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''Contents of this page moved to the Jimenez [http://cires1.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/Practical_Ref#Group_FAQ.27s Practical_Ref] wiki page.''
''See also the Wiki page for [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/Policies_Procedures Policies and Procedures of the Jimenez Group]''
<!---  Information below moved to Practical Ref page (see link above).  Leaving old informaiton here just in case
==For Grad Students: Which Courses Should I Take?==
==For Grad Students: Which Courses Should I Take?==

* Independent of Department you are in
* Independent of Department you are in
** CHEM-5181: Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography (Jimenez)
** [http://www.colorado.edu/chemistry/chem5181/ CHEM-5181: Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography] (Jimenez)
** CHEM-5151/ATOC-5151: Atmospheric Chemistry (typically Tolbert, Volkamer, or Jimenez)
** [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez/AtmChem/ CHEM-5151/ATOC-5151: Atmospheric Chemistry] (typically Tolbert, Volkamer, Avallone, or Jimenez)
** Computer Science: Introduction to Programming (Freshman Undergrad Course)
** CSCI-1300: Computer Science: Introduction to Programming (Freshman Undergrad Course, unless you already have a serious background in programming)

* Especially if you are in Chemistry:
* For other possible courses, see the [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/FAQ_ANYL_1styr#What_Other_Courses_Can_I_Take.3F list for 1st year Analytical Chemistry students] (students in ATOC will have some different requirements)
** CHEM-5161: Analytical Spectroscopy (Rainer Volkamer)
** Reaction Dynamics

* Especially if you are in ATOC (Atmospheric Sciences)
* A "research course" specific to our group is CHEM-7131: Seminar on Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry; [http://www.colorado.edu/catalog/current/search.pl?abbr=CHEM&num=7131 Catalog Link]
** Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics
** Clouds and Aerosols (Brian Toon)
** Remote Sensing
** Radiative Transfer

* Engineering Courses of Interest:
== Research FAQs ==
** Aerosol Dynamics (Shelly Miller)

== Computing FAQs==
== Computing FAQs==

=== Can I use a Mac or Linux computer? ===
=== Where can I print? ===

Some of the software we use is Windows-specific, so a Mac or Linux-PC would not work, sorry. There are also many subtle incompatibilities when trying to share files betwen a Mac and a PC, and finally Macs do not work with some hardware I have encountered in the field (e.g. we found that Macs could not connect to certain network hubs or printers, and those were the only units available at the field site). This choice does not imply that we have positive opinion of the role of Bill Gates or Microsoft in the computer (or the wider) world, it is just a practical necessity. We use exclusively Windows PC computers (mostly XP with a few Vista computers as of June 2009).
* We have a group printers in Cristol 334 and Cristol 441A, which can print double sided and color. If you need to print to it from a new computer you can use these instructions to access the printer in Cristol [http://tinyurl.com/jwr85wf 334] or [http://tinyurl.com/nxhym29 441A], or download the drivers from the [http://www.hp.com HP web site].
* If the printer is low on paper, you can get more from the CIRES copier room on the third floor (it is covered through the CIRES office supplies policy).  
* If the printer complains about low toner, get the toner out and shake it as this often prolongs the life of the supplies (try not to get the ink all over yourself as I often do).  
* If shaking the cartridge doesn't work, change the toner, and MAKE SURE THAT WE HAVE ANOTHER NEW TONER CARTRIDGE OF THAT COLOR. If not, please let Philip know so that he can order a replacement. The printer will not print if any of the toner cartridges are empty. In particular, it will not even print in B&W if one of the color cartridges are empty. For this reason we need to always keep one spare of each toner, otherwise we may be stuck without a printer for several days.
* Toner cartridges are very expensive (hundreds of $$) and we change them often, so they are a significant cost for the group. There are restrictions on how to pay for them, so please conserve them by not printing unneeded stuff (e.g. don't print a 100-page report if you really only need to read two pages), and print in B&W if you don't need color.
* It is ok to print small numbers of pages for personal use, but not very large documents.

