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Plan for Potluck at Yumi's and Jose's (6 pm on Sat Dec. 6)

  • We'll provide an entree (likely Yumi's special pizza)

Write your name after the item you plan to bring

  • Salad (2 people) - Amber: Caesar Salad
  • Appetizer (2 people) - Ken
  • Dessert (1-2 people)- Carly, Ingrid (I promised Allison's and Alex's graduation cakes. But I have to sing a concert from 7:30-9, so I'll arrange to deliver the cakes early and I'll come after my concert. But if we should reschedule one or both of the cakes, let me know.)
  • Wine - Delphine & Ed
  • Beer - Alex
  • Soft Drinks -