FRAC Meetings

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  • This is the page for the Front Range Aerosol Program (FRAP) meetings. FRAP meetings are organized 2-3 times per year and aim to bring together aerosol researchers across the Colorado Front Range. They were started by Jim Smith of NCAR in 2001.
  • FRAP meetings are announced through the email list. Pls contact if you want to be added to the list.

Next Meeting: Thu Nov. 12 @ 3:30 pm, NCAR

Location: NCAR Foothills Lab Building 2, Room 1001 (Map to NCAR)


  • Speaker: Allen Robinson, Professor, Departments of Mechanical Engineering, and Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Title: "The dynamic duo: the adventures of partitioning and aging in the Carnegie Mellon Smog Chamber"
  • Abstract: This talk will highlight recent results on the interplay of partitioning and aging, including: 1. multigenerational chemistry; 2. phase mixing; 3. pumping of SVOCs

Poster Session

Following Allen's 35-40-minute talk there will be a wine-and-cheese reception and poster session with the following posters:

  • "Measuring Mass Concentrations of Urban and Rural Coarse Particulate Matter in Northeastern Colorado using Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalances (TEOM)", Nicholas Clements et al., (presented by Ricardo Piedrahita, University of Colorado).
  • "Fast Observations of Aerosol Chemical Properties with Various Online Instruments", Sanna Saarikoski et al., University of Colorado
  • "Developing and Testing Prototype Compact Denuders for Ambient Air Sampling Applications", Misha Schurman et al., Colorado State University
  • "Aerosol Number and Volume Concentrations During the Second Rocky Mountain Atmospheric Nitrogen and Sulfur Study (RoMANS 2)", Ezra Levin et al., Colorado State University