=== Which software do we use? ===
=== How do I print to the CIRES printers in the 2nd floor? ===

In the group we use a pretty standardized set of software packages to do the different things we do. This is not to say that these packages are the best, I am sure we could do the same work with a completely different set of programs. However standardizing is very useful to be able to help each other learn and use the software and work effectively. These packages are:
* The code for the door in the CIRES printer room is the same as for the kitchen.  If you need access contact Rob Schubert*
* IP addresses:
** CIRES 2:
** CIRES 4:

* [http://www.colorado.edu/CNS/security/antivirus/ CU antivirus]
*adding a printer with Windows 7
* Igor Pro (data analysis and graphing)
**Start ->
* Skype (fast communication) -- you are required to be logged into Skype during working hours
**Devices and Printers ->
* Powerpoint (presentations)
**Add a Printer ->
* Excel (simple data analysis)
**Add a local printer ->
* Word (papers)
**(bottom of window) create new port ->
** Microsoft Office is downloadable from [http://www.colorado.edu/its/licenses/microsoft/ here] (CU campus license)
**HP Standard TCP/IP Port ->
* Adobe Acrobat (PDF making)
**Next ->
* Viceversa Pro (backups)
**Enter the ip address for the printer in the top box (128.138.136.xx where xx is either 13 or 18)
* This Wiki (web pages)
**Allow the "Port Name" box to autofill -> Next ->
* [http://vpn.colorado.edu CU VPN] (accessing CU resources remotely)
**Review the information and if correct -> Finish ->
* [http://winscp.net WinSCP] (secure FTP program)
**Select "HP" in the left box, and find the Model "4520 Series" in the right box for CIRES 2 (or select HP Universal Printing PCL6 for CIRES 4 HP4700DN) ->
* Google Docs (shared documents on web, some papers)
** Select "Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended)" if available, otherwise let the driver install -> Next ->
* Google Spreadsheets (shared spreadsheets, field study organization)
**name it something appropriate (e.g. CCF-CIRES2 or CCF-CIRES4) ->
* Google Desktop (searching your own computer)
**Do not share this printer -> Next ->
* Google Reader (keeping track of the literature with RSS feeds)
**Uncheck "Set as defualt" and you may wish to "Print a test page" ->
=== How do I print to the CIRES Copy Room Printer/Copier/FAX/Scanner on the 3rd floor? ===
The Printer/Copier/FAX/Scanner in the CIRES Copy room is a Konica/Minolta bizhub C454e.  You will need to download and install the [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/software/Drivers/KM_UniversalDriver_pcl_v2.50.0.0_x64.zip Konica/Minolta biz C454e  drivers].  After installing the drivers you will need to "Add a printer" in Windows.  Once configured per the instructions below, printing to this printer will cause a dialog box to appear asking you to enter information.  Leave the "Department" box blank, and enter the appropriate printer code (see [http://tinyurl.com/nsdlwc9 Grants+Email] sheet in JG_Organization) into the password box and click OK.  Your document should then print.
IP Address:

