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'''Users Meeting General Information''' | '''Users Meeting General Information''' | ||
* Program of the meeting: [https:// | * Program of the meeting: [] | ||
Welcome to the AMS Users' Meeting Doug Worsnop | Welcome to the AMS Users' Meeting Doug Worsnop | ||
Welcome to the Hyytiala Markku Kulmala ? | Welcome to the Hyytiala Markku Kulmala ? |
Revision as of 23:47, 3 September 2010
This page is part of the Aerosol MS web pages, and is maintained by Jose-Luis Jimenez.
This page is a repository of presentations, summaries, and other information presented or related to the various Aerodyne AMS Users' Meetings. It is posted here as a service to the AMS Users' community, but there is no guarantee that individual presentations do not contain errors or are out of date with the current status of development and/or understanding of the instrument.
1st AMS Users' Meeting - AAAR Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 2001
- Summary of the meeting (Thanks to Roya Bahreini, Caltech)
2nd AMS Users' Meeting, Aerodyne Research, Billerica, Massachusetts, November 2001 (18 attendees)
- Summary of the meeting (Thanks to Frank Drewnick, SUNY Albany)
- Feedback from users that attended the meeting
Third AMS Users' Meeting - 13-15 October 2002 @ Aerodyne
- Planning and Organizational Information
- Technical Presentations about using the AMS
- Manjula Canagaratna: Welcome and Organization of the Meeting
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Users' Meeting Welcome Remarks
- John Jayne: AMS Hardware: Recent and In-Progress Improvements, and Summary of Hardware Failures
- Guenther Peter (Inficon / Balzers): Current and Future Q-pole/Ionizer Improvements
- Manjula Canagaratna: Data Acquisition Software Update
- Manjula Canagaratna: Discussion on the AMS Manual
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Figures of Merit for the AMS
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Physical and Mathematical Basis for the Particle Mass Calibration of the AMS
- Frank Drewnick: Correction Factors and Fragmentation Patters for Calculation of Quantitative Mass Concentrations from AMS Data
- Phil Silva: AMS vs. NIST Database Fragmentation Patterns for Pure Organic Molecules
- Rami Alfarra" AMS vs. NIST comparisons
- Frank Drewnick: Intercomparison of 4 Sulfate Instruments During the 2001 New York City Supersite Summer Intensive
- Frank Drewnick: Intercomparison of 3 Nitrate Instruments During the 2001 New York City Supersite Summer Intensive
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Airplane Integration Issues Discussion
- Ann Middlebrook: DMA-less Particle Mass Calibration of the AMS
- Jose (Facilitator): Discussion of Status and Remaining Issues for Absolute Quantification of Aerosol Mass Concentrations with the AMS
- Jonathan Allen: Aerosol Sampling Lessons from PROPHET 2002
- Manjula Canagaratna: Compilation and Delta Analysis of the AMS Mass Spectra
- Scientific Results from Studies of the Different Users
- John Jayne: AMS Sampling on the G-1 during the New England 2002 Air Quality Study
- Frank Drewnick: Whiteface Mountain Summer Intensive 2002: Very Preliminary Results
- Qi Zhang: Measurements with the AMS at the Pittsburgh Supersite During Sept. 2002
- Activities of the UMIST Group
- Johannes Schneider: Analysis of Diesel Exhaust Particles
- Melissa Trainer: Laboratory Studies of Early Earth
- Ann Middlebrook: AMS on the NOAA Ron Brown during NEAQS 2002
- Jonathan Allen: Deposition of Particulate Species Measured by Eddy-Correlation Mass Spectrometry
- Nobu Takegawa: AMS Sampling in Tokyo
- Roya Bahreini: Aircraft Sampling during ACE-Asia and CRYSTAL-FACE
- Alice Delia: Sampling in PROPHET 2001
- Alice Delia: PROPHET Presentation at AAAR
- Kathy Hayden: Environment Canada Projects
- Hugh Coe: Sampling at the Jungfrajoch
- Johannes Schneider: HAZE Campaign / Aircraft Integration in the DLR FALCON
Boulder Mini Users Meeting (March 2003)
- Technical Presentations at the Boulder Mini Users Meeting (March 2003)
- Ann Middlebrook: Notes of the Boulder Mini AMS Users' Meeting
- Doug Worsnop: Overview of Current Issues and Developments
- Manjula Canagaratna: Update of the Data Acquisition Software (to Version 4.3)
- Ann Middlebrook: Summary of Results of the NEAQS 2002
- Ann Middlebrook: Summary of the MS Background Tests for Aircraft Deployment
- Tim Onasch: Summary of Fragmentation and Oven Temperature Tests
- Ann Middlebrook: Summary of Tests of the Fragmentation Patterns for the AMS
- Roya Bahreini & Jose Jimenez: Relationships Between the Variations in Pressure, Flow Rate, and Air Beam Intensity Measurements as a Function of Sampling Pressure
- Ann Middlebrook: Summary of IE/AB and Inlet Flow Rate Measurements on the NOAA AMS
2nd Boulder Mini-AMS Users' Meeting - CU, September 2003
Fourth AMS Users' Meeting - 24-27 October 2003 @ Caltech
- This meeting took place right after the AAAR meeting in Anaheim, California, Oct. 20-24, 2003.
