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General Information
- Jointly sponsored by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CIRES, and the Environmental Program
- All seminars are held on Tuesdays @ 4 pm, in the CIRES Auditorium unless marked otherwise.
- As in the past, students may be asked to move to a later (or occasionally earlier) date to accommodate schedules of invited speakers.
- Links of interest:
Related Seminar Series in Boulder
- NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry (Mon 3:30 pm, Foothills Lab)
- CU Methods in Chemistry (Tue 12-1 pm, CIRES S274)
- CU Astrobiology (Wed 2-3 pm, LASP conference room D142, Duane Physics Bldg.)
- NOAA Chemical Sciences Division (Wed 3:30 pm, Skaggs Bldg., Room 2A305)
- CU Mechanical Engineering (Thu 3:30 pm, ECCR 200)
- CU Environmental Engineering (Fri 12-1 pm, ECCE 1B41)
- CU Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics (Fri 4-5 pm, JILA Aud.)
- CU Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (Fri 4-5 pm, Physics Commons, top of Gamow Tower)
- Front Range Aerosol Community (FRAC) Meetings (2-3 meetings per year on afternoons)
Spring 2010
- Coordinator: Prof. Bob Sievers
- Dates may change to accommodate external speakers
- January 22, 2010 (FRIDAY, special date): Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada (hosts: JLJ and RMV): "Trapping organic aerosol ions for molecular identification: Some lessons learned", Abstract
- January 26, 2010: (&@):
- February 2, 2010: Imma Ferrer and E. Michael Thurman, CU Center for Environmental Mass Spectrometry: "Environmental Analysis of Water and Food Samples by Advanced Mass Spectrometric Techniques" (host: JLJ). Abstract
- February 9, 2010: (3rd yr): Ryan Thalman. "Light Emitting Diode Cavity Enhanced Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (LED-CE-DOAS): a novel technique for monitoring atmospheric trace gases". Abstract
- February 16, 2010 (#): (3rd yr): Sean Coburn. "Observations of iodine oxide and reactive gaseous mercury at a coastal site in Pensacola, FL". Abstract
- February 23, 2010 (*):
- March 2, 2010 (*):Regina Westmeier, Dept. of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany (host RES). "Dry powder formulation development for nasal vaccination". Abstract
- March 9, 2010 : Nathalie Carrasco, Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales, France. "Experimental simulation of Titan’s atmosphere by a radio-frequency plasma". Abstract
- March 16, 2010: Hugh Coe, University of Manchester, UK (host: JLJ). "Secondary Aerosol Composition and Properties: A contrast between European Pollution and Tropical Biogenic Environments". Abstract
- March 23, 2010 SPRING BREAK – NO SEMINAR
- March 30, 2010: (3rd yr) Carly Robinson Abstract
- April 6, 2010: Jonathan Reid, University of Bristol, UK (host: Veronica Vaida + JLJ)
- April 13, 2010: (*)(PD&RS) Hilke Oetjen "DOAS measurements of iodine oxide, and chlorine dioxide"
- April 20, 2010: (PD&RS) Mike Cubison "A Lagrangian case study of the evolution of aerosol composition from a boreal fire plume during the ARCTAS campaign"
- April 27, 2010 (&*):(3rd yr): Raea Lessard
Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (&): RES; (#): MAT; (@): RMV.
Fall 2010
- Coordinator: Prof. Bob Sievers
- Dates may change to accommodate external speakers
- August 24, 2010
- August 31, 2010: (**)
- September 7, 2010: (**)
- September 14, 2010
- September 21, 2010
- September 28, 2010
- October 5, 2010: (PD&RS) Delphine Farmer ("Eddy-covariance measurements with time-of-flight mass spectrometry: A new approach to chemically-resolved organic particle and gas fluxes")
- October 12, 2010
- October 19, 2010
- October 26, 2010
- November 2, 2010
- November 9, 2010
- November 16, 2010
- November 23, 2010 -- Fall Break, No Seminar
- November 30, 2010
- December 7, 2010
Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (**: JLJ + entire J-group); (&): RES; (#): MAT; (@): RMV.
Spring 2011
- Coordinator: Prof. Bob Sievers
- Dates may change to accommodate external speakers
- January 11, 2011
- January 18, 2011
- January 25, 2011
- February 1, 2011
- February 8, 2011
- February 15, 2011
- February 22, 2011
- March 1, 2011
- March 8, 2011
- March 15, 2011
- March 22, 2011 -- Spring Break -- No Seminar
- March 29, 2011
- April 5, 2011
- April 12, 2011
- April 19, 2011
- April 26, 2011
Dates in which specific faculty are out-of-town: (*): JLJ; (&): RES; (#): MAT; (@): RMV.