MS Chrom Ref
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Reference Materials
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Introduction to Mass Spectrometry
- (General, Suggested) ASMS Tutorial: What is Mass Spectrometry
- (General, Reference) <a href="">MS Terms and Definitions Project </a>
- (General, Reference) <a href="">"Frontiers in Mass Spectrometry" </a>,Special issue Chem. Rev. 101(2), 2001.
Ionization Methods
- (General, Reference) <a href="">Methods of Ion Generation</a> M. L. Vestal, Chem. Rev., 101(2), 361, 2001.
- (General, Reference) <a href="">The Emergence of Mass Spectrometry in Biochemical Research</a> G. Siuzdak, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91(24), 11290, 1994.
- (CI, Advanced) <a href="">Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry. I. General Introduction</a>. M.S.B. Munson and F.H. Field, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2621, 1966.
- (ESI, Advanced) <a href="">Practical implications of some recent studies in electrospray ionization fundamentals</a>. Cech and Enke, Mass Spec. Rev., 20: 362-387, 2002.
- (ESI, Advanced) <a href = ""> A brief overview of the present status of the mechanisms involved in electrospray mass spectrometry</a> P. Kebarle, J.Mass Spec.,804-817, 2000.
- (ESI, Advanced) <a href="">Electrospray: From ions in solution to ions in the gas phase, what we know now</a>. P. Kebarle and U.H. Verkerk, Mass Spec. Rev. doi: 10.1002/mas.20247, 2009.
- (ESI, Advanced) <a href="">Some tenets pertaining to ESI-MS</a> R. B. Cole, J. Mass Spec.,763-772,2000.
- (ESI, Advanced) <a href="">Analytical Properties of the Nanoelectrospray Ion Source</a> M. Wilm and M. Mann, A. Chem., 1-8, 1996.
- (MALDI & ESI, Reference) <a href="">Mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance applied to biological macromolecules.</a> Advanced Information on the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002.
- (MALDI, ESI, Suggested) <a href="">MALDI & ESI lecture from Prof. Cotter</a>
- (MADLI, Suggested) <a href="">MALDI Tutorial from Vanderbilt</a>
- (MALDI, Advanced) <a href="">Ion formation in MALDI mass spectrometry</a>. Zenobi and Knochenmuss, Mass. Spec. Rev., 17: 337-366, 1999.
- (MALDI, Advanced) <a href ="">Atmospheric Pressure Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry</a>V. V. Laiko, M. A. Baldwin, and A. L. Burlingame, A. Chem.,652-657, 2000.
- (SIMS, Advanced) <a href="">SIMS Tutorial</a> On Evans Analytical Group Website
- (DESI, Advanced) <a href ="">Ambient mass spectrometry using desorption electrospray ionization (DESI): instrumentation, mechanisms and applications in forensics, chemistry, and biology</a> Z. Takats, J. M. Wiseman, and R. G. Cooks, J. Mass Spec.,1261-1275, 2005.
- (DART, Advanced) <a href ="">Versatile New Ion Source for the Analysis of Materials in Open Air under Ambient Conditions</a> R. B. Cody, J. A. Laramee, H. D. Durst, A. Chem., 2297-2303, 2005.
- (Atm. Pres. Ion Sources, Advanced) <a href="">Atmospheric Pressure Ion Sources</a>. Mass Spec. Rev., doi: 10.1002/mas.20246, 2009.
- (Elemental, Advanced) <a href = "">Surface Ionization Source Using Multiple Elements</a> M. G. Inghram and W. A. Chupka Rev. Sci. Inst.,24(7), 518, 1953.
- (Elemental, Advanced) <a href ="">Recent Developments in Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometric Techniques for Isotope Analyis</a> K.G. Heumann et al, Analyst, 1291, 1995.
- (Elemental, Advanced) <a href="">Tutorial. Glow discharge mass spectrometry: Trace element determinations in solid samples.</a> King et al., J. Mass. Spec., 30: 1061-1075 <a href = "Restricted/GlowDischarge_King_JMS1995.PDF">(pdf)</a>
- (Elemental, Advanced) <a href="">Tutorial. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS): a versatile tool.</a> A. Ammann, J. Mass. Spec., 42: 419-427, 2007.