* There are other programs which can do the same function (e.g. Latex instead of Word, OpenOffice, Matlab...), however there is a great benefit on using the same set of programs as we can learn from each other and share files easily. Therefore for group work you are expected to use the standard programs above.
*Adding this as a printer in Windows 7
**Start ->
**Devices and Printers ->
**Add a Printer ->
**Add a local printer ->
**(bottom of window) create new port ->
**Standard TCP/IP Port ->
**Next ->
**Enter the ip address for the printer in the top box (
**Allow the "Port Name" box to autofill -> Next ->
**Review the information and if correct -> Finish ->
**Select "HP" in the left box, and find the Model "4520 Series" in the right box for CIRES 2 (or select HP Universal Printing PCL6 for CIRES 4 HP4700DN) ->
** Select "Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended)" if available, otherwise let the driver install -> Next ->
**name it something appropriate (e.g. CIRES-CoprRoom) ->
**Do not share this printer -> Next ->
**Uncheck "Set as defualt".  Do not Print a test page at this time ->
**Finish.  Now you need to make some configuratoin changes to allow entry of the copier code ->
**Start ->
**Devices and Printers ->
**Right click on the printer you created above (e.g. CIRES-CopyRoom) and select "Printer Properties" ->
**Click on the "Setting" tab ->
**Check "Verify Authengication settings before printing" and "Popup Authendication Dialog when printing"  Leave the other options with their default settings.
**Click "Apply" ->
**Click the "General" tab and press "Print Test Page." 
**An authentication dialog box should pop-up. Leave "Department Name" blank, and enter the appropriate "Copier code" in the "Password" box. 
***You may press the "Verify" button.  If you do, and if you have entered a proper copier code you should see a box that says "Verificaton has succeeded."  Click "OK" ->
**Click "OK"
**You can now go check if your test page printed and pick it up from the copier room, or you can use the next set of instructions to check the Printer's web page to see if the document printed

* There is no standard email or web browser for the group, you can use whichever you prefer.
*Checking the Copier/Printers "Job History" to see if your job printed. ->
**Open a web browser and type in the address bar ->
**Enter an appropriate "Copier code" in the password box and press enter (or press the "Login" button) ->
**Click the green "Job" tab ->
**Select "Job History" on the left menu bar ->
**You should see something similar to this image [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/pics/CIRESprintjob.PNG list of jobs]. Note in this picutre, the job with no "type" and "Deleted due to error" in the "Result" column is an example of what happens if you try to print a test page before selecting the options for "Popup Authentication Dialog when printing," or if you enter an improper printer code for a print job.  You should see "Jose Jimenez" in the "Type" box, and "Job Complete" in the "Result" box for a successful print job.

=== How do I connect to the CIRES printers? ===
===How do I transfer large files securely via CU's file transfer system?===

* The code for the door in the CIRES printer room is the same as for the kitchen. If you need access contact Rob Schubert*
*Files can be up to 20GB in size
* IP addresses:
*Files can be sent to non colorado.edu email addresses
** CIRES 2:
*Log in with your identikey password [https://accellion.colorado.edu/ here]
** CIRES 4:
*Interface is similar to standard email allowing you to store contacts, create groups, etc.
=== How can I do conference calls and/or share screens? ===
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/FAQ_Misc#How_can_I_do_conference_calls_and.2For_share_screens.3F See this FAQ]
=== How can I create an email list? ===
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/FAQ_Misc#How_do_I_create_an_email_list_using_Google_Groups.3F See this FAQ]
=== How can I edit a page in this Wiki? ===
* [http://cires.colorado.edu/jimenez-group/wiki/index.php/FAQ_Misc#How_do_I_edit_a_page_in_this_Wiki.3F See this FAQ]

*adding a printer with vista (coming soon)
=== Recommendations for configuring a Windows computer for data acquisition with LabVIEW ===

*adding a printer with Windows XP
* [http://www.originalcode.com/Data_Acq_Computer_Recommendations.html See this web page]
**start ->
**printers and faxes ->
**add a printer ->
**local printer attached to this computer ->
**(bottom of window) create new port ->
**standard tcp/ip port ->
**printer IP 128.138.136.xx
**hp 4600 (you should have the driver already because its the same as the driver of our existing printer). ->
**keep existing driver ->
**name it something appropriate ->
**you don't need to share it

