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This page is a schedule and repository of information for the meeting of the [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/ Jimenez Group] at the University of Colorado-Boulder.
This page is a schedule and repository of information for the meeting of the [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/ Jimenez Group] at the University of Colorado-Boulder. A shortcut to this page is [http://tinyurl.com/jmeeting http://tinyurl.com/jmeeting].

== June 25 ==
* Click [http://chemserve.colorado.edu/mrbs/ this link] to schedule a room in Chemistry (the first time you use it you have to create your own personal log on).
== Upcoming Meetings ==
=== Science Mtg., Wed 1-DEC-2010,1-3, S274 ===
*Donna Pika and Rui?
*Amber GRL
=== Science Mtg., Fri 19-Nov-2010,1-3, Reading Room - projector reserved with CIRES ===
*Delphine Rehearsal
=== Topics for Future Meetings ===
* Ping Chen: results of summer 2010 campaigns, present in Nov-Dec 2010
* Re-discuss group journals: two tiered system w/ emails for important papers, Google Reader for broader big picture reading
== Archive of Past Meetings (Most Recent First!) ==
=== Science Mtg., Fri 12-Nov-2010, CIRES 340 (map room) ===
* Donna: new PIKA
* Journal presentation: Pedro, 20 min paper: [http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/10/24053/2010/acpd-10-24053-2010.pdf Kang et al., ACPD 2010]
=== Science Mtg., Wed. 3-Nov-2010, 12-2 pm, S274 ===
* Amber Ortega, finish science presentation from two meetings ago
* [http://www.es.lancs.ac.uk/people/cnh/ Nick Hewitt, Univ. of Lancaster, UK]: summary of OP3
=== Science Mtg., Mon. Oct. 18, 1-3 pm, CIRES auditorium ===
* Doug Day 20 min paper: [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/8513/2010/acp-10-8513-2010.html Ehn et al., ACP 2010]
* Patrick: update on CalNex intercomparisons
* Pedro: IAC talk
=== Science Mtg., Mon. Sep. 27, 1-3, Reading room - projector reserved with CIRES ===
* Amber Science talk - 1 hr
* Erin' introduction & interests (~10-15 min)
* Patrick 20 min paper: [http://www.agu.org/journals/pip/gl/2010GL044951-pip.pdf Sooroshian et al., GRL 2010]
=== Science Mtg., Mon Sep 13 @ 1-3 pm, CIRES map room (projector reserved) ===
* What people learned at IAC and AUM: Joel, Donna, Carly, Amber, Delphine, Ingrid, Jose
* Planning Fall group meeting schedule and presenters
=== Science Mtg, Wed Aug. 25 @ 12 am - 2 pm, ESOC Reading Room ===
* Overflow and 2nd round of IAC presentations
=== Science Mtg, Thurs. Aug 19 @ 12 am - 2:30 pm, S274 ===
* What we learned at Telluride (30 min for both)
** Jose
** Patrick
* IAC Rehearsals
** Ingrid's talk
** Delphine's talk
** Carly's poster
** Amber's poster
** Jose's talk
** Some of these may be bumped to the next day if we don't have time
** Delphine will bring cake (AC paper!), so no moving this at the last minute, or you won't get any...
=== Science & Business Mtg, Tue Jul 27 @ noon - 2 pm, Ekely W166 (projector reserved with CIRES) ===
* What we have learned at recent campaigns and meetings (2-slides per person, 1 hr total)
