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The purpose of this page is to provide in one place links and PDFs for news & press coverage of our work (including field studies and other projects in which we have participated). We don't attempt to be comprehensive but just to provide some representative samples. This information can be useful for non-technical people who want to learn about what we do, and for prospective undergraduate and graduate students. Also see the pictures and other information in our [ Field Studies page Link]
The purpose of this page is to provide in one place links and PDFs for news & press coverage of our work (including field studies and other projects in which we have participated). We don't attempt to be comprehensive but just to provide some representative samples. This information can be useful for non-technical people who want to learn about what we do, and for prospective undergraduate and graduate students. Also see the pictures and other information in our [ Field Studies page Link]

If you find a new article, video, etc. that could be posted here, please mail to and .
If you find a new article, video, etc. that could be posted here, please mail to and .

==May/June - 2010 - CalNex Campaign==
==Spring/Summer 2016: A collection of KORUS news==
*Associated Press: [ Huge Air Pollution Study Underway in California] [ PDF]
*[ Preparing for Air Quality Airborne Science]
*[ Flying into a Natural Air Quality Laboratory]
*[,%20Dignitaries%20Meet%20KORUS-AQ%20on%20the%20Tarmac%20_%20NASA%20Earth%20Expeditions.pdf Media, Dignitaries Meet KORUS-AQ on the Tarmac]
*[ Planning the Hunt for Science Flights]
*[ A "Clean" Start for First KORUS-AQ Flights]
*['s%20flying%20lab%20-%20CNN.pdf On board NASA's flying lab]
*[ Student Airborne Science Alumni Fly High]
==May 2016:==
*[ Connecting Thunderstorms and Climate Through Ozone - Eos]
==March 2016: Seven faculty on Thompson Reuters list of highly cited researchers==
* Jose has been included in the 2015 list of Highly Cited Researchers for the Geosciences. There are 7 people in the 2015 list at CU-Boulder, 4 of whom are in CIRES and 1 in CHEM. - []
==July 2015: 2015 Class of AGU Fellows Announced==
* Jose has been elected a Fellow of the AGU - []
==December 2014: Young Scientist Spotlight: Brett B. Palm==
* Graduate student Brett won Best Young Scientist Poster at the IGAC meeting - [Young Scientist]
==November 2014: NASA Airborne Campaigns Tackle Climate Question from Africa to Arctic==
* NASA announces five new airborne campaigns - []
==November 2014: US News & World Report Rates University of Colorado 2nd in the world for Geosciences==
* US News & World Report - [ Best Global Universities - Geosciences]
==October 2014: National Tiawan University Top 300 Universities in Geosciences==
* NTU Rates University of Colorado #1 in the Geosciences - [ 2014 Preformance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities - Geosciences]
==September 2014: Collaborative paper on the Collection Efficiency of the AMS highlighted as one of the top 5 papers cited 2011-2013==
* Aerosol Science and Technology - [ 2013 Impact Factors released]
== June 2014: Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez ranks among top 1% of cited researchers ==
* Thompson Reuters - [ Highly Cited Researchers] [ PDF]
== May 2014: Physics Today - Smelling the Air ==
* Physics Today: [ Smelling the Air][ PDF]
== May 2014: Our paper selected for publication in "40 Years of Geophysical Research Letters" Anniversary Collection ==
* AGU GRL: [ 40 Years of Geophysical Research Letters][ PDF]
== November 2013: Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez Awarded Ascent Award by AGU ==
*[ Chemistry Department Announcement: Jose-Luis Jimenez Ascent Award][ PDF]
* AGU 2012 Ascent Award Announcement [ PDF]
* EOS: [ AGU Ascent Award]
== November 2013: DOE Announces projects to better understand Amazon Regional Climate Change ==
* DOE Announces GO AMAZON 2014 [ PDF]
== October 2013: Chemical Heritage Foundation - Sensing Change | Jose-Luis Jimenez ==
* [ Chemical Heritage Foundation: Sensing Change - Jose-Luis Jimenez] [ PDF]
== July 2013: Delphine Farmer Receives Beckman Young Investigator Award ==
