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This Wiki is a repository of information about the DAURE field campaign to be conducted at an urban/rural site pair in Barcelona and Montseny (Catalonia, Spain) in winter and summer 2009. This is the main page about the study and focuses on the scientific aspects of the study. We have another Wiki page for the logistics and organization of the study.


The objectives of this campaign is to characterize the sources of fine aerosols in the Barcelona region, with particular attention to carbonaceous aerosols. State-of-the-Art methods such as 14C and HR-ToF-AMS analysis have been applied or are starting to be applied to the source apportionment problem in Central Europe, but not yet in the Mediterranean region. There are reasons to believe that the results from Central Europe (dominance of biogenic and biomass burning in the organic aerosol) may not apply in the Mediterranean, and this campaign is a unique opportunity to evaluate this hypothesis (CSIC, UC, PSI, CEH, BSC, UPC,CIEMAT, UB, UGR, and other participant groups). Furthermore, Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds emissions and concentrations in Barcelona and Montseny and their implications as sources of aerosols will be also investigated (CREAF).

The campaign is also part of the EMEP Coordinated Winter Campaign.


The campaigns should be carried out simultaneously at two sites of NE Spain in the Mediterranean Basin

  • Site BCN will be inside Barcelona (CSIC. Located in the university campus in the western side of Barcelona close to Diagonal Avenue, one of the main traffic roads from the city. In this area we will install 2 monitoring cabins BCN_1 and BCN_2. The first consits of a conventional aerosol monitosing site containing CSIC instrumentation. BCN_2 is a small office trailer ready to install the arriving instruments (power to be discussed) and it is located only 5 m away from BCN_1.

Urban Background 41°23'24.01"N 02° 6'58.06"E

The station is located 10 m from a University Residence and around 300 m of our Institute of Earth Sciences ‘Jaume Almera’, CSIC. It is very convenient to book rooms at this residence a.s.a.p (see details below).

  • Site MSY will be a rural mountain site at Montseny (~50 km away), ideally with the same measurements at both sites. In this area we seleceted 2 monitoring sites MSY_1 and MSY_2. The first consits of a conventional aerosol monitosing site containing CSIC instrumentation. MSY_2 is a traditional rural house plenty of space, with sleeping rooms, kitchen and very basic labs. CREAF has ge kindly allowed us to use this MSY 2 field laboratory. Spacial thanks to Javier Retana (director of CREAF)for facilitating all sort of actions to allow us organizing the measurements. This is ready to install the arriving instruments (up to 10 kW) and it is located only 200 m away from MSY_1.

Regional background MSY_1: CSIC aerosol monitoring station 41°46'45.63"N 02°21'28.92"E

MSY_2: Rural house with laboratory for DAURE 41°46'45.21"N 02°21'17.48"E

    • Additionally there will be space enough to work with a conventional mobile unit (from PSI or from AQ local agencies. Note that at Montseny the unpaved mountain road is in poor condition, and has posed problems in the past.

Participant Groups

  • CSIC Host group: The aerosol research group at the Institute of Earth Sciences, CSIC in Barcelona, Spain (contact Xavier Querol)
  • Colorado Jimenez group at the University of Colorado-Boulder, USA
  • CEH Edinmburg, Atmospheric Sciences [1], Scotland, UK (contact person Eiko Nemitz)
  • PSI [2] Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry at the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
  • BSC Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain
  • The CREAF [3], Spain (contact Josep Peñuelas). (See acknowledgement below)
  • CIEMAT [4], Spain, with continuous OC, EC and nitrate analysis (contact Begoña Artiñano)
  • UB: Atmospheric Physics Group of the University of Barcelona, Spain [5]: Aerosol optical characterization from columnar radiometric measurements, Cimel sunphotometer, spectroradiometers and meteorological instruments (contact Jeroni Lorente)
  • UPC: Department of Signal Theory and Communications (TSC) (Lidar experts) [6], Spain (contact Adolfo Comerón and Michaël Sicard)
  • Possible participation:
    • Granada University, Spain with column aerosols measurements

Instrumentation (only winter campaign)

The following instrumentation is planned to be working during the winter campaign (the summer one will be discussed later as a function of the first results):


  • CSIC
    • Optical counter for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.
    • 3 high volume samplers for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1: 12 to 24 h speciation of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 including sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, OC, EC, Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Ti, and 55 trace elements. Analysis will be performed after sampling with ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Sunset TO OC-EC, IC, seletive electrodes.
    • Breakup of PM1 filter
      • 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES (IJA)
      • 1/2 for 14C analysis of EC and OC (PSI, selected samples)
      • 1/4 for levoglucosan & dicarboxylic acids (Risto Hillamo, Finnish Met. Institute)
    • Breakup of PM2.5 filter
      • 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES (IJA)
      • 1/4 for levoglucosan & dicarboxylic acids (Risto Hillamo, Finnish Met. Institute)
      • 1/4 for lixiviate
      • 1/4 is available
    • Breakup of PM10 filter
      • 1/4 for ICP-MS and ICP-AES (IJA)
      • 1/4 for lixiviate
      • 1/2 is available
    • MAAP.
    • Water CPC (without SMPS, we would appreciate if someone bring one).
    • SO2, NOx, O3, CO (will be installed with 75% probability).
    • Met-data available from Faculty of Physics (300 m from the station).
    • Low volume sampler (Partisol) with denuder and QBQ for OC (with positive and negative artifact correction) and EC in PM2.5.
    • Denuders for NH3 and HNO3 artefact determination. 2 PM2.5 low-volume samplers (1m3/h), with 24 hour samples.