** Delphine: BVOC Gordon Conference & CalNex
** Amber: Ispra OA meeting & CalNex
** Patrick: Ispra OA meeting & CalNex
** Ingrid: CUR conference & CalNex
** Joel: ASMS & CalNex
** Carly: CalNex
** Jose: EGU, PSI, CalNex
* Presentations
** Weiwei: update of AMS intercomparisons for CalNex (30 min)
* Business Mtg:
** MichaelL - Picasa demo (5 min)
** Status of organization and instruments after CalNex
=== Science Mtg, Mon Apr 26 noon - 2 pm, Auditorium ===
* Amber: FLAME-3 Update
* CalNex and Google Reader
=== Science Mtg, Mon Apr 12 4:30-6:00 pm, room TBD ===
* Delphine
* Jose (OSc paper)
=== Science Mtg, Mon March 29 1-3 pm, Reading Room (projector reserved) ===
* Mike
* Joel (1/2) + Reddy (1/2)
=== Science Mtg, Wed March 17 11 am - 1 pm, Auditorium ===
* Carly (rehearsal for ANYL seminar)
* Hugh
=== Journal Mtg March 9, 2010 12-1 CIRES Map Room===
* Journal items
** Amber: journal club presentation of Lee et al., GRL, submitted (20 min per Ingrid's format)
** Ingrid: volatility concept map (20 min)
*** [http://cmap.ihmc.us/conceptmap.html| Cmap Tools]
*** [http://cmap.ihmc.us/download/| download cmap software]
*** [http://www.cmappers.net/| Cmappers community]
=== Science Mtg March 5, 2010 10-12 S274 ===
* Amber
* Ingrid
* Next meeting dates
=== Business Mtg March 3, 2010 1-3 CIRES Map Room ===
* Jennie may come by to explain new A-Card & other procedures, answer questions (not confirmed yet)
* Clinic debriefing: what went well, what can we do better next time.
** [http://tinyurl.com/AMSClinic3 http://tinyurl.com/AMSClinic3]
* Update on CalNex-LA organization and tasks
=== Business + Journal Meeting: Wed Feb 17, 10-12 am, CIRES Auditorium ===
* In lieu of regular group lunch
* Business items
** Going over list of Clinic tasks, update
** Organization of CalNex-LA (instruments, responsibilities, supplies & packing, dates, lodging, car...)
** Conferences for this year:
*** IAC deadline is 28-Feb (tickets $1300+...)
*** AAAR (lower interest this year - Portland)
*** AGU (more interest)
=== Science Meeting: Wed Feb 17 @ 1 pm, room CIRES auditorium ===
* (Brief) discussion of new meeting format
** Selection of dates for next research meeting and business lunch
* Carly: Research Update
* Allen: FLAME-3 update
=== Change of Meeting Format, for Reference ===
This is the change of meeting format based on recent discussions
* Science Meeting
** 2 people, 1 hr each (40 min + questions), every 2 weeks
*** Every person in the group will present ~5-6 times per year
** Scheduling of the next meeting decided at the start of each meeting, by looking at the group calendar.
** The research meeting is devoted 100% to group research presentations
** Attendance is Mandatory. Notify Jose in advance if you can't make it or have to arrive late or leave early.
* Business Meeting
** 1 hr brown bag lunch in a meeting room, every 3 weeks
** Business items, Journal Club
** Attendance is Mandatory. Notify Jose in advance if you can't make it or have to arrive late or leave early.
* Grp Lunch every Thu @ 1pm in Atrium (optional)
* Student + Jose lunch, every 3 weeks
* Postdocs + Research Scientists + Jose lunch, every 3 weeks
* Student Informal Prez w/ Postdocs, w/o Jose (1.5 hrs, 1 per mo)
=== Wed. Jan. 29 @ 1 pm, S274 ===

