Field Software
Jimenez Group Field Instruments Setup
TSI Classifier (DMA and classifier of SMPS system)
TSI 3010 CPC
(When NOT operated as part of an SMPS system)
- What you get for your 2600USD during service.
- Manual
- Power: 120 or 240 VAC 50/60Hz, interchangeable using pull-out fuse block on rear. Standard IEC cable.
- Communications: 9600/7/E/1, 9-pin Dsub.
- Software: Use JG LabVIEW logger.
TSI 3786 CPC
(When NOT operated as part of an SMPS system)
- Manual
- Power: 100-230VAC 50/60Hz. Standard IEC cable.
- Communications: 115,200/8/N/1, 9-pin Dsub.
- Software: use JG LabVIEW logger.
TSI 4100 Flowmeters
- Manual
- Serial comms manual
- Power: 7.5 +/- 1.5 VDC. Can also be supplied through comms cable, see TSI manual.
- Communications: 38400/8/N/1, mini-DIN connector to 9-pin D-sub.
- Software: Use JG LabVIEW logger.
Grimm 1.109 Optical Particle Counter
- Grimm likes to call it a "spectrometer".
- Manual
- dp channels are 0.25 / 0.28 / 0.3 / 0.35 / 0.4 / 0.45 / 0.5 / 0.58 / 0.65 / 0.7 / 0.8 / 1 / 1.3 / 1.6 / 2.0 / 2.5 / 3.0 / 3.5 / 4 / 5 / 6.5 / 7.5 / 8.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 32 µm.
- Home page
- Intercomparison reference example
- Units of serial feed: Particles/litre per sample averaging time (6 seconds)
- Power: 18 VDC.
- Communications: 9600/8/N/1, 9-pin Dsub via NULL MODEM CABLE.
- Software: Use JG LabVIEW logger, plot data directly comparable to SMPS plots using Igor .ipf found below.
TSI 8520 DustTrak
- Manual
- Serial comms manual
- Power: 6 VDC, 300 mA.
- Communications: 1200/8/N/1, ethernet-style RJ-45 plug to 9-pin Dsub serial cable (TSI p/n 800563).
- Software: Use JG LabVIEW logger.
Yellow switching valves
- Power: 120 VAC 60Hz via US-standard plug.
- Communications: 9600/8/N/1, via on-board PIC
- Xnnnnnnnnnnnn<EOL> switches the 12 channels on the ciruit board, where n = 0 or 1 correspondingly.
- Sending power to the RED cable switches the valve in one direction, sending power to BLUE in the other. Powering BOTH simultaneously results in continuous rotation of the actuator.
- Software: Use JG LabVIEW logger.
Jayne switching valves
- Power: 5 VDC via servo board.
- Communications: 9600/8/N/1, via modem cable.
- Sending 3-byte array of <255><Servo#><Valve Position> switches each servo in turn.
- Servo# is 1->8 and is the INVERSE OF WHAT IS PRINTED ON THE BOARD
- Valve position is 0->254
- Software: Use JG LabVIEW logger.
- Picture of a complete valve&servo setup.
- Part numbers and description:
- Servos and parts from, some also available at
- 8-servo controller, part#SC8460 Picture. A single one of these controls all the valves.
- PC programmer for Hi-Tec servos HPP-21, part#44440 Picture. This is used to setup rotation range, speed etc.
- HS-985MG Servo Product # 32985S00 - make sure the 180-degree version. Picture.
- 3/8" Bore Clamping Hub Product # 3172CH
- 28 Tooth, 32 Pitch Servo Gear (Hitec) Product # RSA32-2HS-28
- 54 Tooth, 32 Pitch Hub Gear (1/8" Face) Product # RHA32-26-5
- Parts for valve body from
- SS-8P6T4, valve body
- SS-P6T-K4, nupro hub that needs to be machined.
- Parts from the electronics shop or
- Crydom solid state relay DC60S3 Picture. This is a clunky, but cheap, solution.