* Delphine Farmer Receives Beckman Young Investigator Award [ PDF]
==June 2013: SOAS ==
* NSF: Scientists Undertake Extensive Fielf Campaign to  Study U.S. Southeast Atmospheric Chemistry [ PDF]
* EPA: EPA Awards More Than $4.3 Million in Partnership with NSF and NOAA for Climate and Air Quality Research / Southern Company, Electric Power Research Institute provide additional support [ PDF]
== June 2013: SEAC4RS - Studies of Emissions, Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys ==
* Be Boulder: [ CUBoulder prof to lead NASA campaign to study North American air quality]
* Popular Mechanics: [ NASA's Flying Laboratories Seek Answers in the Atmosphere]
== May - 2012: New Lab Remodel ==
*[ CU-Boulder plans $2.65 million remodel for atmospheric chemistry research lab - Daily Camera] [ PDF]
== May - 2012: DC3 Campaign Starts ==
* [ NSF Press Release] [ PDF]
* [ Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry] [ PDF]
* USA Today: [ Thunderstorms as Climate Culprit] [ PDF]
== February - 2012: BEACHON-RoMBAS field project highlighted in outreach video ==
* An outreach video describing the research of the [ BEACHON-RoMBAS field project], which was co-led by our group at the Manitou Experimental Forest in Summer 2011 has been produced by Prof. Russ Monson. Several members of our group, as well as our instrumentation appear in the video.
** [ See the video]
** [ Note on BEACHON-RoMBAS on Rocky Mountain Research Station Explorer]
** [ BEACHON-RoMBAS on NCAR Annual Report] [ PDF]
== November - 2011: our graduate student Amber Ortega is profiled in CIRES Spheres ==
* [ Amber Ortega profiled in CIRES Spheres] [ PDF]
== July - 2011: Ng et al. paper recognized as "New Hot Paper" by Thomson ISI ==
* [  Ng et al. paper recognized as "New Hot Paper" by Thomson ISI] [ PDF]
* Five members or former members of the Jimenez group are coauthors of the paper: Qi Zhang, Ingrid Ulbrich, Ken Docherty, Pete DeCarlo, and Jose-Luis Jimenez
== March - 2011: US News & World Report: CU Graduate Programs highly ranked ==
* US News & World report ranked CU Graduate Programs as:
** Top #5 in Environmental Sciences
** [ Tied for Top #26 in Chemistry] [ PDF], with UC-Irvine, Univ. of Washington, Georgia Tech, Ohio State, and Indiana Univ.
** [ CU News Item on the Rankings] [ PDF]
== January - 2011: Kroll et al. Paper Published in Nature Chemistry ==
* [ Link to paper]
* [ Link to MIT CEE Newsletter Article] [ PDF]
* [ News Item on CU Chemistry website] [ PDF]
== October - 2010: Jimenez et al. 2009 Science Paper is ISI "Fast Breaking Paper" ==
* [ Fast Breaking paper commentary] [ PDF]
== September - 2010: CU PhD Programs Highly Ranked by NRC ==
The CU-Boulder Chemistry & Atmospheric Sciences PhD Programs have been ranked as Top 7% & Top 14%, respectively, by US National Research Council.
* [ CU Press Release] [ PDF]
* [ National Research Council Report] [ PDF]
==September - 2010 - Paper on Amazon Rainforest Aerosols Published in Science ==
*National Science Foundation [ Aerosols Control Rainfall in the Rainforest] [ PDF]
*CIRES [ Press Release] [ PDF]
* [ Science Paper] and [ Perspective]
==September - 2010 - Prof. Jimenez Presents an Invited Tutorial at the International Aerosol Conference ==
* Prof. Jimenez presented an invited 2-hr tutorial on "Real Time Aerosol Mass Spectrometry" at the 2010 International Aerosol Conference in Helsinki, Finland.
** [ Download the tutorial slides]
** [ Website of the International Aerosol Conference]
==May/June - 2010 - Our Group Co-Leads the Pasadena site of the CalNex-LA Campaign==
*Associated Press: Huge Air Pollution Study Underway in California [ PDF]
*Modesto Bee: Huge Air Pollution Study Underway in California [ PDF ]
*Pasadena Star - News: [ Caltech is base for $20 million air quality study - the state's most comprehensive ever] [ PDF]
* Chemical and Engineering News (Feb-2011): [ Monitoring the Skies] [ PDF]
== April - 2010 - Heald et al. paper gets cover of GRL and highlight in EOS ==
* [ Highlight in EOS]: Simple description of atmospheric organic aerosol
* [ Cover of GRL]
* [ Heald et al. paper]: A simplified description of organic aerosol composition and implications for atmospheric aging