== Hardware & Instruments FAQs ==
== Hardware & Instruments FAQs ==

=== What are the rules for instrument use? ===
=== How do I buy supplies for research? ===
* J-Group instruments will have a notebook (either on the computer in the case of MAB-AMS, or hardcopy for the Lab-AMS) to keep track of changes, maintenance, use, etc. This is separate from individual experiment or campaign notebooks.
** 1. You use the AMS, then it's 100% your responsibility to make sure that it's working BEFORE you use it and 100% your responsibility to make sure it's in mint condition AFTER you used it. Any problems you create, you are responsible for fixing.
**2. Anytime you CHANGE something on the AMS (swap cables, up the MCP setting, add light scattering, upgrade software, etc.), please write it in the notebook.
**3. Anytime you decide to REMOVE something from the AMS, and not leave it in perfect working order, it gets cleared by the instrument 'owner' first by an email, a text, a phone call, whatever. (eg., Delphine for Lab-AMS, Carly for MAB-AMS, Mike for HIAPER, etc.)
**4. If anyone breaks the rules and thinks that they can get away with just taking a cable and not writing it down, then they can lose instrument privileges at the discretion of the instrument 'owner'.

=== Can I borrow a _____ from the group for personal use? ===
* You will need an Acquisition Card (A-Card) in order to be able to buy research supplies. For this see Jennie Bell (CIRES 3rd floor). Every time you buy something on the card, you get an email with the date, purchase item, and amount (Jose and Jennie also get this email). You then need to turn that in with the packing slip or receipt for whatever you bought, so hold on to those. The receipt needs to have the exact same amount as the A-Card email, otherwise Jennie will ask you to get a new receipt with the correct amount. Then write the category for the purchase (normally one of "Lab Supplies," "Field Supplies," or "IT Supplies"), the speed type or account number, sign, and leave on the bin marked "Jennie A-Card" in Jennie's office (or in CIRES mailbox 112 if Jennie's office is closed). You may need to charge different purchases to different accounts, so check with Jose if in doubt.

In general the answer is YES, but pls write it on the board which is attached to the door of the lab BEFORE the item leaves the lab. For more expensive or critical items (e.g. GPS) please ask the group first via email, and/or ask Jose.
=== How can I get office supplies? ===

== Travel and Vacation FAQs ==
* We can get office supplies (for research use *only*) through CIRES. We don't pay for them directly since they are covered by the research overhead (so we pay for them indirectly anyway). CIRES keeps some of the most common supplies in a small room at the CIRES Message Center (3rd floor). For everything else, look up what you want on the Corporate Express Catalog (there is one in the lab, and another one on the CIRES message center) and email the CIRES Message Center with all the items you want in the following format:

=== What are the group rules for attending conferences? ===
* One (1) three-ring binder, item B on page 301, p/n AVE-79-783, $19.80
* One (1) High capacity CD wallet, item A on page 530, p/n FEL-85331, $12.36
* One (1) Copy holder. item B on page 569, p/n KMW-62060, $10.95
* Two (2) USB cables, 10', Item I on page 497, p/n CCP-60096, $9.45

* '''Attending conferences with all expenses paid by research funds is a privilege, not a just an automatic right, just for being in the group.'''
*Note that you can't be reimbursed for office supplies that are not purchased in this way! So do not buy anything at Office Depot etc. or you will have to pay for it out-of-pocket (except for field studies).
* A typical attendance level is 1-2 conferences per person per year. It assumes submitting and publishing AT LEAST ONE paper in the year prior to the abstract deadline
* Most of the group tends to go to (one or several of): the AAAR Annual Conference, the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, the AMS Users Meeting.
* Other conferences such as the Annual Conference of the ASMS, ACS National Meetings, the Gordon Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, the Annual Meeting of the EGU in the Spring (Vienna typically), etc., are possible if there are suitable sessions.
* Higher levels of productivity (>1 paper per year) or special needs (e.g. special sessions where the group needs to be represented) may lead to people attending more 1-2 conferences per year
* Lack of productivity (e.g. not paper submission over the last year) may lead to not attending any conference that year. The fact that this rule is often not strictly applied doesn't preclude that it may be in the future.
* In general the results to be presented need to be fully cooked by the abstract deadline. Exceptions to this rule are on a case-by-case basis
* External funds (conference grants, certain fellowships) may allow additional conference attendance. Note however that funding agencies (e.g. NSF, NASA, EPA) often explicitly consider fellowships as an extension of the funding that they provide to the group, and they reduce our grants accordingly.
* Local conferences (in Boulder or Denver) generally don't count in this regard as the expenses are much smaller
* Conferences abroad (especially in Europe) tend to be much more expensive and many grants cannot be used for foreign travel. Therefore attendance of conferences abroad is less frequent, although possible.
* Final decisions combine all of these factors and in case of disagreement will be made by Jose