* Business Items
* Business Items
* Short Updates
** [http://www.carbonite.com Carbonite] as a backup option
** Amber (15 min)
* What I learned at AGU: Carly, Amber, Ingrid, Mike, Delphine, Jose
** Donna (15 min)
** Sanna (10 min)

== Next Meeting ==
=== Fri. Dec. 4 @ 3 pm, room TBD ===

* Not so Monumental cake for Ingrid's paper ??
* Business Items
* Short Updates
* Rehearsals for AGU
** Carly
** Delphine
** Ingrid
** Ingrid
** Mike
** Mike
** Joel
** Carly
** Amber
** Jose
=== Fri. Nov 20 @ 3 pm, ESOC reading room===
* 12:00-12:25 Business Items
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/Grant_Ack New page for logos for acknowledgments]
** [http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AvFBDel6O6pacDYzdkN5bWpISTMyZU40R3Z1RGxxZUE&hl=en Grant numbers are on the "Various" Sheet of this "JG_Organization" spreadsheet]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/News_&_Press New page News & Press about the group]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/FRAC_Meetings New page for FRAC (Front Range Aerosol Community) Meetings]
** Presentation on how to write [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/Restricted/GroupMeeting/Successful_Proposals_WA.pdf successful proposals]
** Michael demo computer cleaning
* 12:25-12:30: Sanna: what I learned at AAAR
* 12:30-1:25 Allen Robinson: current work and what I'll do in Colorado + discussion
* 1:25-1:45: Delphine journal presentation
** Shindell et al., Improved attribution of climate forcing to emissions. 2009. Science. [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/326/5953/716 abstract]
=== Fri. Nov 6 @ 3 pm, room S274 ===
* 3:00-3:15: Business Items
** [http://www.aaar.org/index2.cfm?section=Awards&content=Sheldon_K_Friedlander  Pete wins the AAAR Friedlander Award!!]
*** [http://www.aaar.org/misc_content/2009-Friedlander-Award.ppt PPT of presentation]
** [http://www.aaar.org/index2.cfm?section=Awards&content=Kenneth_T_Whitby Jim Smith of NCAR wins the AAAR Whitby Award!]
*** [http://www.aaar.org/misc_content/2009-Whitby-Award.ppt PPT of presentation]
** [http://sciencewatch.com/dr/rfm/mos/09novmosGLOBAL/ Global map of Science]
** New Wiki page: [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/FAQ_AMS_Hardware FAQs on AMS Hardware]
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/AMS_Clinic2 Wiki page for the 2nd AMS Clinic]
* 3:15-3:50: What people learned at AAAR (Sanna) and the AMS Users Meeting (Carly, Delphine, Mike, Ingrid, Donna, Jose) (1-2 slides per person)
* 3:50-4:05: Ingrid on new Journal prez proposal and discussion
* 4:05-4:25: Ingrid on presentation of one paper (20 min)
** Liu et al., Oxygenated organic functional groups and their sources in single and submicron organic particles in MILAGRO 2006 campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 6849-6863, 2009.  [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/6849/2009/acp-9-6849-2009.html abstract ]

=== Tue Oct. 27, 2009 ===

== Archive of Past Meetings (in inverse chronological order) ==
Patrick Hayes' visit schedule:

=== Group Meeting in June 12 ===
* 9:00-10:00: Delphine picks up at Millenium and brings to campus
* 10:00-10:30: Joel
* 10:30-11:15: Mike C
* 11:15-12:00: Carly
* 12:00-13:30: lunch w/ Ingrid & Amber
* 13:30-14:00: Donna
* 14:00-15:00: Jose
* 15:00-16:15: talk to the group CIRES auditorium
** [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp076976g Hayes et al., Interaction of Nitrate, Barium, Strontium and Cadmium Ions with Fused Quartz/Water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic Generation]. J. Phys. Chem. A 2008, 112, 660-668.
** [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp810891v Hayes et al., An Optical Voltmeter for Studying Cetyltrimethylammonium Interacting with Fused Silica/Aqueous Interfaces at High Ionic Strength]. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2009, 113 (16), pp 4269–4280.