- Feedback on the Meeting from the Users (compiled by Jose based on email responses)
- List of Users and Attendees for this Meeting
- Schedule for the meeting
- Pre-Meeting Planning Information for the 4th (2003) AMS Users' Meeting
- Technical Presentations from the Meeting
- Doug Worsnop: AMS Users Introduction
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Logistics and Update on Attendance & AMS Performance
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Introduction to the Main Issues and Objectives of the Meeting
- John Jayne: AMS Hardware Update
- John Jayne: Electronic Noise Reduction
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Update on Data Acquisition Software Improvements Since Last Year
- James Allan: AMS Igor Data Analysis Software Update
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Calibration Procedures: Recommended Practices & Recent Results
- Doug Worsnop: AMS Collection Efficiency
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Overview of the Remaining Quantification Issues for the AMS
- Doug Worsnop: Organics MS
- Rami Alfarra: Organic RIE and Organic CE
- Ann Middlebrook: Ammonium Sulfate IE
- Ann Middlebrook: Fragmentation patterns for Ammonium Nitrate and Sulfate
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Measuring CE: Beam Width Probe Modeling
- Dara Salcedo: Beam Width Probe Results from MCMA-2003
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Brief Discussion of AMS Terminology & Description of Chemical Results
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Brainstorming on: (1) Experiments to Nail our Absolute Quantification; and (2) Best Operating Procedures
- Ann Middlebrook: AMS Aircraft Issues
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Airplane Integration Meeting – University of Colorado Plans
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Feedback on this Meeting and Format for Future Years
- Presentations and Posters from AAAR Anaheim 2003
5th AMS Users' Meeting - took place at Georgia Tech, October, 2004.
- This meeting took take place right after the AAAR Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 4-8, 2004.
- There were a total of 33 presentations (12 talks and 21 posters) at AAAR using AMS data (not including late-breaking posters). These represented 5.7% of the 577 presentations at AAAR 2004. The AMS-related presentations are highlighted in green (talks) and blue (posters) in the following program: PDF Program and Word Program.
- Feedback on the Meeting from the Users (compiled by Jose based on email responses)
- Meeting Schedule and Map
- Pictures from the Meeting
- Technical Presentations from the User's Meeting
(please email all posters and presentations for real-time postings)
- INTRODUCTION (Friday, 10/8/04):
- Doug Worsnop: Welcome to the User's Meeting
- Tim Onasch: Discussion of the Program Logistics
- Doug Worsnop: Overview of AMS- Hardware and Software, Introduction to Meeting Specific Issues
- INTRODUCTION (Friday, 10/8/04):
- DATA ANALYSIS TUTORIAL (Saturday, 10/9/04):
- Doug Worsnop: Data Analysis Tutorial - Notes and Figures (A. Delia), Notes and Figures (E. Cross), Notes (L. Williams), Notes (A. Aiken).
