DSC_0810 Fossil Falls of the Owens River
 DSC_0811 Fossil Falls of the Owens River
 DSC_0812 Upstream from Fossil Falls of the Owens River
 DSC_0813 Fossil Falls of the Owens River
 DSC_0814 Fossil Falls of the Owens River
 DSC_0815 Fossil Falls of the Owens River
 DSC_0816 Potholes in Fossil Falls of the Owens River
 DSC_0817 Liz tells all about the Eastern Sierra Thrust System
 DSC_0818 North along the thrusts in a panel of metasedimentary rock.
 DSC_0819 Sedimentary structures in metasedimentary rocks
 DSC_0820 Sedimentary structures in near-vertical beds
 DSC_0821 Vertical bedding in metamorphics with crossbed
 DSC_0823 Fossil in limey unit of meta-sedimentary rocks along East Sierran Thrusts
 DSC_0824 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0825 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0826 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0827 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0828 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0829 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0830 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0831 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0832 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0833 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0834 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0835 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0836 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0837 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0838 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.
 DSC_0839 Panorama, from pass over northern Slate Range of Panamint Valley and surroundings.