* Dinner: Yumi, Jose, Patrick, Mike, Delphine, Donna??
=== Wed. Oct. 21, 2009 @ 3 pm ===
* 3-3:15: Business Items
* 3:15-3:45: Marco Bruns, Max Planck Institute (Borrmann Group): ALABAMA Single Particle Instrument
* 3:45-4:10: Joel on CI and other recent activities
* 3:10-4:30: Mike: ARCTAS intercomparisons and TabMEP Mtg.
* 4:30-4:50: Carly on FLAME-3
=== Mon Oct. 12 @ 3 pm ===
* Informal talk by Xiaoliang Wang (DRI) (Michael to reserve S274)
** [http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713656376 His new DustTrak Paper]
=== Fri. Oct. 9, 2009 @ 3 pm ===
* Business Items
** Decide to buy only STEEL Swagelok from now on
*** But ferrules should still match tubing (e.g. brass F for copper T, plastic F for plastic T)
** Journal alerts
*** People still responsible for the same journals
*** People can do it either thru email table-of-content alerts, AND/OR through Google Reader
** Grad Student Recruitment Weekend Coordinators: Carly for CHEM, Amber for ATOC
* Delphine: recent work
* Michael: ship report
* Amber and/or Sanna: FLAME-3 report
=== Fri. Aug. 14, 2009 at 3 pm ===
* Business Items
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/field.html Archive of previous field studies and DATA]
** [http://www.google.com/reader/shared/16698959366597563740 Jose's shared items from Google Reader] (selected items from the recent literature)
* Donna (15 min): recent software developments
* Mike: new linear fits tool
=== Wed July 29, 2009 at 3 pm ===
* Business Items
** Use only  “NERL water”
** [http://www.twhirl.org/ Link to twhirl utility for twitter]
** Use Drycals for flow measurement (only atm. P, do not put particles thru them)
* Delphine: recent experiments in Hyytiala and Berkeley
* Mike: advanced linear regression
=== July 9, 2009 ===
* Business Items
** [http://www.colorado.edu/its/licenses/microsoft/licenselist.html Microsoft Campus License]
* Carly: review of MAB
* Ingrid: new directions with PMF
=== June 25, 2009 ===
* Business Items
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/Check-In Check-In Wiki]
* Monumental cake for Ingrid's paper !!
* Amber (15 min): summary of Houston SHARP
* Sanna (10 min): previous work and concentrator
=== June 12, 2009 ===

* Business Items
* Business Items
* Short Updates
** Dell Chat support was very helpful and less intrusive
** Ken
* Ken: SOAR analysis update
** Very short organic synthesis paper presentation by Ingrid
* Very short organic synthesis paper presentation by Ingrid
*** [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jo0349227 link to Nanoputians Paper]
** [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jo0349227 link to Nanoputians Paper]

=== Thu April 2, 3-5 pm ===
=== Thu April 2, 2009 3-5 pm ===

* Business Items
* Business Items
** Email Ted.Demaria@colorado.edu when sending equipment away from CU (AMS: $400k, SMPS: $80k, supplies: $10k-$40k)
** Get shipping and customs help from CIRES (Ellie Pommeroy)
** New per-diem arrangement: claim actual expenses
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/Field_Campaign_Organization Wiki on How to organize a field campaign]

* Short updates
* Delphine
** Delphine
* Ingrid
** Ingrid
** Sanna?
** Mike?
** Jose

Latest revision as of 23:25, 17 November 2010

This page is a schedule and repository of information for the meeting of the Jimenez Group at the University of Colorado-Boulder. A shortcut to this page is http://tinyurl.com/jmeeting.

  • Click this link to schedule a room in Chemistry (the first time you use it you have to create your own personal log on).

Upcoming Meetings

Science Mtg., Wed 1-DEC-2010,1-3, S274

  • Donna Pika and Rui?
  • Amber GRL

Science Mtg., Fri 19-Nov-2010,1-3, Reading Room - projector reserved with CIRES

  • Delphine Rehearsal

Topics for Future Meetings

  • Ping Chen: results of summer 2010 campaigns, present in Nov-Dec 2010
  • Re-discuss group journals: two tiered system w/ emails for important papers, Google Reader for broader big picture reading

Archive of Past Meetings (Most Recent First!)