Mass Analyzers
- (General, Suggested) <a href="">Instrumentation lecture from Prof. Cotter</a>
- (General, Reference) <a href=""> Mass Spectrometry (Review) </a> A.L. Burlingame, R. K. Boyd, and S. J. Gaskell, A. Chem,1998,68(12),647R-716R
- (General, Advanced) <a href="">Debating Resolution and Mass Accuracy</a>. M. P. Balogh, LC-GC Europe, 17(3), 152–159 (2004)
- (General, Reference) <a href="">Mass Analysis at the Advent of the 21st Century</a> S. A. McLuckey and J. M. Wells, Chem. Rev. 101(2), 571, 2001.
- (Resolution, Advanced) <a href="">Scaling MS Plateaus with High-Resolution FT-ICRMS</a>. A. G. Marshall, C. L. Henderickson, and S. D.-H. Shi A. Chem, 74(9), 252A (2002)
- (TOF, Suggested) <a href="">Agilent's Tutorial on Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry</a>
- (TOF, Advanced) <a href=""> Tutorial. Principles and instrumentation in time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Physical and instrumental concepts</a>. M. Guilhaus, J. Mass. Spec., Volume 30: 1519-1532, 1995. <a href="Restricted/Guilhaus_ToFRev_JMS1995.PDF">(pdf)</a>
- (TOF, Advanced) <a href=""> Perfect Timing: Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry</a> M. Guilaus, RCMS, 1997, 951-962
- (TOF, Advanced) <a href =""> Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: State of the Art in Chemical Analysis and Molecular Science</a> C. Weickhardt, F. Moritz, and J. Grotemeyer. MS Review. 1996, 139-162.
- (TOF, Advanced)<a href="">Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Instrumentation and Applications</a> D. C. Muddiman, R. Bakhtiar, S. A. Hofstadler, and R. D. Smith J. Chem. Ed. 74, 1288, 1997.
- (TOF, Advanced) <a href="">Orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometry</a>. Guilhaus et al., Mass Spec. Rev., 19: 65-107, 2000.
- (TOF, Advanced) <a href="">Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer with Improved Resolution</a>W. C. Wiley and I. H. McLaren, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1955, 26(12), 1150-1157.
- (TOF, Advanced) <a href="">Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (concepts, achievements, and prospects)</a> B. A. Mamyrin, Int J Mass Spec, 2001, 251-266
- (TOF, Advanced) Advanced Reading: <a href="">On the initial velocity of ions generated by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and its effect on the calibration of delayed extraction time-of-flight mass spectra</a> P. Juhasz, M. L. Vestal, and S. A. Martin, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spec 8(3),209, 1997.
- (TOF, Animation) <a href="">TOF-MS From Agilent</a>
- (Quad, Required) <a href="">Understanding the Quadrupole Mass Filter through Computer Simulation</a>, Steel and Henchman, J. Chem. Ed. 75:1049-1054, 1998.
- (Quad, Suggested) <a href="">Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers: An Intuitive Look at the Math</a>. Leary and Schmidt, J. Chem. Ed. 73: 1142-1144, 1996.
- (Ion Trap, Animations) Courtesy of <a href="">Thermo Finnigan</a>
- <a href="IonTrapDemos/1_dampinggas.exe">1: Damping Gas</a>
- <a href="IonTrapDemos/2_trappingmsms.exe">2: Ion Trapping</a>
- <a href="IonTrapDemos/3_scanning_ms.exe">3: Scanning of the Mass Spectrum</a>
- <a href="IonTrapDemos/4_detection_ms.exe">4: Detection of the Mass Spectrum</a>
- <a href="IonTrapDemos/5_esilcq.exe">5: Entire Electrospray + Ion Trap Instrument (Finnigan ESI-LCQ)</a>
- <a href="IonTrapDemos/MSMS_1_elimination.exe">MS/MS 1: Ion Elimination</a> ("There Can Only Be One")
- <a href="IonTrapDemos/MSMS_2_capture.exe">MS/MS 2: Ion Capture</a>
- <a href="IonTrapDemos/MSMS_3_collision.exe">MS/MS 3: Collision-Induced Dissociation (CID) of the Trapped Ion</a>
- (FTICR, Suggested) <a href="">Baseline mass resolution of peptide isobars: A record for molecular mass resolution</a>, He F, Hendrickson CL, Marshall AG, Anal. Chem. 73 (3): 647-650, 2001.