- DATA ANALYSIS TUTORIAL (Saturday, 10/9/04):
- (Sunday, 10/10/04)
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Summary of our Understanding and Assumptions on AMS Mass Concentration Quantification
- Tim Onasch: Measuring CE- Experimental Results (Ambient & Lab)
- Alex Huffman: Measuring CE - BWP Modeling
- Peter Liu: Particle Transmission Experiments
- Leah Williams: Particle Transmission Issues
- Leah Williams: Particle Lens Calculations
- Peter DeCarlo: SMPS Comparisons
- Hacene Boudries: AMS Intercomparisons with Other Instruments (MOUDI, etc.)
- Brendan Matthew: Laboratory CE Experiments
- Nobuyuki Takegawa: AMS - PILS Comparisons
- Akinori Takami: AMS - APM Comparisons
- Tim Onasch:AMS Sampling Flowrate
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Summary of Status on AMS Mass Concentration Quantification and Plans for Future Experiments - Part 1: Summary of Quantification Status
- (Monday, 10/11/04)
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Summary of Status on AMS Mass Concentration Quantification and Plans for Future Experiments - Part 2: Where to go from Here
- John Jayne: Calibration Procedures: Issues, Practices, and Results of Calibrations during Field Studies; New Developments; Recommended Practices and Demonstrations; Measuring CE - Beam Width Probe Design
- (Sunday evening, 10/10/04)
- Shao-Meng Lu: Development of the AMS IDEAS - no slides available
- Hacene Boudries: Aerosol Collector Development - presentation not available
- Ann Middlebrook: A Pressure-Controlled Inlet (PCI) for Airborne AMS Sampling
- Eben Cross: Light Scattering Module Development
- (Monday, 10/11/04)
- James Allan: Update on Data Analysis Software (Igor) since Last Year & Future Plans - Notes (A. Delia) *requesting other notes for this presentation from any User
- Frank Drewnick: ToF Development
- John Jayne: Update on Hardware since Last Year & Future Plans
- Manjula Canagaratna: Update on AMS Data Acquisition (DAQ) Software since Last Year & Future Plans
- Posters from the 5th User's Meeting (Sunday, 10/10/04):
- Eben Cross: Characterization of Laboratory and Ambient Particles Using the Combination of Aerosol Mass Spectrometry and Light Scattering Techniques
- Alex Huffman: Design, Experimental Tests, Modeling, and Optimization of a Particle Beam Width Probe (BWP) for the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Yasmine Katrib: Chemical and Physical Changes of Organic Particles Upon Reaction with Ozone
- Leah Williams: Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Measurements of Particle Size Distributions and Chemical Composition from Pressurized Metered Does Inhalers
- Michael Alexander: Chemical and Physical Properties of a Sub-Micron Particle Emission from a Diesel Engine
- Edward Dunlea: Measurements of Free Tropospheric Aerosol and Ice Nuclei at Storm Peak Laboratory with an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS)
- Johannes Schneider: Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Ice and Supercooled Cloud Residuals during CLACE-3
- Jay Slowick: Effect of Fuel to Oxygen Ratio on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soot Particles
- Silke Weimer: Measurement of Ambient Aerosol Composition Using an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer in New York City: Winter 2004 Intensive Study
Boulder June 2005 ToF-AMS Mini Users' Meeting
- Notes from the meeting (unpolished)
6th AMS Users' Meeting
- The 6th AMS Users' Meeting took place in the Fall of 2005 in Juelich (Germany) from noon on Thu. Aug. 25 till noon on Sun. Aug. 28. This was right before the 2005 European Aerosol Conference that took place in Ghent, Belgium from Mon. Aug. 29 till Fri. Sep. 2nd.
- General Information and Feedback on the 6th Users Meeting
- THURSDAY, AUG. 25, 2005
- Tim Onasch: Introduction and Logistics of the Meeting
- Doug Worsnop: General Introduction
- John Jayne: Hardware Forecast, Manual Update and Perspectives
- Frank Drewnick: Introduction to the Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (ToF-AMS)
- James Allan: Data Analysis Software Status and Outlook
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: some closing thoughts & web update
- List of AMS Papers. Please send me new updates, preferably with the PDF posted at your site.