Science Mtg., Fri 12-Nov-2010, CIRES 340 (map room)

Science Mtg., Wed. 3-Nov-2010, 12-2 pm, S274

Science Mtg., Mon. Oct. 18, 1-3 pm, CIRES auditorium

  • Doug Day 20 min paper: Ehn et al., ACP 2010
  • Patrick: update on CalNex intercomparisons
  • Pedro: IAC talk

Science Mtg., Mon. Sep. 27, 1-3, Reading room - projector reserved with CIRES

Science Mtg., Mon Sep 13 @ 1-3 pm, CIRES map room (projector reserved)

  • What people learned at IAC and AUM: Joel, Donna, Carly, Amber, Delphine, Ingrid, Jose
  • Planning Fall group meeting schedule and presenters

Science Mtg, Wed Aug. 25 @ 12 am - 2 pm, ESOC Reading Room

  • Overflow and 2nd round of IAC presentations

Science Mtg, Thurs. Aug 19 @ 12 am - 2:30 pm, S274

  • What we learned at Telluride (30 min for both)
    • Jose
    • Patrick
  • IAC Rehearsals
    • Ingrid's talk
    • Delphine's talk
    • Carly's poster
    • Amber's poster
    • Jose's talk
    • Some of these may be bumped to the next day if we don't have time
    • Delphine will bring cake (AC paper!), so no moving this at the last minute, or you won't get any...

Science & Business Mtg, Tue Jul 27 @ noon - 2 pm, Ekely W166 (projector reserved with CIRES)

  • What we have learned at recent campaigns and meetings (2-slides per person, 1 hr total)
    • Delphine: BVOC Gordon Conference & CalNex
    • Amber: Ispra OA meeting & CalNex
    • Patrick: Ispra OA meeting & CalNex
    • Ingrid: CUR conference & CalNex
    • Joel: ASMS & CalNex
    • Carly: CalNex
    • Jose: EGU, PSI, CalNex
  • Presentations
    • Weiwei: update of AMS intercomparisons for CalNex (30 min)
  • Business Mtg:
    • MichaelL - Picasa demo (5 min)
    • Status of organization and instruments after CalNex

Science Mtg, Mon Apr 26 noon - 2 pm, Auditorium

  • Amber: FLAME-3 Update
  • CalNex and Google Reader

Science Mtg, Mon Apr 12 4:30-6:00 pm, room TBD

  • Delphine
  • Jose (OSc paper)

Science Mtg, Mon March 29 1-3 pm, Reading Room (projector reserved)

  • Mike
  • Joel (1/2) + Reddy (1/2)

Science Mtg, Wed March 17 11 am - 1 pm, Auditorium

  • Carly (rehearsal for ANYL seminar)
  • Hugh

Journal Mtg March 9, 2010 12-1 CIRES Map Room

Science Mtg March 5, 2010 10-12 S274

  • Amber
  • Ingrid
  • Next meeting dates

Business Mtg March 3, 2010 1-3 CIRES Map Room

  • Jennie may come by to explain new A-Card & other procedures, answer questions (not confirmed yet)
  • Clinic debriefing: what went well, what can we do better next time.
  • Update on CalNex-LA organization and tasks

Business + Journal Meeting: Wed Feb 17, 10-12 am, CIRES Auditorium

  • In lieu of regular group lunch
  • Business items
    • Going over list of Clinic tasks, update
    • Organization of CalNex-LA (instruments, responsibilities, supplies & packing, dates, lodging, car...)
    • Conferences for this year:
      • IAC deadline is 28-Feb (tickets $1300+...)
      • AAAR (lower interest this year - Portland)
      • AGU (more interest)

Science Meeting: Wed Feb 17 @ 1 pm, room CIRES auditorium

  • (Brief) discussion of new meeting format
    • Selection of dates for next research meeting and business lunch
  • Carly: Research Update
  • Allen: FLAME-3 update

