AMS Clinic4

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This page is a repository of information for planning the 4th AMS Data Analysis Clinic Meeting, which will take place in Boulder in Spring 2012. A shorcut to this page is

Dates and Location

Tentative dates: The 4th AMS Instrument and Data Analysis Clinic Meeting will take place in the Spring of 2012 at the University of Colorado-Boulder. We'll start Sun @ 1 pm (after lunch). Dates may change depending on field studies. It will be organized by the Jimenez Group. We will post information here as it becomes available.

The people who should attend this clinic are those who are directly doing (or are VERY involved in directly supervising) AMS data analysis of field or lab data. The clinic will be much less useful for PIs who are not directly involved in data analysis, or for people who are just starting to learn about the AMS but haven't done serious data analysis yet. Attendees are expected to bring to the Clinic datasets in which they are currently working, and be ready to use them as a basis for discussion with the group.

The presentations and discussions will end on Thu @ 4 pm, followed by Happy Hour at a local restaurant on Fri. afternoon, and hiking, skiing, snowshoeing or other activities on Friday for people who can stay an extra day, so please plan your flights accordingly. As planned, this is "out of phase" with the AMS Users Meeting and the heavy Fall meeting season (AAAR, EAC, AMS Users Meeting, AGU...).

There is no registration fee, but please let us know if you are coming to plan food, coffee, tables, power, internet, name tags, hotel room block, etc.

Feedback from past Clinics has been very positive overall, and you can see the details for 2009, 2010, and 2011.


  • The list of attendees is kept on this Google Spreadsheet. Click the Edit link at the bottom if you want to make changes. (Pls make changes only on the sheet named "2012", the ones from 2011 and 2010 are there only as a reference).

Schedule & Topics

The tentative schedule (exact dates TBD) is:

  • Sun @ 1 pm - Mon March 26 @ noon: AMS Hardware Tutorial ("Pre-Clinic")
  • Mon @ noon - Thu March 29 @ 4 pm: Data Analysis Clinic (Aerodyne dinner on Tue evening, and Happy Hour on Thu afternoon)
  • Fri: Hiking etc. day for those interested