Key Refs
From Jimenez Group Wiki
This are key references to the scientific literature for the Jimenez Group
Chemical Data and Mechanisms
- IUPAC Reviews in ACP: Ox, HOx, NOx, SOx | organics | inorganic halogens | organic halogens | het reactions
- Atkison and Arey 2003: VOC chemistry
- Atkinson, Atm. Env. 2000 Atmospheric Chemistry of VOCs and NOx
- Atkinson J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1997: Gas Tropospheric Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds: 1. Alkanes and Alkenes
- Atkinson ACP 2003: Kinetics of the Gas-phase Reactions of OH Radicals with Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
Data Compilations
- JPL: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- NIST: Chemical Kinetics Database
- NIST: Chemistry WebBook
- Leeds Master Chemical Mechanism
- TUV Photolysis Calculator
Aerosol Properties and Processes
Dry Deposition
- Wesely, Atm. Env. 1998: Parameterization of Surface Resistances to Gaseous Dry Deposition in Regional-scale Numerical Models
- Wesely et al., Atm. Env., 2000. A Review of the Current Status of Knowledge on Dry Deposition
Optical and Hygroscopic Properties
- Hand et al., JGR 2007. Review of Aerosol Mass Scattering Efficiencies from Ground-based Measurements since 1990
Aerosol Thermodynamics
- Clegg and Wexler: On-line Inorganic Aerosol Model (AIM)
- Nenes et al. Aerosol Thermodynamics Model
Aerosol Effects
Human Health
- Krzyzanowski & Cohen, 2008: Update of WHO air quality guidelines
- Smith et al. PNAS 2000: National Burden of Disease in India from Indoor Air Pollution
- Watson JAWMA 2000: Visibility: Science & Regulation
Emission Sources
Vehicles and Engines
- Lloyd & Cackette, JAWMA 2001: Diesel Engines: Environmental Impact and Control
- Kittelson JAS 1998: Engines and Nanoparticles: a Review
- Wallington et al., Chem. Soc. Rev. 2006: Automotive fuels and internal combustion engines: a chemical perspective
Typical values and Data
- Aerosol surface area: ~10,000 mm2 m-3 in a polluted day in Mexico City (Ref)