- (FTICR, Suggested) <a href="">Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (Tutorial)</a> I. J. Amster, JMS, 1996, 1325-1337.
- (FTICR, Advanced) <a href="">Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry: A primer</a>. A.G. Marshall et al., Mass Spec. Rev. 17: 1-35, 1998.
- (Orbitrap, Advanced) <a href="">The Orbitrap: a new mass spectrometer (Perspective)</a>. R.G. Cooks et al., J Mass Spec. 40: 430-443, 2005.
- (Q-TOF, Advanced) <a href = ""> An introduction to quadrupole–time-of-flight mass spectrometry </a> I. V. Chernushevich, A. V. Loboda, and B. A. Thomson, JMS, 2001, 849-865
- (MS/MS, Suggested) <a href="">Lecture on MS/MS from Prof. Bob Cotter</a>
- (MCP, Advanced) <a href="">Microchannel Plate Detectors</a> J. L. Wiza, Nuc Inst Meth, 1979, 587-601.
- (Aerosol, Suggested)<a href="">Tutorial: Sampling and analysis of individual particles by aerosol mass spectrometry. </a>, M.V. Johnston, J. Mass Spectrom. 35, 585–595 (2000).
- (Aerosol, Suggested) Chemical and Microphysical Characterization of Ambient Aerosols with the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Canagaratna et al., Mass Spectrometry Reviews, in press, April 2006. <a href="Papers/MSReview_Final.pdf">PDF of accepted version</a> and <a href="Papers/MSReview_Figures.pdf">Figures</a>
- (Aerosol, Advanced) <a href="">Special Issue of AS&T on Aerosol Mass Spectrometry</a>
- (Aerosol, Link to references) <a href="">Publications using the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS)</a>
- (Aerosol, Link to references) <a href="">Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Web Page</a>
- (Aerosol, Link to references) <a href="">A List of Publications in Single Particle Mass Spectrometry</a>, maintained by Prof. Tony Wexler.
- (Aerosol, Link to references) <a href="">Another List of Publications in Single Particle Mass Spectrometry</a>, this one maintained by Prof. Murray Johnston.
MS Interpretation
- (Online Tutorial) <a href="">Intro to Interpretation, with examples and interactive quizzes. University of Arizona</a>
- (Online Database) <a href="">NIST Chemistry Webbook</a>
- (Online Tool) <a href="">Online Periodic Table</a> (with isotope info)
- (Online Tool) <a href="">MS Tools from SIS</a>
- (Online Tool) <a href="">Exact Mass and Isotope Calculator</a>
- (Online Tool) <a href="">Elemental Composition Calculator</a>
- (Isotopes, Suggested) <a href="">Using Punnett Squares To Facilitate Students' Understanding of Isotopic Distributions in Mass Spectrometry</a>, L.T. Sein, J. Chem. Ed., 83: 228, 2006.
- (Nitrogen Rule, Suggested) <a href="">Molecular formulas of organic compounds: the nitrogen rule and degree of unsaturation</a>. V. Pellegrin, J. Chem. Ed., 60(8): 626, 1983.
- (Practice Problems) <a href="Restricted/Unknowns_Lee.pdf">Additional interpretation problems</a> from Lee book and their <a href="Restricted/Solutions_Lee.pdf">solutions</a>
- (CID, Suggested) <a href="Restricted/CID_Peptides.pdf">The Interpretation of Collision Induced Dissociation Tandem Mass Spectra of Peptides</a>, I.A. Papayannopoulos, Mass Spec. Reviews 14: 49-73, 1995.