==April-2010 Amber M. Ortega wins DOE SCGF sponsored by ARRA 2009 Fellowship==
==April-2010 Amber M. Ortega wins DOE SCGF sponsored by ARRA 2009 Fellowship==
*[ Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship Program], sponsored by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
*[ Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship Program] [ PDF], sponsored by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
== April-2010 Ingrid M. Ulbrich wins CIRES Graduate Fellowship ==
* [ Winners of 2010 Fellowships] [ PDF]
* [ General Information on CIRES Graduate Fellowships]

==March-2010 Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez wins 2010 Rosenstiel Award==
==March-2010 Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez wins 2010 Rosenstiel Award==
*[ 2010 Rosenstial Award] [ PDF]
*[ 2010 Rosenstiel Award] [ PDF]
*[ Eureka 2010 Rosenstial Award] [ PDF]
*[ Eureka 2010 Rosenstiel Award] [ PDF]
== February - 2010: Patrick L. Hayes wins CIRES Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship ==
* [ Link to fellowship announcement]
* [ Link to Patrick's personal webpage]

==Feb-2010 - Ulbrich et al., (ACP 2009) paper is ISI "Fast Breaking Paper"==
==Feb-2010 - Ulbrich et al., (ACP 2009) paper is ISI "Fast Breaking Paper"==

* [ Science Watch: Jose-Luis Jimenez & Ingrid Marie Ulbrich talk with and answer a few questions about this month's Fast Breaking Paper Paper in the field of Geosciences]
* [ Science Watch: Jose-Luis Jimenez & Ingrid Marie Ulbrich talk with and answer a few questions about this month's Fast Breaking Paper Paper in the field of Geosciences] [ PDF]
* Paper: I.M. Ulbrich, M.R. Canagaratna, Q. Zhang, D.R. Worsnop, and J.L. Jimenez. Interpretation of Organic Components from Positive Matrix Factorization of Aerosol Mass Spectrometric Data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics , 9, 2891-2918, 2009.[ Abstract], [ PDF], and [ Supp. Info.]
* Paper: I.M. Ulbrich, M.R. Canagaratna, Q. Zhang, D.R. Worsnop, and J.L. Jimenez. Interpretation of Organic Components from Positive Matrix Factorization of Aerosol Mass Spectrometric Data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics , 9, 2891-2918, 2009.[ Abstract], [ PDF], and [ Supp. Info.]

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** The author list includes 5 current Members of the Jimenez group (Ingrid Ulbrich, Mike Cubison, Joel Kimmel, Donna Sueper, and Jose-Luis Jimenez) and 8 group alumni (Qi Zhang, Pete DeCarlo, Allison Aiken, Ken Docherty, Ed Dunlea, Alex Huffman, Dara Salcedo, and Katja Dzepina)
** The author list includes 5 current Members of the Jimenez group (Ingrid Ulbrich, Mike Cubison, Joel Kimmel, Donna Sueper, and Jose-Luis Jimenez) and 8 group alumni (Qi Zhang, Pete DeCarlo, Allison Aiken, Ken Docherty, Ed Dunlea, Alex Huffman, Dara Salcedo, and Katja Dzepina)
** [ Paper figures in powerpoint format]
** [ Paper figures in powerpoint format]
* [ CIRES Press Release] & [ CU-Boulder Press Release]
* [ CIRES Press Release] [ PDF],[ CU Chemistry Highlight], and [ CU-Boulder Press Release][ PDF]
* [ NSF Audio slide show]
* [ NSF Audio slide show]
*[ Europa Press] [ PDF]
*[ Europa Press] [ PDF]
* EPA News: [ Taking the Haze out of Air Quality Models] [ PDF]
* EPA News: [ Taking the Haze out of Air Quality Models] [ PDF]
*NOAA News: [ Advancing our understanding of how aerosols affect climate and human health] [ PDF]
*NOAA News: Advancing our understanding of how aerosols affect climate and human health [ PDF]
*Nature Chemistry: [ Atmospheric Chemistry: Growing Old Together] [ PDF]
*Nature Chemistry: [ Atmospheric Chemistry: Growing Old Together] [ PDF]
* [ US DOE Research Highlight] [ PDF]

==Oct-2009 - Sheldon K. Friedlander Award to Peter DeCarlo==
==Oct-2009 - Sheldon K. Friedlander Award to Peter DeCarlo==

