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Special Topics - Data Analysis and Acquisition - Tentative Outline

This 3-credit course will be offered by Dr. Ingrid Ulbrich (with assistance from Prof. Jose L. Jimenez) in Fall of 2012. It will be a required course for 1st year analytical chemistry students, and optional for others. The course number may be special topics, depending on whether CU can approve the new course number by then.

  • Introduction to computer graphing, functions and programming (Igor)
  • Data Analysis
    • Basic analysis: interpolation, area integrals, multidimensional data handling
    • Statistics: calculating statistical parameters, distributions, precision, uncertainty, ANOVA
    • Correlation and regressions (variants)
    • convolution (student request to IMU)
    • Numerical solution of ODEs
    • Frequency analysis and FFT
    • Montecarlo simulations
    • Fitting & Levenberg-Marquardt (as users)
    • Principal Component Analysis and Positive Matrix Factorization
    • Data analysis problems brought by students from their research
  • Data Acquisition
    • Fundamentals of data acquisition
    • Data I/O, parsing of text files, write to file etc.
    • Labview: introduction and programming
    • Signal-to-noise, noise reducing measures, signal enhancing measures, numerical high pass filters, low pass filters etc.
    • Data acquisition problems brought by students from their research
  • Potential Texts
    • Numerical Recipes (online)
    • Building Scientific Apparatus (Moore, Davis, and Coplan)
    • Taylor Error Analysis
    • Stuff from Amber's stats class