  • PSI
    • W-ToF-AMS.
    • Another W-ToF-AMS will be available to performs mobile and stationary measurements at the same time
    • 14C analyses on filters. 10 daily samples at MSY and 10 samples at BCN. For each sample 2 analysis, one for OC the other for EC. This will be repeated during both for winter and summer campaigns.
    • 1 rotating drum impactors (2 hourly resolution for subsequent synchrotron-XRF at PSI).
    • 1 aethalometer.
    • 1 SMPS/calibration unit
    • 1 APS
    • Mobile laboratory (AMS, MAAP, FMPS, CO2, NOx, CO) to measure at different sites at the begining and at the end of the campaign
    • Real time measurements of nitrate R&P 8400N (PM2.5, 10 min. time resolution)
    • Real time measurements of sulfate (Thermo, 1 hr time resolution) -- will start later than 23-Feb due to technical issues
    • MOUDI (Microorifice Uniform Deposit Impactor) impactor (ten size stages from 0.056mm to 18 mm and the filter back-up stage (<0.056 mm) : quartz fiber filters for chemical analysis
    • Low vol sampler for SEM-EDX analysis of aerosols
  • UB
    • Cimel sunphotometer.
    • Spectroradiometers.
    • Meteorological instruments.


  • CSIC
    • Optical counter for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.
    • 3 high volume samplers for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1: 12 to 24 h speciation of PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 including sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, OC, EC, Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Ti, and 55 trace elements. Analysis will be performed after sampling with ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Sunset TO OC-EC, IC, seletive electrodes.
      • Use of the filters for analysis would be exactly the same as described for BCN_1
    • MAAP.
    • Butanol CPC (without SMPS, we would appreciate if someone bring one).
    • SO2, NOx, O3, CO (will be installed with 75% probability).
    • Met-data available.
    • Low volume sampler (Partisol) with denuder and QBQ for OC (with positive and negative artifact correction) and EC in PM2.5.
  • PSI
    • 1 rotating drum impactors (2 hourly resolution for subsequent synchrotron-XRF at PSI).


  • PSI
    • 1/2 filter of PM1 for selecetd samples will be used for 14C analysis of EC and OC
    • 14C analyses on filters. 10 daily samples at MSY and 10 samples at BCN. For each sample 2 analysis, one for OC the other for EC. This will be repeated during both for winter and summer campaigns.
    • SMPS
    • Low vol sampler for SEM-EDX analysis of aerosols
  • UC-CEH
    • ToF AMS
    • Dust track
    • BVOC emission rates. Leaf enclosure technique will be employed using LiCor 6400 Photosynthesis System to determine photosynthetic activity and BVOC emission flux at a given temperature, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), relative humidity, and CO_2 concentration. Cuvette air samples will be drawn (pumped out) from the exhaust line into sampling tubes packed with adsorbents.
    • Analysis of air samples ­ C_5 to C_20 compounds will be determined. Air samples will be analyzed using gas chromatography / mass spectrometry at CREAF. In addition, scans of C_1 -C_20 VOCs will be conducted by sampling air with tedlar bags or canisters to be later analysed with PTR-MS (in case the PTR-MS itself can not be transported to the sites)
    • Calculations of biogenic VOC emission and modeling ­ emission fluxes will be calculated for different levels (1) leaf-and branch-scale, (2) canopy, and (3) landscape emission capacity model following standard algorithms with adjustments when appropriate.


    • Meteo and AQ modeling and forecast (CMAQ, WRF) CALIOPE project [7]
    • African dust modeling and forecast BSC-DREAM [8]
  • UPC
    • Lidar measurements for PM up to 5km (aerosols above 5 km might also be detected depending on their concentration). Each Monday (2pm solar time ± 1 h and sunset -2 h + 3 h) and Thursday (sunset -2 h + 3 h). Additionally, 2 more measurements/week around 01:00 UTC and 13:00 UTC, coinciding with CALIPSO passage over Barcelona.


    • Molecular tracers and NMR spectral fingerprints (through collaborators in EUCARII)


If sufficient funding and personnel are available, we will conduct 2 campaigns to contrast summer and winter at the paired urban/rural sites.

Confirmed dates in Winter/Spring 2009

  • 25-Feb-09 to 26-March-09 (period of actual measurements, together with EMEP-2 campaign.

Tentative Dates in Summer 2009

  • Tentatively the last 3 weeks of Jul-09 and first week of Aug-09, to catch a summer period. (Eiko has a campaign 8-June to 8-July 2009 in the Netherlands, which prevents moving this time period earlier in time, if his instrument is used).
  • Andre Prevot (Email on 14-Dec-2008): "We prefer a real summer campaign in 2009 over the autumn campaign during EMEP. The summer campaign could be anytime from May to August in our opinion. We have to wait to fix the dates until we know the dates for the campaign in Paris which is part of the Megacity EU project MEGAPOLI. We can come to Barcelona before or after the Paris campaign. In the summer campaign we can bring the ToF and eventually the Q-AMS. If we have another AMS at one of the fixed sites, we might bring the Q-AMS in our mobile van instead of putting it at a fixed site. (Molecular tracers and spectral fingerprints will not be available)"


  • CSIC Group: Accion Complementaria from the Spanish Ministry of Science
  • CIEMAT group: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: Accion Complentaria “Participación en la campaña DAURE 2009” CGL2008-02817-E/CLI as well as the GRACCIE project
  • Colorado & Penn State Groups: US National Science Foundation Grant ATM-0920940 (Atm. Chem. Program) and NSF OISE (Office of International Science and Engineering)