From Jimenez Group Wiki
- A shortcut to this page is:
- The seminar calendar is also displayed here in the CHEM webpage and as a Google Calendar.
- The Google Cal is a public calendar, meaning that you can add it to your personal calendar and it will display the seminars at the right time and will the relevant details. Just enter the Calendar ID under "Other Calendars --> Add a friend's calendar" to the left of your Google Calendar: (If the Wiki and GCal don't agree, the Wiki should be correct, but please let us know if this happens).
General Information
- Jointly sponsored by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CIRES, and the Environmental Program
- All seminars will be held on Mondays @ noon - 1 pm in Ekeley S274, unless marked otherwise
- Schedules for meeting with external speakers (Ask Anne or faculty if interested)
- As in the past, CU speakers may be asked to move to a later (or occasionally earlier) date to accommodate schedules of out-of-town speakers.
- Links: ANYL Division Page / ANYL Seminar Guidelines / ANYL Seminar Abstracts / Schedules of Past Years / Guidelines for meal reimbursements in CHEM / Organization Tasks (pw)
- Best Student Paper Award
Spring 2017
- January 12, 2017 - Jordan Krechmer, ANYL Student Dissertation Defense, CU Boulder: "Secondary Organic Aerosols: Development and Application of New Techniques in Chamber and Field Experiments" (Advisor: JLJ) (Note unusual day and time: Thursday at 10:00 AM, in S274), Abstract
- January 23, 2017 - Randall Chiu, ANYL 3rd Year Student, CU Boulder "UV Photochemistry of Carboxylic Acids at the Air-Sea Boundary: A Relevant Source of Glyoxal and other OVOC in the Marine Atmosphere", Abstract
- January 30, 2017 @ - Megan Harries, ANYL 3rd Year Student, CU Boulder - "Closing the loop on phase equilibrium: connecting fundamental volatility measurements of complex fluids with applications of headspace detection" Abstract
- February 6, 2017 - Prof. Ann Marie Carlton, University of California, Irvine (host: MAT): "Aerosol Liquid Water: A Valentine to the Clean Air Act", Abstract
- February 13, 2017 - Dr. Xuan Zhang, NCAR (host: JLJ): "Understanding the Molecular Signature of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry", Abstract
- February 20, 2017 - Prof. Jonathan Raff, Indiana University (host: PJZ) "Atmospheric Chemistry of Nitrogen Oxides at Soil-Air Interfaces", Abstract
- February 27, 2017 - Prof. Jeff Smith, CSU Pueblo (host: RES), "Cannabidiol-dependent modulation of cognitive learning and synaptic function", Abstract
- March 6, 2017 - Prof. Jason Surratt, UNC Chapel Hill (host: Students), “Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Atmospheric Oxidation of Isoprene: Implications for Air Quality, Climate and Public Health,” Abstract
- March 13, 2017 - Dr. Federico San Martini, Secretariat for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (host: RMV), "Science Diplomacy: Lessons from recent updates to the Montreal Protocol", Abstract
- March 20, 2017 - In CIRES auditorium, no food - Prof. Colette Heald, MIT (host: JLJ): "Atmospheric Organics: the Cubism of Atmospheric Chemistry" Abstract
- March 27, 2017 - SPRING BREAK -- NO SEMINAR
- April 3, 2017 @? - Dr. Xiaoxi Liu, + Dr. Derek Price, CU-Boulder ANYL Postdocs (host: JLJ), "Measurements of emissions from agricultural fires and wildfires in the U.S" (XL) and "Atmospheric chemistry of aliphatic amines: reaction mechanisms and temperature effects" (DP) Abstracts
- April 7, 2017 - (Friday, Thesis Defense in CIRES Auditorium) Brett Palm, CU-Boulder ANYL PhD Candidate (JLJ), "Development and Application of an Oxidation Flow Reactor to Study Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Ambient Air" Abstract
- April 10, 2017 - Dr. Kelly Chance, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (host: RMV) - "North American pollution measurements from geostationary orbit with Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO)", Abstract
- April 17, 2017 - Zachary Finewax, ANYL 3rd Year Student, CU Boulder (PJZ), "Products and yields from the gas-phase oxidation of benzenediols," Abstract
- April 24, 2017 ^? - Prof .David De Haan, University of San Diego - "Turning brown in the sun: Aldehydes, aqueous aerosol, and evaporating cloud droplets", Abstract
- April 27, 2017 - (Thursday, Thesis defense in CIRES Auditorium) Abigail Koss, CU-Boulder ANYL PhD Candidate, "New Insights into Fossil Fuel Volatile Organic Compound Emissions and Chemistry Using H3O+ and NO+ Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry", Abstract
- May 1, 2017 - NO SEMINAR
- Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (#): MAT; (%): PJZ; (^): ECB; (@): RMV; (?): not sure)
- Faculty that have not provided this info yet: (&): RES;
Fall 2017
- August 28, 2017 - First week of classes, NO SEMINAR
- September 4, 2017 - Labor Day holiday, NO SEMINAR
- September 11, 2017 - Prof. Nina Vance, CU Mech. Eng. (host: JLJ)
- September 18, 2017 - Julia Bakker-Arkema, ANYL 3rd Year Student, CU Boulder
- September 25, 2017 -
- October 2, 2017 -
- October 9, 2017 - Prof. Dan Cziczo, MIT - TBD (host: JLJ)
- October 16, 2017 -
- October 23, 2017 -
- October 30, 2017 -
- November 6, 2017 - Aroob Abdelhamid, ANYL 4th Year Student, CU Boulder
- November 13, 2017 -
- November 20, 2017 - Fall Break, NO SEMINAR
- November 27, 2017 -
- December 4, 2017 -
- December 11, 2017 -
- December 18, 2017 - Finals Week, NO SEMINAR
Spring 2018
- January 15, 2018 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, NO SEMINAR
- January 22, 2018 -
- January 29, 2018 - Prof. Allan Bertram, University of British Columbia (host: ECB)
- February 5, 2018 -
- February 12, 2018 -
- February 19, 2018 -
- February 26, 2018 -
- March 5, 2018 -
- March 12, 2018 -
- March 19, 2018 -
- March 26, 2018 - Spring break, NO SEMINAR
- April 2, 2018 -
- April 9, 2018 -
- April 16, 2018 -
- April 23, 2018 -
- April 30, 2018 -
- May 7, 2018 - Finals Week, NO SEMINAR
Related Seminar Series in Boulder
- CIRES Events and Seminars (dates and times vary)
- NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry (Mon 3:30 pm, Foothills Lab) (Note that they provide videos of many past seminars)
- CU Astrobiology (Wed 2-3 pm, LASP conference room D142, Duane Physics Bldg.)
- NOAA Chemical Sciences Division (Wed 3:30 pm, Skaggs Bldg., Room 2A305)
- CU Mechanical Engineering (Thu 3:30 pm, ECCR 200)
- CU Environmental Engineering (Fri 11 am, ECCE 1B41)
- Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics (Fri 4-5 pm, JILA Aud.)
- CU Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (Fri 4-5 pm, Physics Commons, top of Gamow Tower)
- Front Range Aerosol Community (FRAC) Meetings (2-3 meetings per year on afternoons)