- ToF-AMS Web Page
- AMS Mass Spectrum Web Database. We'll start posting spectra very soon, please send spectra and context info to Jose or
- FRIDAY, AUG. 26, 2005
- Qi Zhang's tutorial on organic data analysis
- Qi Zhang: data and software for organic analysis tutorial
- Qi Zhang, M. Rami Alfarra, Douglas R. Worsnop, James D. Allan, Hugh Coe, Manjula R. Canagaratna, and Jose L. Jimenez. Deconvolution and quantification of hydrocarbon-like and oxygenated organic aerosols based on aerosol mass spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology, 39: 4938-4952, 2005, doi:10.1021/es048568l. PDF & Supporting Info
- Qi Zhang, Douglas R. Worsnop, Manjula R. Canagaratna, and Jose-Luis Jimenez. Hydrocarbon-like and Oxygenated Organic Aerosols in Pittsburgh: Insights into Sources and Processes of Organic Aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 5, 8421-8471, 2005. Paper.
- Andreas Kurten: The Aerosol Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (AIMS)
- Nobu Takegawa: WSOC vs OOA in Tokyo
- Nobu Takegawa: Excess-OA vs OOA in Tokyo
- Katja Dzepina: PAH Detection in Mexico City with the AMS
- John Jayne: Update on Beam Width Probe and Measurements
- Tim Onasch: Update on AMS Collection Efficiency due to Bounce
- SATURDAY, AUG. 27, 2005
- John Jayne and Peter Liu: Update on Lens Transmission Studies
- Achim Trimborn: Soft Ionization Approaches in the AMS
- Eiko Nemitz: AMS for Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Thermodenuder-AMS for Ambient Measurements
- Tim Onasch: Update on Q-AMS Data Acquisition Software
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Q-AMS Jump Mass Spec (JMS) Concept and Software
- Jonny Crossier: JMS Mode Application and Issues
- Eben Cross: Update on Light Scattering Module within the Aerodyne AMS
- Peter DeCarlo: ToF-AMS Data Acquisition Software
- Silke Hings: ToF-AMS Data Analysis Software
- John Jayne: ToF-AMS Hardware
- Frank Drewnick: First ToF-AMS Results
- Shane Murphy: First Aircraft ToF-AMS Deployment, comparison to Q-AMS
- Peter DeCarlo: High-Resolution ToF-AMS: Concept and First Results
- SUNDAY, AUG. 28, 2005
- Doug Worsnop: Tutorial on Q-AMS Diagnostics
- Data for Tutorial (54 MB, ~20 min. download w/ FZ Juelich wireless)
- Igor Template for Tutorial (not the latest version, but has some features needed for this tutorial)
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Feedback and Plans for Next Year
- Doug Worsnop: Tutorial on Q-AMS Diagnostics
Boulder October 2005 ToF-AMS Mini Users' Meeting
- Notes (by Jose)
7th AMS Users' Meeting
- The 7th AMS Users' Meeting took place at the University of Minnesota on Sep. 16-18, 2006 (70 attendees expected). This meeting took place right after the 2006 International Aerosol Conference (AAAR/IAC) in St. Paul, MN, Sep 10-15, 2006.
- General Information on the 7th AMS Users' Meeting
Presentations will be posted below in PDF format as soon as we can get them
- Meeting Logistics – Focus and Schedule of Meeting: Manjula Canagaratna Tim Onasch
- Doug Worsnop: Overview of AMS Issues presented in meeting
- James Allan: Overview of AMS analysis software
- Leah Williams: Update on vaporizers
- Leah Williams: Update on lens development
- John Jayne: Update on hardware (e.g. pump controllers, pressurecontrolled inlet, etc.)