* Our former Ph.D. student Peter DeCarlo receives the [ Sheldon K. Friedlander Award] [ PDF] of the [ American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)] which "recognizes an outstanding dissertation by an individual who has earned a doctoral degree."
* Our former Ph.D. student Peter DeCarlo receives the [ Sheldon K. Friedlander Award] [ PDF] of the [ American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)] which "recognizes an outstanding dissertation by an individual who has earned a doctoral degree."
** [ Link to powerpoint used during presentation of the Award]
** [ Link to powerpoint used during presentation of the Award][ PDF]

== Sep-2009 - Prof. Qi Zhang moves to UC-Davis==
== Sep-2009 - Prof. Qi Zhang moves to UC-Davis==

* Our former Research Scientist Qi Zhang has moved from SUNY-Albany to an Assistant Professor position at the [ Dept. of Environmental Toxicology] at the [ University of California, Davis].
* Our former Research Scientist Qi Zhang has moved from SUNY-Albany to an Assistant Professor position at the [ Dept. of Environmental Toxicology] at the [ University of California, Davis].

== June-2009 - Carly Robinson wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship ==
== June-2009 - Carly Robinson wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship ==

* Our graduate student [ Carly Robinson wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship].
* Our graduate student [ Carly Robinson wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship] [ PDF].

==Oct-2008 - Kenneth T. Whitby Award to Jose-Luis Jimenez ==
==Oct-2008 - Kenneth T. Whitby Award to Jose-Luis Jimenez ==
*J.L. Jimenez receives the Kenneth T. Whitby Award of the [ American Association for Aerosol Research]
*J.L. Jimenez receives the Kenneth T. Whitby Award of the [ American Association for Aerosol Research] [ PDF]
**[ Presentation of the Award]
**[ Presentation of the Award]
**[ EPA Featured Story: STAR Researcher Wins Prestigious Whitby Award] [ PDF]
**[ EPA Featured Story: STAR Researcher Wins Prestigious Whitby Award] [ PDF]
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*ScienceDaily: Air Quality Regulations Miss Key Pollutants: [ Link] [ PDF]
*ScienceDaily: Air Quality Regulations Miss Key Pollutants: [ Link] [ PDF]
*UPI: [ Air Quality Rules May Miss Key Pollutants] [ (PDF of Article)].
*UPI: [ Air Quality Rules May Miss Key Pollutants] [ (PDF of Article)].
*Science Now: [ Smog: It's Not All Cars' Fault] [ PDF] (Note that the report is unfortunately distorted and inaccurate, we never reported or told the journalist that cars were not to blame for SOA. We requested to see a copy of the article before publication but they did not provide it.)
*Science Now: [ Smog: It's Not All Cars' Fault] [ PDF] (Note that the report is unfortunately distorted and inaccurate, we never reported or told the journalist that cars were not to blame for SOA. We requested to see a copy of the article before publication but they did not provide it.)
*La Reppublica (Italy): [ Il barbecue inquina più dell'auto Attenzione ai veleni insospettabili] [ PDF] (Same problem as previous article)
*La Reppublica (Italy): [ Il barbecue inquina più dell'auto Attenzione ai veleni insospettabili] [ PDF] (Same problem as previous article)
*Environmental Health Perspectives. New Chapter on the Next Generation of Aerosols. 116(12) [ Article]
*Environmental Health Perspectives. New Chapter on the Next Generation of Aerosols. 116(12) [ Article]

==Apr-2008 - ARCTAS Campaign==
==Apr-2008 - ARCTAS Campaign==
*[ NASA ARCTAS Field Campaign]
*[ NASA ARCTAS Field Campaign] [ PDF]
**New York Times: "Scientists Study Arctic Haze for Clues to Rapid Melting". [ (PDF of Article)]
**New York Times: "Scientists Study Arctic Haze for Clues to Rapid Melting". [ (PDF of Article)]
**CBCnews: [ "Scientists Study Arctic Haze for Clues to Northern Melting".] [ (PDF of Article)]
**CBCnews: [ "Scientists Study Arctic Haze for Clues to Northern Melting".] [ (PDF of Article)]
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==Jul-2007 - Peter DeCarlo wins an NSF International Postdoctoral Fellowship ==
==Jul-2007 - Peter DeCarlo wins an NSF International Postdoctoral Fellowship ==

* Our graduate student Peter DeCarlo wins a 2-year NSF International Postdoctoral Fellowship for [ Chamber Studies and Field Analysis of Organic Aerosol with High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Statistical Techniques], with the [ Paul Scherrer Institut] in Switzerland as the host.
* Our graduate student Peter DeCarlo wins a 2-year NSF International Postdoctoral Fellowship for [ Chamber Studies and Field Analysis of Organic Aerosol with High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Statistical Techniques][ PDF], with the [ Paul Scherrer Institut] in Switzerland as the host.

