AAAR Tutorials
From Jimenez Group Wiki
This page contains password-protected slides from past AAAR tutorials for internal reference of the Jimenez Group. The password is necessary due to restrictions from AAAR.
AAAR 2012
- Heterogeneous & Aqueous Chemistry of Aerosols (2012)
- Mass Spectrometry 2: Fundamentals for Aerosol Scientists (2012)
- Introduction to Environmental Chambers: Approaches and Challenges, D. Cocker (2012)
- Thermodynamics of Aerosols and Droplets Using the Extended Aerosol Inorganics Model (E-AIM), S.L. Clegg and A.S. Wexler (2012)
- Journal Article & Proposal Writing Workshop for Young Investigators (2012)
AAAR 2009
AAAR 2008
- From Emission to Direct Forcing, T. Bond (2008)
- Aerosol Sampling for Biodefense, J. Kesavan (2008)
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions: The Elusive Component of Climate Change, A. Nenes (2008)
- Bioaerosol Analysis, T. Reponen (2008)
- Careers in Aerosol Science (2008)
AAAR 2007
- Organic Aerosols and the Volatilty Basis Set: Experimental and Modeling Applications, N.M. Donahue (2007)
- Numerical Methods for Treating Internal Mixing of Aerosols and the Resulting Radiative Effects, M.Z. Jacobson (2007)
- Secondary Aerosol Formation, P. Ziemann (2007)
- Aerosol Optics Measurementsand Survey of the Current State of the Science, P. Arnott (2007)
- An Introduction to Aerosol Mechanics, I & II, W.C. Hinds (2007)
- Air Quality Research to Applications, R. Scheffe (2007)
AAAR 2006
- Basics of Light Absorbing Carbon, T. Bond (2006)
- Aerosol Sampling and Transport (slides), J.E. Brockmann (2006)
- Aerosol Sampling and Transport, J.E. Brockmann (2006)
- Human Aerosol Exposure: Toward a Mechanistic Understanding, W.W. Nazaroff (2006)
AAAR 2004
- SOA Tutorial, R. Kamens, (2004)
- Secondary Aerosol Formation, P. Ziemann (2004)
- An Intuitive Approach Light Scattering from Single Particles and Aggregates, C. Sorensen (2004)
- Introduction to Techniques for Measurement of Aerosol Radioactive Properties, J.A. Ogren (2004)
AAAR 2003
- Particulate Matter Science for Policy Makers. NARSTO Assessment (2003)
- Photochemistry of Atmospheric Particles and Aqueous Drops, C. Anastasio (2003)
- Aerosol Nucleation, B. Wyslouzil (2003)
- Modeling Atmospheric Aerosol Processes, S.N. Pandis, (2003)
AAAR 2002
- Hygroscopic and Cloud Forming Particles Properties of Aerosols, D.R. Collins (2002)
- Understanding and Predicting Gas/Particle Partitioning of Organic Compounds Using Elementary Theoretical Concepts, J.F. Pankow (2002)
AAAR 2001
- Modeling of Airflow and Particle Deposition in the Respiratory Tract, J. Kimbell and B. Asgharian (2001)
- Aerosol Technology for Drug Delivery, W.H. Finlay (2001)
- Organic Aerosol: Analysis, Source Makers, and Source/Receptor Reconciliation, W.F. Rogge (2001)