- Jonny Crosier: Q-AMS software analysis Update (including Jump mode)
- For more on jump mode, see Jonny's JMS mode talk from the 6th Users Meeting
- Manjula Canagaratna: Q-AMS DAQ Software Update
- Ingrid Ulbrich: Mass Spectral Database
- Eben Cross: Light Scattering module update
- Akinori Takami: Q-AMS long term usage and intercomparisons
- Qi Zhang: Organic Analysis
- Christoph Hueglin: Zurich PMF
- Ingrid Ulbrich: Pittsburgh PMF
- Doug Worsnop: Introduction to ToF-AMS
- Doug Worsnop: ToF-AMS issues and development
- Pete DeCarlo: Intercomparison of C,V,W ToFs + Q-AMS
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Sensitivity vs Information Content for AMS Configurations and Modes
- Frank Drewnick: Detection limitis in ToF
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: ToF software issues and development
- Joel Kimmel: DAQ software operating (simulation)
- Joel Kimmel: Quantification/Dynamic Range of ToF (i.e. Thresholding, SI determination, Channel 2)
- Ed Dunlea: IE calibrations
- Peter DeCarlo: high resolution (HR-ToF-AMS) analysis software
- Shane Murphy: Surface ionization issues
- Katja Dzepina: Update on PAHs in Mexico City 2003
- Frank Drewnick: Expansion of PAH calculations
- Donna Sueper: Squirrel Overview/Update
- Silke Hings: Review of TADA software (slides from 6th Users Meeting)
- Doug Worsnop & Donna Sueper: Squirrel Tutorial
- Downloads for tutorial (files are password protected)
- Doug Worsnop: Poisson ion counting
- Meeting photos (zip file, 22MB)
8th AMS Users' Meeting
- The 8th AMS Users' Meeting took place at the Desert Research Institute in Reno on Sep. 29-Oct. 1, 2007 (~70 attendees expected). This meeting took place right after the 2007 Annual Conference of the AAAR in Reno, NV, Sep 24-28, 2007.
- General Information on the 8th AMS Users' Meeting
- Presentations will be posted below in PDF format as soon as we can get them
- Cameron Martin, Manjula Canagaratna, Tim Onasch: Meeting Logistics – Focus and Schedule of Meeting
- Doug Worsnop: Overview of AMS Issues presented in meeting
- John Jayne: New Hardware
- Dagmar Trimborn: Lens Development
- Tim Onash: Collection Efficiency
- Eben Cross: Light Scattering Update
- Alex Huffmann: Thermal Denuder
- Jesse Kroll: Thermal Desorber
- Achim Trimborn: Soft Ionization Update
- Jesse Kroll: Frag Table
- Manjula Canagaratna: Q-AMS Acquisition Software Update
- James Allan: Q-AMS Analysis Software Update
- Manjula Canagaratna, Qi Zhang, Jose-Luis Jimenez: Organics Analysis Overview
- Andre Prevot: PMF and ME-2 in Zurich
- Ingrid Ulbrich: PMF Cautions
- Brent Williams: TAG and AMS Organics Source Apportionment
- Martin Graus: PTR-MS Aerosol Application
- Achim Trimborn; Soot Particle Mass Spectrometer
- Lynn Russell: FTIR and AMS Joint Analysis
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: AMS Spectral Database and Field Analysis Wiki
- John Jayne: ToF-AMS Instrumental Issues
- Joel Kimmel: ToF-AMS Data Acquision (DAQ) Software
- John Shilling: HR-ToF-AMS m/z calibration
- Mikael Ehn: Effect of threshold on calculated mass conc
- John Jayne: Ionization Efficiency Introduction
- Roya Bahreini: Ionization Efficiency Tutorial
- Frank Drewnick: Pulser Frequency Dependence for IE Calibration
- Donna Sueper: Squirrel Tutorial
9th AMS Users' Meeting
- The 9th AMS Users' Meeting took place at the University of Manchester in the UK on Sep. 5-7, 2008 (~70 attendees). This meeting was not held in conjunction with a major conference.