==June-2007 - Delphine Farmer wins a NOAA Climate and Gobal Change Postdoctoral Fellowship ==
==June-2007 - Delphine Farmer wins a NOAA Climate and Gobal Change Postdoctoral Fellowship ==

* Delphine Farmer, a graduate student from [ Ron Cohen's group] at the University of California-Berkeley won a 2-year [ NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship] to work with the Jimenez group in Boulder. The Fellowship research focuses on the development of direct chemically-resolved aerosol flux measurements using the [ Aerodyne time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (ToF-AMS)].
* Delphine Farmer, a graduate student from [ Ron Cohen's group] at the University of California-Berkeley won a 2-year [ NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship] [ Alumni Page] [ PDF]to work with the Jimenez group in Boulder. The Fellowship research focuses on the development of direct chemically-resolved aerosol flux measurements using the [ Aerodyne time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (ToF-AMS)].

==Nov-2006 - New Findings on Titan and Early Earth Aerosols==
==Nov-2006 - New Findings on Titan and Early Earth Aerosols==
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== May-2005 - Peter DeCarlo wins an EPA Graduate Fellowship ==
== May-2005 - Peter DeCarlo wins an EPA Graduate Fellowship ==

* Our PhD student Peter DeCarlo wins a 3-year EPA STAR Graduate Fellowship, for [ "Enhanced Characterization of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Through Complementary Data Integration and Improved Measurement Instrumentation"].
* Our PhD student Peter DeCarlo wins a 3-year EPA STAR Graduate Fellowship, for [ "Enhanced Characterization of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Through Complementary Data Integration and Improved Measurement Instrumentation"][ PDF].

==Jan-2005 - Jose-Luis Jimenez wins an NSF CAREER Award ==
==Jan-2005 - Jose-Luis Jimenez wins an NSF CAREER Award ==

* Jose-Luis Jimenez wins a prestigious NSF CAREER Award, previously known as "NSF Young Investigator Award" to study [ Aerosol Properties and Effects through Organic Aerosol Characterization, Integrated Analysis of Multi-Instrument Data, and Aerosol-Cloud Nucleation Closure]. This Award provides research funding of $599,000 over 5 years.
* Jose-Luis Jimenez wins a prestigious NSF CAREER Award, previously known as "NSF Young Investigator Award" to study [ Aerosol Properties and Effects through Organic Aerosol Characterization, Integrated Analysis of Multi-Instrument Data, and Aerosol-Cloud Nucleation Closure] [ PDF]. This Award provides research funding of $599,000 over 5 years.

== Jul-2004 - Allison Aiken wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship ==
== Jul-2004 - Allison Aiken wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship ==

Latest revision as of 17:16, 8 July 2016

News & Press Coverage of Work & Field Campaigns by the Jimenez Group

The purpose of this page is to provide in one place links and PDFs for news & press coverage of our work (including field studies and other projects in which we have participated). We don't attempt to be comprehensive but just to provide some representative samples. This information can be useful for non-technical people who want to learn about what we do, and for prospective undergraduate and graduate students. Also see the pictures and other information in our Field Studies page Link

If you find a new article, video, etc. that could be posted here, please mail to and .

Spring/Summer 2016: A collection of KORUS news

May 2016:

March 2016: Seven faculty on Thompson Reuters list of highly cited researchers

  • Jose has been included in the 2015 list of Highly Cited Researchers for the Geosciences. There are 7 people in the 2015 list at CU-Boulder, 4 of whom are in CIRES and 1 in CHEM. - [1]

July 2015: 2015 Class of AGU Fellows Announced

  • Jose has been elected a Fellow of the AGU - [2]

December 2014: Young Scientist Spotlight: Brett B. Palm

  • Graduate student Brett won Best Young Scientist Poster at the IGAC meeting - [Young Scientist]

November 2014: NASA Airborne Campaigns Tackle Climate Question from Africa to Arctic

  • NASA announces five new airborne campaigns - [3]

November 2014: US News & World Report Rates University of Colorado 2nd in the world for Geosciences

October 2014: National Tiawan University Top 300 Universities in Geosciences

September 2014: Collaborative paper on the Collection Efficiency of the AMS highlighted as one of the top 5 papers cited 2011-2013

