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Class Taught by Professor Xinzhao Chu in Spring 2017

ASEN-6265. Fundamentals of Spectroscopy for Optical Remote Sensing

Syllabus: ASEN6265Syllabus
Schedule and Outline: ASEN6265Schedule ASEN6265Outline
Lecture Notes: Preface Chapter0_Introduction
Lecture Notes: Chapter1_QuantumConcepts Chapter2_WaveParticleDuality Chapter3_QMbasics
Lecture Notes: Chapter4_IntroAtomicSpectroscopy Chapter5_AtomicStructure
Lecture Notes: Chapter06_RadiativeTransition Chapter07_SpectralLineshape
Lecture Notes: Chapter08_IntroMolecularSpectroscopy Chapter09_RotationalSpec
Lecture Notes: Chapter10_VibrationalSpec Chapter11_RamanSpec Chapter12_ElectronicSpec
Lecture Notes: Chapter13_LaserSpectroscopyBasics Chapter14_DopplerLimitedSpectroscopy
Lecture Notes: Chapter15_DopplerFreeSpectroscopy Chapter16_SpectroscopyNewDevelopment
Lecture Notes: Chapter17_TimeResolvedSpectroscopy
Reading Materials: IntroQuantum
HW: HW01 HW02 HW03 HW04 HW05 HW06 HW07 HW08 HW09 HW10 HW11 HW12
Lecture ECCS 1B14 @ 11:00am-12:15pm on Tuesday and Thursday
Instructor Professor Xinzhao Chu
Office: CIRES 241
Office Hours: 3-5 pm on Tuesday and Thursday
Phone: 303-492-3280