- General Information on the 9th AMS Users' Meeting
- Presentations will be posted below in PDF format as soon as we can get them
- Hugh Coe: Welcome to University of Manchester
- Cameron Martin: Meeting Logistics –Schedule of Meeting
- Doug Worsnop: Overview of AMS Issues
- John Jayne: Update on New AMS Hardware
- Tim Onasch: Update on lens development (contained within JJ presentation above)
- Achim Trimborn: SP2-AMS
- Achim Trimborn: Soft Ionization (Li Ion/Q-TOF)
- Astrid Kiendler-Scharr: Aerosol Collector Module (ACM)
- John Jayne: Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM)
- Manjula Canagaratna: Q-AMS Acquisition Software Update
- James Allan: Q-AMS Analysis Software Update
- Tim Onasch: AMS Quantification Issues
- Ann Middlebrook: Applying Laboratory Collection Efficiencies to Ambient Field Data
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: On “refractory organics” and other assorted issues related to AMS quantification
- Frank Drewnick: AMS Techical Issues
- Manuel Dall'Osto: Intercomparisons between AMS and ATOFMS
- Eben Cross: AMS as a single particle mass spectrometer (LS-CToF-AMS)
- Hugh Coe: Overview of AMS work at Manchester
- Johannes Schneider: Overview of AMS work at MPI
- Junying Sun: AMS measurements in China
- Puneet Singh Chhabra: Chamber Studies of Glyoxal Uptake with the HR-ToF-AMS
- Lea Hildebrandt: Chamber Studies at CMU
- Astrid Kiendler-Scharr: ToF-AMS characterisation of SOA from NO3 oxidation of b-Pinene
- Andre Prevot: Developments in AMS Organic Aerosol Analysis
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Overview of AMS Organic Analysis
- AMS in Action (Check out James' software in action!)
- Ingrid Ulbrich: Analysis of AMS organic Spectra- Tutorial on New PMF Panel
- Go to the AMS PMF Wiki...
- Presentation Part 1: Overview and execution
- Presentation Part 2: Viewing the results
- Presentation Part 3: Scatter plots
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Overview of AMS Organic Analysis
- Donna Sueper: Introduction to HR-ToF-AMS Data Analysis and Tutorial
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Basis and limitations of Organic Elemental Analysis with the AMS (HR and UMR)
- Revised figure for comparing methods of estimating O/C from 44/OA (from J. Shilling and A. Aiken)
1st High-Resolution AMS Users Clinic
- 1st High-Resolution AMS Users Clinic took place at the University of Colorado-Boulder on June 6-10, 2009 (45 attendees). This meeting is not held in conjunction with a major conference.
- General Information on the 1st HR Clinic
- Schedule and presentations
- Feedback on the meeting
- There is significant support from attendees to do something like the Clinic regularly, either stand-alone or as part of the main users meeting.
- List of attendees
10th AMS Users Meeting, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2009
Users' Meeting General Information
- Program of the meeting:
- Feedback on the meeting from the participants
- Doug Worsnop: Overview of AMS Issues
- John Jayne: Overview of AMS Hardware Development
- Ed Fortner, Bill Brooks: AMS Hardware FAQs
- Achim Trimborn: SP-AMS
- Sally Ng, John Jayne: ACSM
- Tim Onasch, Ed Fortner: TD-AMS
- Joel Kimmel: New Aplications of the ToF
- Brent Williams: TAG-AMS
- Carly Robinson et al.: MAB-AMS and comparison with Li Ion
- Eben Cross: Light Scattering
- John Jayne: Updates on Q-AMS DAQ
- Joel Kimmel:Updates on ToF-AMS DAQ
- Tim Onasch: CE and updates on quantification
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Quantification Issues (refractory materials)
- Mike Cubison: Intercomparisons of AMS for ARCTAS (from NASA TabMEP Panel)
- Roya Bahreini: Error analysis and AMS mass-fine volume measurement comparisons
- Paul Reitz: A new and easy method to calculate AMS detection limits
- Manuel Dall'Osto: ATOFMS vs AMS Comparisons Update
- Resources for AMS Users
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: AMS resources: Wiki and web pages
- ToF-AMS Main Wiki
- AMS Users Meetings Wiki
- Q-AMS Main Web Page
