Journals of Interest
(in alphabetical order, with group monitor in parenthesis)
Journals of Most Interest for Our Group (must monitor as ~80% of the papers we cite are in these 9 journals)
Aerosol Science and Technology (IF:'07: 2.350) (Mike Cubison) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and ACP Discussions (IF'08: 4.9) (Delphine Farmer) Atmospheric Environment (IF'07: 2.549) (Ingrid Ulbrich + Amber Ortega) Atmospheric Measurement Techniques and AMT Discussions (Jose-Luis Jimenez) Environmental Science and Technology (IF'07: 4.363) (Ken Docherty) Geophysical Research Letters (IF'07: 2.744) (Katja Dzepina) Journal of Aerosol Science (IF'07: 1.902) (Amber Ortega) Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association (IF'07: 1.523) (Mike Cubison) Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres (IF'07: 2.953) (Carly Robinson)
Second Tier: Journals which Sometimes Have Important Papers for Us (should monitor if possible)
Analytical Chemistry (IF'08: 5.7) (Joel Kimmel) Environmental Chemistry (IF '07: 2.809) (Jose-Luis Jimenez)
Environmental Research Letters (IF:'07 1.200) (Donna Sueper) Environmental Science and Technology News Pages (Donna Sueper) International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (IF'07: 2.411) Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (IF'07: 3.664) (Joel Kimmel) Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry (IF'07: 1.640) (Jose-Luis Jimenez) Journal of Physical Chemistry A (IF'07: 2.918) Journal of Physical Chemistry B (IF'07: 4.086) Mass Spectrometry Reviews (IF'07: 10.896) Nature (IF'08: 31.00) (Mike Cubison) Nature Geoscience (new in 2008) (Jose-Luis Jimenez) Science (IF'08: 28.00) (Joel Kimmel)
Other journals, generally of lower interest to us, but with occasionally important papers (monitor if people are especially interested)
Aerobiologia (IF '07: 0.944) Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health (new in 2008) Aerosol and Air Quality Research (IF: not found) Annual Reviews of Analytical Chemistry (IF: new in 2008) Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences (IF'07: 7.732) Annual Reviews of Environment and Resources (IF'07: 4.036) Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics (IF '07: 9.471) Annual Reviews of Physical Chemistry (IF'07: 9.439) Atmospheric Research (IF'07: 1.786) Biogeosciences Discussions and Biogeosciences (IF'07: 2.813) Boundary Layer Meteorology (IF'07: 2.020) [">Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS)</a> (IF'07: 3.475) [">Chemical Reviews</a> (IF'07: 22.757) [">Journal of Chemometrics</a> (IF'07: 1.367) (Ingrid) [">Energy and Fuels</a> (IF'07: 1.679) [">Environmental Chemistry Letters</a> (IF'07: 1.080)
[">Environmental Health Perspectives</a> (IF'07: 6.12)