From Jimenez Group Wiki
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- The seminar calendar is also displayed here in the CHEM webpage
- The schedule is also available as a Google Calendar. It is a public calendar, meaning that you can add it to your personal calendar and it will display the seminars at the right time and will the relevant details (speaker, title, room, link to schedule and abstracts). To do this, just enter the following Calendar ID under "Other Calendars --> Add a friend's calendar" to the left of your Google Calendar: (If the Wiki and GCal don't agree, the Wiki should be correct, but please let us know if this happens).
General Information
- Jointly sponsored by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CIRES, and the Environmental Program
- All seminars will be held on Mondays @ noon - 1 pm in Ekeley S274, unless marked otherwise
- As in the past, students may be asked to move to a later (or occasionally earlier) date to accommodate schedules of out-of-town speakers.
- Links of interest:
Related Seminar Series in Boulder
- CIRES Events and Seminars (dates and times vary)
- NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry (Mon 3:30 pm, Foothills Lab) Videos of past seminars
- CU Methods in Chemistry (Tue 12-1 pm, CIRES S274)
- CU Astrobiology (Wed 2-3 pm, LASP conference room D142, Duane Physics Bldg.)
- NOAA Chemical Sciences Division (Wed 3:30 pm, Skaggs Bldg., Room 2A305)
- CU Mechanical Engineering (Thu 3:30 pm, ECCR 200)
- CU Environmental Engineering (Fri 11 am, ECCE 1B41)
- Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics (Fri 4-5 pm, JILA Aud.)
- CU Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (Fri 4-5 pm, Physics Commons, top of Gamow Tower)
- Front Range Aerosol Community (FRAC) Meetings (2-3 meetings per year on afternoons)
Spring 2015
- January 12, 2015 -- First week of classes -- NO SEMINAR
- January 19, 2015 -- Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday -- NO SEMINAR
- January 26, 2015 -- ANYL ResSci: Doug Day: "Particle Size Resolution of the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer" & Harald Stark on TBD (host: JLJ)
- February 2, 2015-- Prof. Peter McMurry, U. Minnesota (host: PJZ)
- February 9, 2015 -- ANYL 3rd year -- Jordan Krechmer: "Formation of Low Volatility Compounds and SOA from Isoprene Oxidation without IEPOX uptake" (host: JLJ)
- February 16, 2015 # -- Dr. Alma Hodzic, NCAR ACD: "Rethinking Secondary Organic Aerosol formation and removal in 3D models based on explicit chemistry" Abstract (host: JLJ)
- February 23, 2015 -- ANYL 3rd Year -- Jay Kroll: TBA (host: PJZ)
- March 2, 2015 -- ANYL 3rd year -- Melissa Ugelow
- March 9, 2015 -- Prof. Shantanu Jathar, Colorado State: "Secondary Organic Aerosol Modeling using the Statistical Oxidation Model" (host: JLJ)
- March 16, 2015 -- Prof. Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz, U. Texas Austin (host: MAT)
- March 23, 2015 -- SPRING BREAK & ACS Meeting in Denver -- NO SEMINAR
- March 30, 2015 -- Prof. Betsy Stone, Univ. of Iowa (host: JLJ w RMV slot)
- April 6, 2014 -- Prof. Facundo Fernandez, Georgia Tech (host: JLJ)
- April 13, 2014 -- Dr. Rebecca Washenfelder, CIRES & NOAA (host: Steve Brown)
- April 20, 2014 *? --
- April 27, 2014 -- ANYL Postdocs & ResSci: Pedro Campuzano-Jost and Jason Schroder (host: JLJ)
Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (&): RES; (#): MAT; (@): RMV; (%) PJZ (?): not sure)