=== How much vacation do we have in the group? ===
== Travel FAQs ==

* The CU official policy is two weeks a year of vacation for graduate students.
=== What do I need to do to travel on CU funds? ===
* Postdocs and research scientists have a separate system in which they accrue vacation days with time. The CIRES human resources people can explain the details of this system.
* Please put the days you'll be away in the [http://www.google.com/calendar Group Google Calendar], so that we can organize around it.
* Note that Spring Break is only a break from classes, and it is NOT a vacation period from research.
* Field studies can be very draining, with continuous 12-hr workdays for several weeks and no weekends. Obviously one needs to recover after these, and the periods right after field studies are good to take time off.
* Conversely, please do not schedule vacations within a month of an important deadline (two months if possible). Examples include an upcoming field study, a conference you may be presenting at (AAAR in October and AGU in December are the main ones), a paper deadline, etc. Experience shows that these periods are very intense and your continuous presence is needed. For the same reason, scheduling your vacations AFTER a deadline (conference, etc.) is generally a very good idea.

* First, familiarize yourself with the CIRES [https://insidecires.colorado.edu/finance/travel/Travel%20policy_2013.pdf Travel policy].
* Second, you need to get a travel authorization using the CIRES [https://insidecires.colorado.edu/finance/travel/travel.php Travel Authorization Web page].
* Third, after receiving the travel authorization email, you can get a plane ticket from Christopherson Business Travel or reserve online in the Concur System (goto your [http://mycuinfo.colorado.edu mycuinfo.colorado.edu] page, clicking on the CU Resources tab, and selecting Concur Travel & Expense).
* You can reserve hotels directly and pay with them with your personal credit card or the travel card
* For rental cars, they HAVE TO be purchased with the travel card, declining insurance, and from an authorized vendor (AVIS works)
* For more detailed in formation, check out [http://insidecires.colorado.edu/finance/travel/ CIRES Intranet Travel page] (have to log in)

== Professional Association FAQs ==

=== Which professional associations should I join? ===
=== Which professional associations should I join? ===

* We very highly recommend [http://www.agu.org AGU] and [http://www.aaar.org AAAR]. The next most interesting possibilities are [http://www.asms.org ASMS], [http://www.acs.org ACS] (especially if you are in chemistry), [http://www.awma.org AWMA], and [http://www.aaas.org AAAS] (you get the journal Science with the latter). Other possibilities include [http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS/ AMS], [http://www.asme.org ASME], [http://www.aiche.org AIChE], etc., but they are less relevant unless you are in those Depts.
* We very highly recommend [http://www.agu.org AGU] and [http://www.aaar.org AAAR]. The next most interesting possibilities are [http://www.asms.org ASMS], [http://www.acs.org ACS] (especially if you are in chemistry), [http://www.awma.org AWMA], and [http://www.aaas.org AAAS] (you get the journal Science with the latter). Other possibilities include [http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS/ AMS], [http://www.asme.org ASME], [http://www.aiche.org AIChE], etc., but they are less relevant unless you are in those Depts.

Latest revision as of 11:53, 2 July 2015

Contents of this page moved to the Jimenez Practical_Ref wiki page.
See also the Wiki page for Policies and Procedures of the Jimenez Group