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An easy to remember shortcut to this page is http://tinyurl.com/FLAME-3.

This wiki page is a repository of logistical and organizational information for the FLAME-3 experiment, a collaborative experiment of CSU, Aerodyne, and CU. The official FLAME web page is here.

The wiki allows anyone to add or modify the information (after logging in, please contact Jose if you want to make changes and don't have an account on the wiki).

FLAME-3 Data Meeting

  • Monday, November 8th, 2010 in Fort Collins at the Department of Atmospheric Science at 10 AM
  • If participating via Skype: let Sonia Kreidenweis <sonia@atmos.colostate.edu> know to set up in the classroom we meet

Conference Presentations

IAC 2010, Helsinki, Finland - 30 Aug through

  • Taylor, Jonathan W; McMeeking, Gavin R; Craven, Jill; Yokelson, Robert; Akagi, Sheryl; Urbanski, Shawn; Wold, Cyle; Flynn, Michael; Fortner, Ed; Onasch, Tim; Kreidenweis, Sonia M; Lee, Taehyoung; Sullivan, Amy; Holden, Amanda; Collett, Jeffrey; Hao, Wei Min; Cubison, Michael J; Jimenez, Jose Luis; Seinfeld, John; Coe, Hugh. Black carbon measurements from field and lab-based biomass burning
  • Engelhart, Gabriella J.; Hennigan, Chris J.; Sullivan, Amy; Miracolo, Marissa A.; Collett, Jeffrey L.; Kreidenweis, Sonia; Robinson, Allen L.; Pandis, Spyros N. CCN Activity of Primary and Photo-oxidized Biomass Burning Aerosol
  • Fortner, Edward; Trimborn, Achim; Onasch, Timothy; McMeeking, Gavin; Lee, Taehyoung; Coe, Hugh; Collett, Jeff; Kreidenweis, Sonia; Wold, Cyle; Hao, Wei Min; Jayne, John; Worsnop, Doug. SP-AMS measurements of black carbon containing particles during the FLAME3 smoke chamber study
  • Hennigan, Christopher; Miracolo, Marissa; Engelhart, Gabriella; Presto, Albert; Sullivan, Amy; Collett Jr, Jeffrey; Kreidenweis, Sonia; Wold, Cyle; Schichtel, Bret; Robinson, Allen. Oxidative Aging and Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Biomass Burning Emissions

Data and People

This information is kept on a Google Document, which can be viewed in 2 ways:

  • As a web page if you don't want to make changes or it has not been shared with you
  • As a Google Doc if it has been shared with you and you want to make changes


FLAME-3 Plan
Group & PI Person Directly in Charge Instrument & Parameter Measured Power Space needed Confirmed or Tentative
CSU / S. Kreidenweis Taehyoung Lee and Laurie Mack HR-ToF-AMS (EI) 1 kW w/ pumps 25w X 32d X 45h (ft) Confirmed
CSU / S. Kreidenweis Kip Carrico SMPS 1 kW w/pump 2w X 2d X 6h (ft) Confirmed
CSU / S. Kreidenweis Kip Carrico Gas Analyzers (which ones?) ?? ?? Confirmed
CSU / S. Kreidenweis ?? Nephelometer ?? ?? Tentative
CSU / S. Kreidenweis ?? PTR-MS ?? ?? Tentative
CSU / S. Kreidenweis Amy Sullivan/Amanda Hilden Sunset continuous analyzer 2.5 kW w/pump 3w X 3d X 2h (ft) Confirmed
CSU / S. Kreidenweis Amy Sullivan/Amanda Hilden Filter samplers (hopefully in main chamber) 0.5 kW w/pump 2w X 2d X 5h (ft) Confirmed
ARI / T. Onasch ?? Li-Ion AMS ?? ?? Confirmed
ARI / T. Onasch ?? SP-AMS ?? ?? Confirmed
U. Manchester / G. McMeeking Gavin McMeeking SP2 550 W w/ pump (110 V, computer 240 V) 50w x 62d x 75h (cm) + floor space for pump Confirmed
U. Manchester / G. McMeeking Gavin McMeeking PASS 350 W w/ pump (240 VAC!) 50w x 62d x 60h (cm) + floor space for pump Confirmed
CU / J.L. Jimenez Carly Robinson MAB-AMS 1 kW w/ pumps Confirmed
CU / J.L. Jimenez Amber Ortega Thermal Denuder (on-off CSU AMS) 0.3 kW Confirmed
CU / J.L. Jimenez Amber Ortega PAM Chamber (on-off CSU AMS) 0.4 kW Confirmed
Carnegie Mellon / A. Robinson ?? ?? Mobile Lab w/ portable chamber (parked outside) Confirmed?

