities 135 (across from the Ekeley building where we have met in past years). Breakouts: HUM 180 and 186
    • Sat: main meeting in Ekeley E1B20 (same room as past few Clinics). Breakouts in Ekeley E1B50 and E1B75.
    • Aerodyne-sponsored dinner on Thu eve @ Backcountry Pizza (no alcohol included)
    • Party at Donna's on Friday Evening.
  • The AMS Clinic will follow immediately after the 2015 Aerodyne ToF-CIMS Users Meeting that will take place in Fort Collins, CO (1 hr N of Boulder) during Mon June 15-Wed June 17, 2015.

Clinic Schedule & Presentations

Detailed schedule is kept at this spreadsheet.

Thu 18-June-2015: Quantification Issues

Fri 19-June-2015: Instrumentation & Analysis Issues


Sat 20-June-2015: ME-2, PMF, User Open Mike


Party at Donna's 19 June 2015

  • Address: 875 Roxwood Lane #A Boulder, CO.
  • The Plan:
    • Empanadas from Rincon in Boulder will be served.
    • Non-Alcoholic Beverages and a few beers will be provided.
    • Donations to cover food and drink Encouraged.
    • Feel free to bring your own food and drink if you wish.
    • Have fun mingling in Donna's beautiful back yard if weather cooperates, and/or inside.

Tentative List of Attendees

The following 50 people have registered for the meeting:

  • Doug Worsnop, John Jayne, Leah Williams, Donna Sueper, Joel Kimmel, Philip Croteau, Manjula Canagaratna, Harald Stark, Tim Onasch, Ed Fortner - Aerodyne Research
  • Doug Day, Brett Palm, Jason Schroder, Weiwei Hu, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Jose-Luis Jimenez - Univ. of Colorado-Boulder
  • Mike Cubison, Tofwerk AG
  • Suzane de Sa, Harvard Univ.
  • Olivier Favez, Tanguy Amodeo - INERIS and LCSQA, France
  • Jeongho Kim - APM ENG
  • Liz Alexander, Raea Hicks, PNNL
  • Dara Salcedo, Franco Guerrero, Harry X, UNAM-Queretaro, Mexico
  • Liming Cao , Peking University Shenzhen
  • Ann Middlebrook, NOAA
  • Joel Brito, Univ Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Claudia Mohr, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Peter DeCarlo, Michael Giordano, Anita Johnson, Drexel Univ.
  • Dongyu "Simon" Wang, University of Texas at Austin
  • Haiyan Li, Tsinghua University
  • Sanna Saarikoski, Risto Hillamo, FMI, Finland
  • Megan Willis, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
  • Qi Zhang, Nicky Young, Shan Zhou, University of California, Davis
  • Qi Chen, Peking Univ., China
  • Will Wallace, Yu Jun Leong, Rice Univ.
  • Jay Slowik, Simone Pieber - PSI, Switzerland
  • Roya Bahreini, Chia-Li Chen, Lijie Li - UC-Riverside
  • Ping Chen, Handix
  • Ken Docherty, US EPA (pending confirmation)
  • Ingeborg Nielsen, Aarhus Univ.

Some Topics to be Discussed

  • UMR analyses
  • Recent updates to elemental analysis
  • General HR-AMS operation, tuning, fitting
  • PMF and ME-2 analyses
  • ePToF
  • Event Trigger
  • Anything that users are interested in discussing

Lodging and Travel

  • General information on Boulder is here
    • You will most likely travel via Denver International Airport
    • You can use the Supershuttle service between the airport and the hotel and back (once in Boulder, you can walk to and from the meeting)
    • If you are looking for someone to share a room with we have created a spreadsheet for coordinating and posting contact information here
  • Millennium Harvest House
    • Block Rate: $134.00/night
    • Reservations: AMS Clinic Online Reservations
    • Cutoff Date for block rate: Reservations must be made by May 22, 2015 to receive the block rate, availability limited.
    • Contact: +1 (303) 443-3850
    • Block Reservation Name: AMS Clinic (University of Colorado)
  • University Inn - Boulder
    • Rate: $125.00/night. (Request the "CU Student" rate if you wish to book a room here).
    • Availablity: Rooms only available on the 17th and 18th. Due to this no "block" of rooms have been set aside.
    • There is no cutoff date, the "CU Student" rate is available year around, availability permitting.
    • Contact: +1 (303) 417-1700
  • Residence Inn - Boulder
    • Block Rate: $194.00/night (Standard Rate: $219.00)
    • Block Reservation Name: CU AMS Clinic
    • Reservations: CU AMS Clinic Online Reservations
    • Reservations by phone: (800) 331-3131 request "CU AMS Clinic" rate
    • Contact: +1 (303) 449-5545
    • Ammenities: Complimentary Breakfast, Studio room (one King, one Pullout couch bed), Kitchenette, Free Wireless)
  • Marriott
    • Rate: $234/night
    • Reservations: AMS Clinic Online Reservations
    • Cutoff Date for block rate: Reservations must be made by May 18, 2015 to receive the block rate.
    • Contact: +1 (303) 440-8877
    • Block Reservation Name: University of Colorado AMS Clinic