- (Proteomics, Suggested) <a href="">Mass Spectrometry in Proteomics</a> R. Aerbersold and D.R. Goodlett, Chem. Rev. 101(2), 269, 2001.
- (Proteomics, Database) <a href="">MASCOT Protein MS Database</a>
Chromatography: General
- <a href="">Simple Chromatography Simulator</a>
- (General, Required)<a href="Restricted/BraithwaiteSmith_Chap1.PDF">Introduction to Chromatography</a>, Braithwaite and Smith
- (General, Required)<a href="Restricted/BraithwaiteSmith_Chap2.PDF">Theory of Chromatography</a>, Braithwaite and Smith
- (General, Reference) <a href="">Equations for Calculation of Chromatographic Figures of Merit for Ideal and Skewed Peaks</a>, J.P. Foley and J.G. Dorsey, Anal. Chem., 55: 730-737, 1983.
- (General, Reference) <a href="">Nomenclature for Chromatography (IUPAC Recommendations)</a>, L.S. Etre, Pure & Appl. Chem., 65(4): 819-872, 1993.
- (General, Reference) <a href="">The Birth of Partition Chromatography</a>, L.S. Ettre, LC-GC North America, 19(5), 2001.
- (General, Reference) <a href=""> M.S. Tswett and the Birth of Chromatography</a>, L.S. Ettre, LC-GC North America, 2003.
- (General, Reference) <a href="">The Centenary of "Chromatography"</a>, L.S. Ettre, LC-GC North America, 2006.
Electric Field Driven Separations
- (CE, Suggested) <a href="">Lecture on HPLC and CE from Prof. Bob Cotter</a>
- (CE, Advanced) <a href="">Electrokinetic Flow and Dispersion in Capillary Electrophoresis</a>, S. Ghosal, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 38: 309-338, 2006.
- (CE, Reference) <a href="">2006 Analytical Chemistry Review on Bioanalytical Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis</a>, James Kraly, Md. Abul Fazal, Regine M. Schoenherr, Ryan Bonn, Melissa M. Harwood, Emily Turner, Megan Jones, and Norman J. Dovichi, Anal. Chem., 78(12) pp 4097 - 4110, 2006.
LC, GC, and IC
- (GC, Suggested) <a href="">More Speed, Better Precision, Higher Sensitivity: Why Buy a New Gas Chromatograph?</a>, Engewald and Ettre, LC-GC North America, 2004.
- (GC, Suggested) <a href="">2006 Analytical Chemistry Review on Gas Chromatography</a>, Gary A. Eiceman, Jorge Gardea-Torresdey, Frank Dorman, Ed Overton, A. Bhushan, and H. P. Dharmasena, Anal. Chem., 78(12) pp 3985 - 3996, 2006.
- (GC, Reference) <a href="">Fifty Years of GC Instrumentation</a>, L.S. Ettre, LC-GC North America, 2005.
- (GC, Suggested) <a href="">Evolution of Capillary Columns for Gas Chromatography</a>, L.S. Ettre, LC-GC North America, 10(1), 2001.
- (LC, Suggested) <a href="">Lecture on HPLC and CE from Prof. Bob Cotter</a>
- (LC, Reference) <a href="">Csaba Horvath and the Development of the First Modern High Performance Liquid Chromatograph</a>, L.S. Ettre, LC-GC North America, 2005.
- (LC, Reference) <a href="">Jim Waters: The Development of GPC and the First HPLC Instruments</a>, L.S. Ettre, LC-GC North America, 2005.
- (IC, Reference) <a href="">2006 Analytical Chemistry Review on Planar Chromatography</a>, Joseph Sherma, Anal. Chem., 78(12) pp 3841 - 3852, 2006.
- (Detector, Reference) <a href="">The Invention, Development, and Triumph of the Flame Ionization Detector</a>, L.S. Ettre, LC-GC North America, 30(1), 2002.