FAQ Prospective

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Information and Frequently Asked Questions for Prospective Members of the Jimenez Group

1. What should I do if I am interested in joining the Jimenez Group?

You can email Jose and attach your CV and a list of publications. Graduate students need to apply for admission through a CU Department (see FAQ 3 below).

2. How do I learn more about the research of the Jimenez Group?

We have a lot of information on the web that should provide a good overview of the types of topics and techniques we work on. In particular see:

3. How do I apply to graduate school?

Note that in the US prospective graduate students need to apply for admission to an academic department. Individual professors cannot make admission decisions on their own. (This is often not clear to international applicants).

To work in our group, the most natural departments are:

It is also possible in principle to apply to an Engineering Dept. (Mechanical, Civil and Environmental, Chemical), but this is more complex.

4. Should I apply for a fellowship?

YES. Fellowships always help the group do more with the available funding, and are often a deciding factor on whether a position in the group is possible. Some available fellowships include:

For graduate students:

For graduate students and postdocs:

For postdocs:

5. What kinds of things do people do after finishing at the Jimenez group?

Our group alumni have an excellent track record in faculty positions, postdoctoral positions at top European institutions, positions with the funding agencies, and also positions in industry. See the J-Group Alumni page for more details.

6. Other FAQs, coming soon

  • What funding is available for graduate students?
  • Will I be expected to work as a Teaching Assistant (TA) while I am a graduate student?
  • Will I be expected to apply for fellowships while I am a graduate student?