Paving the Way for New Measurements from UAS Development of a micro Blue / Green Laser system for Multi-Mission use by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) (John Adler, Steve Mitchell, and Xinzhao Chu)
Challenging Conventional Wisdom Investigating the Ubiquity of Small-Scale Turbulence in the Atmosphere with Implications for Atmospheric Modeling and Prediction (Ben Balsley, Lakshmi Kantha, and Allen White)
At the Nexus of Air Quality and Climate Change Emissions of Acidic Trace Gases from Forest Fires (Joost de Gouw, Carsten Warneke, and Jim Roberts)
A Largely Unexplored Impact on Climate Windrows in Global Models: How Much Do Langmuir Circulations Matter for Climate? (Baylor Fox-Kemper, Keith Julien, Gregory P. Chini, and Edgar Knobloch)
An Unconventional Study of Channel Erosion Rates A new method to test the accuracy of channel erosion rates determined from cosmogenic radionuclides (Scott W. McCoy and Gregory E. Tucker)
A Unique Opportunity to Determine Unstudied Links Is Absence of Sea Ice a Causal Factor in Recent Antarctic Ice Shelf Break-ups? (Ted Scambos and Robert Massom)
A Fundamentally Different Analytical Ttechnique Measurement of low water-vapor mixing ratios using mass spectrometry (Troy Thornberry, Ru-Shan Gao, and David Fahey)
Micron-sized Organisms, Kilometer-scale Conditions Do bacteria influence the weather? Exploring the role of bacteria in atmospheric ice formation (Margaret Tolbert, Noah Fierer, and Ray Fall)
Sony PlayStation Goes Scientific Developing a Dual-Frequency FMCW Radar to Study Precipitation (Christopher Williams)