User talk:Manuel dall'osto

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AMS European Clinic - Barcelona

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WHEN: Monday 28th February – Wednesday 2nd March 2011 (3 full days)

Monday 28th February EUCAARI-EMEP meeting. Follow up of EUCAARI-EMEP AMS working group meetings (18/11/10 Helsinki, 4-6/05/10, Villigen). Discuss the Nemitz (AMS overview paper, bulk aerosol composition), Prevot (PMF papers), Kiendler papers (organic nitrate) papers / High Resolution Analysis / Other Meta-Analyses / Other AMS-issues that are important to know / Plans for new measurement campaigns.

Tuesday 1st March

Mini-clinic (Jose Jimenez, Doug Worsnop, Manjula Canagaratna, many others have confirmed presence already). High resolution AMS, Collection efficiency Wednesday

2nd March Mini-clinic (Jose Jimenez, Doug Worsnop, Manjula Canagaratna). UMR AMS PMF and HR AMS PMF Thursday

3rd March DAURE-SAPUSS official presentations, AMS-ATOFMS-off line techniques. Lidar measurements.

Friday 4th March DAURE-SAPUSS data analysis meeting and publications


There are 3 main objectives during this fantastic Barcelona week across February and March 2011:

1. Monday: update on EUCAARI-EMEP data analysis. Three main papers will be presented: Eiko Nemitz, overview of bulk composition during the EMEP-EUCAARI 2008-2009 campaigns; Andre Prevot: PMF analysis of organic AMS fraction during the EMEP-EUCAARI 2008-2009 campaigns; Astrid Kiendler-Scharr: organic nitrate and CE for high nitrate. Single brief (5 slides max) for individual field studies are welcome. 2. Tuesday and Wednesday: some European scientists may not be able to attend the AMS clinic in Boulder (; 20-25/03/2011) so we do a mini-clinic of 2 whole days focusing on main AMS issues including PMF. These two days are aimed to train students and data analysis people – time will be maximized and specific tasks will be thought (including PMF data analysis preparation, treatment and interpretation). 3. Thursday and Friday: two projects were carried out in Barcelona in the last 3 years: DAURE (Jose Jimenez) and SAPUSS (Manuel Dall’Osto) where a number of AMS were deployed. Main presentation of results (Thursday – all welcome, we try to do this as a one day conference) and data analysis and publication SAPUSS-DAURE strategies (Friday) will be discussed.



Any problem: +34 644 053 801 (manuel mobile)

AIRPLANE: There are two terminals to Barcelona BCN main airport, with several airplane companies using it. Other minor airports far from Barcelona (100 km, Girona and Reus – very time consuming). BUS: Take blue bus from airport ( Stop at first stop: Plaza España.Euro 5.05 single, 8.75 return (within 9 days). Then take the metro at plaza Espana, green line to PALAU REIAL. The underground system can be found at , 1 ticket 1.45 euro, T-10 ticket (10) for euro 8.45. (TMB is non Benzene chamber related as I pointed out to Sally last time she was here). 45 minutes from the moment you collect the luggage to the entrance of the Hotel (see later). TAXI: Aprox 15-20 Euros from the airport. Around 20 min. Please notify that you wish to arrive through the Diagonal Avenue. TUBE: GREEN LINE, PALAU REIAL STATION BY CAR: Take Diagonal Avenue direction Zaragoza-Tarragona. Once in front of Palacio Real (this is in the right side) take the first to the left to make a 180o change of direction but taking the lateral way of the Diagonal Avenue (right end in the city centre direction). Once in the lateral way, quickly take the right margin to turn the first to the right (the Faculty of chemistry is on the right hand). From this cross to the Institute you will have to drive about 150 m. The institute is in the left hand side of this pathway.


Residencia Universitaria Torre Girona en Pedralbes, Paseo de los Tilos, 19

tel. 93 390 43 00 fax: 93 205 6910 BOOKING: Residencia Torre Girona Send an email to for the nights you need, they will require credit cards. Rooms are available, do not wait too much. Info can be found at Single rooms for 59 euro per night including internet and breakfast (49.5 euro during weekend days), double rooms for 93 euro (83.5 euro during weekend days). THIS HOTEL IS 200 METRES FROM THE CONFERENCE VENUE – MANY OTHERS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE CITY CENTRE (maps can be found below)


Breakfast in the hotel, lunches at the canteen found in the building opposite the institute (4.5 euro mini menu, 8 euro full menu). Details on social dinners (with a bit of after dinner stuff) will come at a later stage (this takes a bit of time).


Internet is available both in hotel and conference room


A skype video link will be available during the whole conference week in case some people who cannot attend want to see some of the talks. A “detailed” program (as much as on time an AMS time schedule can be) will be sent out the week before the meeting.