Tentative Plan

(10-Sept-09) Burn Schedule pdf

(10-Sept-09) Instrument Layout pdf

(from email from SK on 17-June-09): I suggest that we plan to arrive Sept 15 (that gives CSU 2 days to drive out, leaving Monday morning Sept 14) and spend a few days setting up. We will probably begin with a few stack burns to collect standard data for fuels we haven't done before (maybe repeat some other fuels) and getting the dilution system set up and tested. Then we can begin our chamber-burn dilution studies either that weekend or at the start of the following week.

That would give us 3 solid weeks for the studies (weeks of Sept 20, 27, Oct 4), which should be more than enough, and still be done before 15 October. In fact if it goes well we can probably pack up the weekend of Oct 3/4.

That plan might also allow us to stagger arrivals so some of you would not have to arrive to set up until a few days after the 15. You all know space is at a premium at the facility and some staggering may help us be less disruptive to the ongoing FSL operations.

Rental Cars and Other Vehicles


Lodging Info

Email (21-Aug-09)

  • Some important notes:

The rate is $3.95 per day, and if your stay is broken up (like Dan's) you will have to pay for the days you are not there since the bed is "taken". The dorm fees can be made at the end of the stay and *credit cards are the accepted form of payment.*

The men will likely be split up into two rooms of 4 and 3 each. (There are currently a number of male smoke jumpers in residence, hence the limited space for the men on our teams.)

The women will likely be split up into rooms of 2, 2 and 3, as there is more space available on that floor.

When Clare has the final list, she will make the room assignments. We are free to reshuffle who is bunking with who, but we'll need to let her know.

There is no one "in charge" at the dorm (i.e., no resident assistant as in a college dorm). Thus, we need to make some special arrangements for arriving after 4 PM. Clare will probably send me a code to get into the back door, and then leave us envelopes with keys and instructions. I will update you on the process closer to the date.

These are typical dorm rooms with twin beds and closets. Men and women are housed on separate floors. The showers and toilets are down the hall on each floor (one bathroom per floor, but personal showers). The facility is freshly painted and carpeted, has new mattresses, and has air conditioning and heat in each room. They will also provide us with sheets, pillows, pillowcases, mattress pads and blankets.

Please bring your own bath towels and personal care items.

A free washer and dryer are available to do laundry. Each tenant has access to the kitchen, which has several microwaves, stoves, & refrigerators. It's a good idea to be prepared to mark your food stuffs both dry and refrigerated. There is a limited number of shared pots, pans and utensils.

There are no separate provisions for telephone or internet in the dorms. Internet access from the FSL has also been difficult. It would be best to bring cell phones and to make other arrangements if you will need to be online (there are plenty of cafes in town with free wifi).

Finally, we may use the workout facilities which include machines along with "free" weights, and there is a TV lounge on the second floor. As guests, we are requested to be courteous of the residents, who should also have first access to these facilities.

Email from Clare Delaney to Sonia K on 19-June-09.

Smoke Jumper Dorms: The daily rate for the dorm rooms is $8.15 per day. If the stay lasts longer than 5 days it qualifies for a lower rate of $3.95 per day. The dorm fees can be made at the end of the stay and credit cards are the accepted form of payment. These are typical dorm rooms with twin beds and closets. We have 2,4, or 6 person rooms available with women on the first floor and men on the second. The showers and toilets are down the hall on each floor. A free washer and dryer are available to do laundry. Each tenant has access to the kitchen, which has several microwaves, stoves, & refrigerators. It's a good idea to be prepared to mark your food stuffs both dry and refrigerated. We have a limited number of utensils that most folks share. An added bonus is the workout facilities which include machines along with "free" weights. All in all it is a good option for your stay. Again when you firm up on who's coming, how long they plan to stay, and the exact dates of arrival letting me know would be great.