AMS Clinic3

From Jimenez Group Wiki
Revision as of 19:39, 14 January 2011 by Jose (talk | contribs)
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This page is a repository of information for planning the 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting, which will take place in Boulder in early 2011. A shorcut to this page is

Dates and Location

The 3rd AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting will take place from Sun March 20 to Fri March 25 at the University of Colorado-Boulder. It will be organized by the Jimenez Group. We will post information here as it becomes available.

If you learn of an important conflict for these dates, such as a conference or field study, please let Jose know.


The list of attendees is kept on this Google Spreadsheet. Click the Edit link at the bottom if you want to make changes. (Pls make changes only on the sheet named "2011", the one from 2010 is there only as a reference).


Tentatively the structure of the Clinic will be a hybrid of the 2009 and 2010 clinics, with some presentations but LESS than in 2010, and substantial time for people to work on their data and bring up issues to the group. A preliminary schedule is:

  • room available in Sun morning (in case people want to meet before start of clinic)
  • Sun March 20, Sun 1 - 6 pm.: quantification, CE, instrument issues, RIE, semi-refractory...
  • Mon March 21, Mon 9am - 5pm: HR and PIKA
  • Tue March 22, Tue 9am - 5pm: HR and PIKA, APES (elemental analysis)
  • Wed March 23, Wed 9am - 5pm: buffer time (morning) + PMF afternoon
  • Thu March 24, Thu 9am - 1 pm: PMF (including errors)
  • Fri March 25, Fri: (Optional): Downhill skiing or cross-country skiing or snowshoeing or hiking
    • (If you advisor hesitates about letting you stay on Friday, tell him / her that it is important for your research to bond with other AMS Users who may be able to help you at a critical juncture later ;-)

Tasks already delegated by Jose in AMO

    • Michael
      • reserve Ekeley E1B50 & E1B50
      • Get internet login and password for non-CU attendees
      • Get quotes for different hotels (as many rooms as we used last year) & reserve a room block
      • Ask for door to be opened that Sun
      • Food: coffee + bagels in morning, cofee break in afternoon. Lunch on 1st + 2nd day
      • Prepare maps and post on web, print on paper
  • Patrick will pick up the first couple of mornings
  • Jose will ask ARI about dinner
  • Brett will post presentations on the web (as PDFs 1/2 page) during Clinic
  • Thu afternoon informal (Amber will exercise full leadership)
  • Friday activities: snowshoeing (Ingrid) + Joel (needs to check) for Eldora (downhill) + Brett (cross-country)
  • Ingrid: borrow clickers