- FAQs for AMS Data Users
- Joel Kimmel: Data Quickview: DAQ and Igor codes
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: AMS resources: Wiki and web pages
Sunday November 1, 2009: AMS ANALYSIS SOFTWARE (PMF, Squirrel, Light Scattering)
- Ingrid Ulbrich: Review of PMF Analysis Software (updates and diagnostics)
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Characterization of OA component volatilities
- Jay Slowik: PMF analysis of AMS data combined with gas phase data
- Sally Ng, Manjula: Intercomparisons of worldwide PMF components
- Tomi Raatikainen: Hygroscopic and Ethanolic Growth Factors of AMS Organic Components
- Peter DeCarlo: Highlights of work at PSI
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: The limits of Elemental Analysis
- Delphine Farmer: Organosulfate and organonitrate detection
- Jesse Kroll: Oxidation State as it relatates to AMS
- Eben Cross, Donna Sueper: Light Scattering Analysis
- Donna Sueper: Squirrel update (Updating and exchanging/porting Squirrel Experiments, FAQS)
- Pete DeCarlo: 40/28 ratio for threshold diagnosing
- Pete DeCarlo, Delphine: Diagnosing V mode ions in W mode
- Donna Sueper: Introduction and Flowchart of HR Analysis
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Overview & Summary of HR Clinic
- Jon Abbatt: Summary of Univ. of Toronto AMS Activities
- Kathryn Hayden: Summary of Environment Canada AMS Activities
- Heikki Junninen: Squirrel Speed and Robustness
- Donna Sueper: Pika 1.07, Intro to HR species, HR frag and HR batch table
- Donna Sueper: APES 1.05
- Donna Sueper, John Shilling: Review of m/z calibration and best practices
- Tim Onasch: Review of baseline and best practices
- Pete DeCarlo: Review of peak width and shape and best practices
- Delphine Farmer: Review of pika (general multipeak fitting) & best practices
- Mike Cubison: Sensitivity Analysis of HR Results
- Puneet Chhabra: Standard Masses to Fit List
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Discussion of possible future HR Clinics or similar meetings
- Jose-Luis Jimenez: Potential AMS spectra intercomparison exercise
- Donna Sueper: Demo and click-along and discussion of new features (no slides to post)
2nd AMS Data Analysis Clinic in Boulder, CO
- This meeting took place in Boulder on Feb 22-25, 2010. Feb. 26 is an optional day with recreational activities (skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, etc.).
- More information, including most presentations from the meeting, is posted in the 2nd AMS Clinic Wiki Page
- The results of the attendee survey for the 2nd Clinic are here.
Informal AMS Data Analysis Clinic on EUCAARI data, PSI, April 28-30,2010
- Helpful Guide by Pete DeCarlo regarding single ion calibration.
- Helpful Guide by Pete DeCarlo regarding ion efficiency calibration.
- Helpful Guide by Pete DeCarlo regarding size calibration.
- Presentation by Pete DeCarlo regarding HR PMF preparation.
- Text of emailand presentation by Pete DeCarlo regarding CE and nitrate/size issues.
- Short summary of 'What version of Squirrel or Pika Should I be Using?' - A very quick overview by Donna Sueper.
11th AMS Users Meeting, Hyytiala, Finland, Sept. 4-6, 2010
Users Meeting General Information
- Program of the meeting: [1]
Welcome to the AMS Users' Meeting Doug Worsnop Welcome to the Hyytiala Markku Kulmala ? Meeting Logistics –Schedule of Meeting Cameron Martin Overview of AMS Applications and Developments Doug Worsnop Overview of AMS Hardware and Issues John Jayne SP-AMS Tim Onasch ACSM Sally Ng/ John Jayne New Aplications of the ToF CI, API Joel Kimmel
Future Meetings
The following are the likely dates for future AMS Users Meeting:
- AMS Users Meeting 2010: Sep. 4-6 in Hyytiala, Finland immediately after the IAC Conference in Helsinki (Aug. 29 - Sep. 3)
- Draft program for the 2010 Users Meeting at
- 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting in Boulder, March 21-25, 2011.
- AMS Users Meeting 2011: after the AAAR Conference in US (AAAR will likely be in Orlando, Florida)