Updaters for Refract
Please be
sure to read the ReadMe file included to update properly! You have to create an environment variable showing where the software is installed to have the update run correctly (instructions in the Readme). Please contact
me if there are any problems with the updater. This should update either the original v 1.0 or the updated 1.1 version of Refract.
Download the Refract 1.1.9 updater (2.7 Mb, 1/10/12)
Note that after reading the information that opens when you first open the updater, you have to close that information window in order to update your old copy of Refract. You will need to have a copy of Refract on your hard drive (you cannot update a copy on the CD itself). If updating to 1.1.9 from the CD version, use the 1.0->1.1.9 updater (quicker and smaller). If on a Power PC machine (older Mac), you need the 1.1.8 updater. Others can use the 1.1.9 combo updater; this updater should update v. 1.0 (from CD), v 1.1, v 1.1.4 and v 1.1.6.
Download the Refract 1.1.9 combo updater (updates all previous public versions of Refract to 1.1.9, Intel-only version, 26 Mb, 1/10/12)
Download the Refract 1.0 -> 1.1.9 updater (only updates original CD version to current Intel-only version, much smaller, 3.7 Mb, 1/10/12)
Download the Refract 1.1.8 combo updater (updates all previous public versions of Refract to last PowerPC version, 1.1.8. 23 Mb, 1/10/12)
Release notes
v1.0.1--saving/reading data/model in km now works.
Updated to v3.2 of Unihelp
- FIXED: forward time pick empty, then changing units will not change the reversed time
- FIXED: If change number of geophones and then click on already-open data window, out of bounds exception (error in calculating RMS, actually)
- FIXED: changing the shot location will not update the data positions
- FIXED: hide model points doesn't stick!
- FIXED: If units were km, not m, then reading a data file and accepting the changes would result in wrong unit.
- FIXED: If reading a model with a different shot offset, sets shots without asking (unlike reading a data file)
- FIXED: cannot click on the angle of the top layer to change it after reading in a model > 2 layers when previously only had one layer.
- FIXED: When reading in a model with fewer layers than the model it is replacing, the bottom halfspace will have an editable dip angle.
- FIXED: Data saved in ms will be read as seconds if that is time unit. Data saved in s will be read as ms if units set to that when read. Models are read as m and m/s. FIXING THIS BREAKS OLDER DATA FILES saved from km, km/s, sec views!
1.0.3 fixes:
- FIXED: 1.0.2 introduced bug when saving data to file(would not put all the data out)
- FIXED: Changing number of first geophone typically leads to crash
- FIXED: No error flag if invert plot makes stupid junk
1.0.4 fixes:
- Added default suffix of .txt to file names when saving. Expanded suffixes for reading data files to text/plain types (includes more suffixes). Added Mac file type when saving so that the file can be reread even if .txt suffix dropped.
- When plot window is first opened, it will force the model to be updated so there is not some strange disconnect with any changes made in the model window.
- Updated: Message when apparent velocities decrease with depth expanded to help explain the problem.
1.0.5 fixes/additions:
- Using negative positions for shots will produce correct
times at stations beyond shots. (PlotWindow.restLines needs work). Compiled
with RB2009r1
1.06 fixes:
- Reading a data file with uncertainties saved will no longer transpose
the forward errors with the reversed arrival times (bug introduced in 1.0.2,
- before 1.0.6 added display of depth of an interface near the cursor
at bottom of window.
1.0.7 fixes:
- Loading a model but then declining to accept a change in the number
of geophones to what was stored will not produce a crash if the first geophone
number differed in the model file from what was already in memory.
- Dropped
change to first geophone number when reading a model file. Moved this to
the data file, which seems to make more sense.
- maybe fixed mislabeling of
layers when input model has more layers than current model.
- RMS misfit updated
when a model or data is loaded
1.0.8 fixes:
- added feature to allow user to specify layer geometry using thicknesses
at each end of the profile (under the shotpoints) rather than the thickness
on the left (forward) shotpoint and the dip angle. this is controlled in
the Preferences window.
- forced inversion of line fits to abort if the layer
boundaries would cross within the model bounds. Note that on occasion this
will prevent the code from finding a legitimate structure where a layer is
pinching out within the model.
- rare infinite loop when drawing layer labels fixed.
1.0.9 fixes:
- preferences now saved/read
- added using depths below shotpoints to layer definition
- fixed a number of issues where using km instead of m made section window
plots erroneous, model window had nonsense, invert claimed reciprocity violation,
- caution icon now shows up correctly when a model dip causes layer boundaries
to cross (can only do this in the thickness+dip mode of defining layers)
1.0.10 fixes:
- updates significant digits when changed in prefs window. (but
not in the data window, for internal reasons)
1.0.12 fixes: Compile RB 2009v5.1, Unihelp 4.
1.0.13 fixes:
- Made note shown when clicking warning icon somewhat more specific to exact
- Fixed most issues with constant velocity layers, low-velocity zones.
- Adding
new layers when units in km now correct (default in these units is 1 km thick
layer; 10 m default when unit is meters).
- Added reduction velocity (can be enabled from the Preferences window).
- Fixed bug where display of intercept time when ms was time unit was off
by a factor of 1000.
- Updated error message when a layer had a negative thickness to share which layer and at what position.
- Changed inversion to use the average layer thickness from the two intercepts instead of relying solely on the forward intercept.
1.1.2: Geophones with no data now do not show a time of 0 when a data file is reopened.
- recompile in RB 2011r3.
- Should find help folder on Windows machines.
- Forced check that fonts exist.
- Saved window positions in preferences.
- Fixed rounding of shot offset, geophone spacing when opening a model file.
- Fixed crash if data window open when opening a model with more geophones (bug introduced in 1.0.7).
- Handles on lines now bigger.
- Flat and vertical line segments in Plot Window now can be selected.
- Fixed bug from 1.1.5 that made last lines in Plot Window go to wrong spots until model was refreshed without a change.
- Adds checks on legality of entries in number of geophones, shot offset; allows saner editing of geophone spacing.
- Added "dirty flag" indicator for edited model and data windows (dot in close button on Mac, "*" on file name in title bar on Windows and Linux).
- Decreasing number of geophones will prompt user if this destroys data.
- Fixed bug where bottom of Data Window might be hidden
- Fixed bug where changing number of first geophone yields a crash if the Model Window is in front of the Data Window.
- When changing the array geometry (shot offset, geophone spacing or number of geophones) when displaying layer thicknesses or depths at both ends, the model is now updated consistent with what is seen on the screen.
- Compile with RB2011r4. Smaller executable, better compatibility with Lion?, no PPC support.
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