June 2014: Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez ranks among top 1% of cited researchers

May 2014: Physics Today - Smelling the Air

May 2014: Our paper selected for publication in "40 Years of Geophysical Research Letters" Anniversary Collection

November 2013: Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez Awarded Ascent Award by AGU

November 2013: DOE Announces projects to better understand Amazon Regional Climate Change

  • DOE Announces GO AMAZON 2014 PDF

October 2013: Chemical Heritage Foundation - Sensing Change | Jose-Luis Jimenez

July 2013: Delphine Farmer Receives Beckman Young Investigator Award

  • Delphine Farmer Receives Beckman Young Investigator Award PDF

June 2013: SOAS

  • NSF: Scientists Undertake Extensive Fielf Campaign to Study U.S. Southeast Atmospheric Chemistry PDF
  • EPA: EPA Awards More Than $4.3 Million in Partnership with NSF and NOAA for Climate and Air Quality Research / Southern Company, Electric Power Research Institute provide additional support PDF

June 2013: SEAC4RS - Studies of Emissions, Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys

May - 2012: New Lab Remodel

May - 2012: DC3 Campaign Starts

February - 2012: BEACHON-RoMBAS field project highlighted in outreach video

November - 2011: our graduate student Amber Ortega is profiled in CIRES Spheres

July - 2011: Ng et al. paper recognized as "New Hot Paper" by Thomson ISI

March - 2011: US News & World Report: CU Graduate Programs highly ranked

January - 2011: Kroll et al. Paper Published in Nature Chemistry

October - 2010: Jimenez et al. 2009 Science Paper is ISI "Fast Breaking Paper"

September - 2010: CU PhD Programs Highly Ranked by NRC

The CU-Boulder Chemistry & Atmospheric Sciences PhD Programs have been ranked as Top 7% & Top 14%, respectively, by US National Research Council.

September - 2010 - Paper on Amazon Rainforest Aerosols Published in Science

September - 2010 - Prof. Jimenez Presents an Invited Tutorial at the International Aerosol Conference

May/June - 2010 - Our Group Co-Leads the Pasadena site of the CalNex-LA Campaign

April - 2010 - Heald et al. paper gets cover of GRL and highlight in EOS

April-2010 Amber M. Ortega wins DOE SCGF sponsored by ARRA 2009 Fellowship

April-2010 Ingrid M. Ulbrich wins CIRES Graduate Fellowship

March-2010 Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez wins 2010 Rosenstiel Award

February - 2010: Patrick L. Hayes wins CIRES Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship

Feb-2010 - Ulbrich et al., (ACP 2009) paper is ISI "Fast Breaking Paper"

Dec-2009 - Jimenez et al. paper published in Science

Oct-2009 - Sheldon K. Friedlander Award to Peter DeCarlo

Sep-2009 - Prof. Qi Zhang moves to UC-Davis

June-2009 - Carly Robinson wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship

Oct-2008 - Kenneth T. Whitby Award to Jose-Luis Jimenez

Sep-2008 - Dominance of SOA in Los Angeles in Summer

Apr-2008 - ARCTAS Campaign

Jul-2007 - Ubiquity and Dominance of Oxygenated Aerosols Worldwide

Jul-2007 - Peter DeCarlo wins an NSF International Postdoctoral Fellowship

June-2007 - Delphine Farmer wins a NOAA Climate and Gobal Change Postdoctoral Fellowship

Nov-2006 - New Findings on Titan and Early Earth Aerosols

Sep-2006 - Unexpectedly Rapid and Large SOA Formation in Mexico City

Mar-2006 - MILAGRO Field Campaign

Jul-2005 - Ingrid Ulbrich wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship

May-2005 - Peter DeCarlo wins an EPA Graduate Fellowship

Jan-2005 - Jose-Luis Jimenez wins an NSF CAREER Award

Jul-2004 - Allison Aiken wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship

  • Our graduate student Allison Aiken wins a 3-year NASA Graduate Fellowship in Earth Science.

Jun-2004 - Katja Dzepina wins an NCAR ASP Fellowship

  • Our PhD student Katja Dzepina wins a 3-year Graduate Fellowship from the NCAR Advanced Study Program. She will be jointly advised by Dr. Sasha Madronich of NCAR and Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez of CU-Boulder.

Jul-2003 - Alex Huffman wins a NASA Graduate Fellowship

Apr-2003 - Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) Field Campaign