Change of Meeting Format, for Reference

This is the change of meeting format based on recent discussions

  • Science Meeting
    • 2 people, 1 hr each (40 min + questions), every 2 weeks
      • Every person in the group will present ~5-6 times per year
    • Scheduling of the next meeting decided at the start of each meeting, by looking at the group calendar.
    • The research meeting is devoted 100% to group research presentations
    • Attendance is Mandatory. Notify Jose in advance if you can't make it or have to arrive late or leave early.
  • Business Meeting
    • 1 hr brown bag lunch in a meeting room, every 3 weeks
    • Business items, Journal Club
    • Attendance is Mandatory. Notify Jose in advance if you can't make it or have to arrive late or leave early.
  • Grp Lunch every Thu @ 1pm in Atrium (optional)
  • Student + Jose lunch, every 3 weeks
  • Postdocs + Research Scientists + Jose lunch, every 3 weeks
  • Student Informal Prez w/ Postdocs, w/o Jose (1.5 hrs, 1 per mo)

Wed. Jan. 29 @ 1 pm, S274

  • Business Items
  • What I learned at AGU: Carly, Amber, Ingrid, Mike, Delphine, Jose

Fri. Dec. 4 @ 3 pm, room TBD

  • Business Items
  • Rehearsals for AGU
    • Delphine
    • Ingrid
    • Mike
    • Carly
    • Amber
    • Jose

Fri. Nov 20 @ 3 pm, ESOC reading room

Fri. Nov 6 @ 3 pm, room S274

Tue Oct. 27, 2009

Patrick Hayes' visit schedule:

  • Dinner: Yumi, Jose, Patrick, Mike, Delphine, Donna??

Wed. Oct. 21, 2009 @ 3 pm

  • 3-3:15: Business Items
  • 3:15-3:45: Marco Bruns, Max Planck Institute (Borrmann Group): ALABAMA Single Particle Instrument
  • 3:45-4:10: Joel on CI and other recent activities
  • 3:10-4:30: Mike: ARCTAS intercomparisons and TabMEP Mtg.
  • 4:30-4:50: Carly on FLAME-3

Mon Oct. 12 @ 3 pm

Fri. Oct. 9, 2009 @ 3 pm

  • Business Items
    • Decide to buy only STEEL Swagelok from now on
      • But ferrules should still match tubing (e.g. brass F for copper T, plastic F for plastic T)
    • Journal alerts
      • People still responsible for the same journals
      • People can do it either thru email table-of-content alerts, AND/OR through Google Reader
    • Grad Student Recruitment Weekend Coordinators: Carly for CHEM, Amber for ATOC
  • Delphine: recent work
  • Michael: ship report
  • Amber and/or Sanna: FLAME-3 report

Fri. Aug. 14, 2009 at 3 pm

Wed July 29, 2009 at 3 pm

  • Business Items
  • Delphine: recent experiments in Hyytiala and Berkeley
  • Mike: advanced linear regression

July 9, 2009

June 25, 2009

  • Business Items
  • Monumental cake for Ingrid's paper !!
  • Amber (15 min): summary of Houston SHARP
  • Sanna (10 min): previous work and concentrator

June 12, 2009

  • Business Items
    • Dell Chat support was very helpful and less intrusive
  • Ken: SOAR analysis update
  • Very short organic synthesis paper presentation by Ingrid

Thu April 2, 2009 3-5 pm

  • Business Items
    • Email Ted.Demaria@colorado.edu when sending equipment away from CU (AMS: $400k, SMPS: $80k, supplies: $10k-$40k)
    • Get shipping and customs help from CIRES (Ellie Pommeroy)
    • New per-diem arrangement: claim actual expenses
    • Wiki on How to organize a field campaign
  • Delphine
  • Ingrid