ANYL Award

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CIRES/CHEM Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Best Student Paper Award

  • (1) The paper must have been published or in press during calendar year 2014, after the peer-review process. Non-peer reviewed papers are not eligible, including “discussions” papers.
  • (2) The first author of the paper must be (have been) a PhD student (a) in one of the groups under CIRES Environmental Chemistry or (b) be in the CHEM Division of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry (ANYL) when the paper was submitted. This includes ANYL students working for faculty in other divisions, departments or in national labs. It also includes students who have graduated, as long as the paper was part of their PhD research and was published during 2014.
  • (3) The first author of the paper should submit the following materials to the ANYL Graduate Advisor via email:
    • PDF of the paper in final form
    • A paragraph stating the significance of the work and their role in the work described in the paper
  • (4) The criteria for the Award will include the novelty and importance of the results, the quality of the presentation, and the quality of the journal.
  • (5) A committee of ANYL faculty will choose one paper, and the Award will be presented at ANYL seminar during the Spring semester
  • (6) The Award will consist of $500 and a Certificate