Edit menu

Undo (Command- Z):
Disabled in this program.
Cut (Command- X):
Disabled in this program.
Copy (Command- C):
For available windows (same as for Print..., described above) this copies the active window to the clipboard; it can then be pasted into graphics programs like MacDraw and Canvas and editted to produce a publication quality plot, if desired. Note that several characteristics of the copied plot can be controlled by settings in the "Extras..." dialog below. Some problems have been noted with copying to some programs.
Paste (Command- V):
Disabled in this program.
Select All (Command- A):
Selects all of the demag steps of the current sample.
Select None (Command- D):
Deselects all of the demag steps of the current sample.
Select Points/Identify Points:
Only active when the Zijderveld or Equal Area window is active. Allows interactive selection and deselection of steps using the mouse in the Zijderveld and Equal Area windows when "Select Points" is chosen (the menu item will become "Identify Points" and the cursor will be a crosshairs in the Zijderveld and Equal Area windows) as an alternative to selecting points in the Data List window. Clicking on a solid (selected) point will deselect it and clicking on a gray (deselected) point will reselect it. Making another window active, selecting "Least Squares Fit...", or chosing "Identify Points" will update the selection matrix, refresh all windows to reflect the newly selected points, and revert to "Identify Points" mode (menu now says "Select Points").
Extras... (Command- E):
Direct editing of various screen parameters and dimension limits. This is pretty self-explanatory; the upper part of the window controls the size of symbols and text on the screen, when copied to the clipboard, and when printed in pixels and points, respectively. The "% of full page" controls any enlargement or reduction of the screen when copied or printed; this is non-intuitive but is easily illustrated. If you wanted the highest resolution when printing to a LaserWriter but wanted the same proportions as in the displayed window, you'd use the settings illustrated below. When you printed a screen, you would set the reduction to "25%" in the appropriate LaserWriter box and your final output would have symbols and text at the correct size. Similar arithmetic would apply to the Clipboard; you should note that the clipboard at 100% is the same size as an 8 1/2" by 11" output (it is not the same size as the window on the screen). You can attach IDs to each point by checking the appropriate box (as for the Clipboard in the example). The form of the IDs is the same as that displayed in the upper left part of the window when identifying points on screen.

(Picture of Extras dialog box)

The bottom part of this dialog box controls the maximum number of elements permitted in the program; these numbers are saved in the programs resource fork and are used until reset. Any arrays dimensioned before this command is invoked remain unchanged; quitting and restarting the program will correctly dimension all arrays. Note that the SIZE resource (the box you can set in the lower left of the "Get Info..." box for PaleoMag) is unaffected. If you use large data sets or lots of plots at once, you will probably have to increase the value of the SIZE resource.

Permits editting of header information. This brings up a dialog box (illustrated below) where the sample stratigraphic level, mass (or volume), core plate orientation, or bedding orientation can be changed. Once either "OK", "OK Next Sample", "Recalculate Core" or "Recalculate from Core" is clicked, the changes are incorporated into the data file and all relevant directions are updated in both the data file for that sample and any least-squares fits for that sample in the .LSQ file. (At present, altering core plate or bedding orientations can produce some slight differences in the tilt-corrected least squares direction from that that would be obtained by refitting the same measurements with the Least Squares command. This is probably reflecting some minor numerical difficulty somewhere--the differences are about 1°ree; in orientation--but might produce confusion in some cases). If either "OK" button is pushed, only the data dependant on the orientations changed will be altered. Pushing "Recalculate from Core" forces all directional data to be recalculated from the most primitive data available (core coordinates if present, otherwise geographic coordinates converted back to core coordinates) using the values displayed. Only enabled when no core directions are available, the "Recalculate Core" button will calculate core directions from the geographic directions; these core directions will then be considered the "raw" data if, say, a recalculation from core is done. "Recalculate Core" will not recalculate any existing measurements. Note that this option (and the "OK" options if the core plate orientation is changed) will create and save core coordinate data if not originally present. Core directions, once present, will never be altered by use of any of these options and could only be changed by manually removing them from the sample files.

The magnetic declination option differs a bit from the others because it applies to all the samples at the locality. Changing this will cause all of the declinations in all the files to be changed. Note that files not listed in the .SAM file are inaccessible to PaleoMag and would not be changed, so be sure that all files are listed in the .SAM file before using this option.

(Picture of Headers dialog box)

Equal Area Options...:
Provides customization of the tic marks and reference directions used in the equal area plots (see below). Major tick marks are placed around the circumference of the equal area plot every n degrees (n is 90°ree; in the example). Minor tick marks are placed every m degrees (m = 30°ree; in the example) starting from the last major tick mark. This will result is strange tick marks if m will not divide n evenly. Inclination tic marks are placed every p degrees from the horizontal going down to the nadir of the plot.

(Picture of Equal Area dialog box)

The bottom half of the dialog concerns the reference directions displayed on all equal area plots (except those using core coordinates). Each selected direction will be displayed: modern field as a circle, modern dipole (i.e., magnetic declination of 0°ree;) as a square, and the other reference field as a triangle. These directions are 1 1/2 as large as data symbols, are gray on the lower hemisphere and open on the upper hemisphere. The "Tilt-correct" option for the two modern fields will use the mean strike and dip of the locality (stored in the .SAM file and calculated by PaleoMag if not present) to tilt the modern field into a mean stratigraphic orientation when viewing in tilt-corrected coordinates; if not selected, the direction will be the same in both geographic and tilt-corrected frames. The reference direction is entered by the user directly for both geographic and tilt-corrected coordinates. In this example the direction is 330°ree; declination, 50°ree; inclination in both plots.

This dialog permits the user to assign any desired mapping of color to the features of most of the plot types in PaleoMag. Note that it is a bit dangerous to use some colors as foreground or background colors on a black-and-white Mac as some things might vanish. Even on a black and white machine this option can be useful, as newer drivers for the Laserwriter permit a mapping of colors to grayscales when printing.

(Picture of Colors dialog box)

Operation is simple: click on the desired plot element on the left and then select the desired color on the right. User choices are preserved in the PaleoMag program (which means this will not work if the disk PaleoMag is on is locked).

Means Colors...:
For selecting colors and symbols used in plotting mean directions on equal area plots with uncertainties from the current means file. This option is disabled unless some means have already been selected (see "Locality Means..." under View menu). The line identification for the mean direction affected is at the top of the dialog. Three parameters are chosen for each direction: color if in the upper hemisphere, if in the lower hemisphere, and the symbol plotted at the locality mean. Note that upper hemisphere features are, as always, plotted in gray. Changing the colors for other currently selected mean directions can be accomplished by hitting the Next Mean or Last Mean buttons.

(Picture of Means Colors dialog box)

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Please send mail if you encounter any problems or have suggestions.

C. H. Jones | CIRES | Dept. of Geological Sciences | Univ. of Colorado at Boulder

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