- Servos and parts from, some also available at
Fluke VR1710 Voltage Quality Recorder
- Device Manual
- Analysis Software Manual
- Analysis Software: See below (or download from Fluke website with registration)
Jimenez Group Master Data Acquisition LabVIEW
The "master" data acq software is really an array of LabVIEW vi's which operate together to synchronise and display output from most of the ancillary J-Group instruments. Some details:
- It is hard-coded to acquire at 10-second refresh rate. This is also true of the Igor importer.
- In general, it is best to let it make a new file on execution; this way the import format is preserved, and it will start a new file every day at the hour specified anyway.
- If it is the first run after load, the graphs will need to be set to clear upon execution; this resets the arrays.
- The graph legend is tied to a string array to let you know which instrument is which. The axes settings are MANUAL; it is required to right-click on the legend and set the appropriate axis for each trace. The legend will change depending on the combination of instruments selected at startup.
- The master itself does not actually log any instruments. It merely passes COM port settings to sub-vi's (via the global vi), which in turn collect the data and update the globals. The master will report whatever values are stored in the globals; thus if a sub-vi hangs, you can have a situation where a consistent identical value is recorded. There are timeout settings in some of the sub-vi's to deal with this. Whilst this may seem sub-optimal, it is IMHO a far preferable solution to a setup where one instrument crash can bring down all the others.
- The file output syntax writes the instrument "identifier" followed by its data; different combinations of instruments recorded thus change the number of columns in the recorded array. The Igor is setup to deal with this.
- Instruments can be temporarily "disabled" using the disable array; when this is TRUE then a value of -9999 is overwritten to the log file and displays, regardless of the value passed in the globals.
- The sub-vi's can be stopped, updated etc during acquisition; the only thing to make sure is that the instrument is disabled before stopping the sub-vi.
- The valve-switching software has its own raft of sub-vis that actually live in the "Valve" folder of the LabVIEW file structure, and not in the "master" folder. This is noted purely to be aware to look here in the event of a problem. It is also noted that the valve software runs a LabJack "streamer" which sits and records values to/from the LabJack to the DACglobals vi. Stopping this program would cease acq of voltages and stop switching of the valve bypass lines... but this would not be represented in the log. So make sure you don't stop it!
Jimenez Group Downloadable Field Instrument Software
This software can also be accessed via ftp client it is stored on the jimenez group server space under 'field_software'. As of the end-of-CalNex2010, the Master versions were the most up-to-date and generally the code needs porting over to the stand-alones (MJC).
- Software downloads: login j-software
- Igor ipfs
- CPC Software
- PCI Software
- Valve Software v. 9 and 10 (discontinued)
- Master Valve Switching v1
- TSI Flowmeter Software
- Voodoo Software
- DustTrak Software
- Gimm OPC Software
- Grimm OPC Igor Analysis .ipf
- LabJack Software
- Image Export
- Master
- Miscellaneous VI's
- O3
- PAM Lights
- TD Ramper
- Fluke VR1710 Voltage Quality Recorder
Programs that use NI USB DAC devices may need the mx task updating to match the device connected to the logging PC. See instructions at
You may also need to port the tasks over to a new logging computer, which is explained at
Jimenez Group Logging Computer Setup Protocol
This list of settings&software was edited by MJC on 23rd April 2010 (St. George's Day!).
- Software to install
- LV 8.5.1
- Igor 6.1x
- Office
- Adobe Reader
- AIM(SMPS version)
- Vaisala M170 link
- Skype
- WinSCP
- Dimension4
- Chrome
- Drivers:
- LabJack control panel at
- LabJack LV drivers at
- CP210x
- Things to get rid of
- Language bar
- Desktop picture
- Junk in start menu list
- disable balloon tips
- Settings to change
- Windows update: Notify but don't download
- Power: everything "always on"
- Power: NO action on closing lid
- Regional Settings: Short date format to YYYY/MM/DD, time to 24hr HH:MM
- Logging software to load onto HDD
- LabVIEW:
- DustTrak v4
- Flowmeter v2
- Grimm v3
- Valve switching software v1
- LabJack digital I/O
- Ozone Monitor Logging
- Jayne Valve switching software v1
- LabVIEW: