Fatalities climbing Mt. Everest
Fatalities on K2 and other peaks in the Himalaya have not been included this list. By January 1997 there had been 148 fatalities on Everest. Coburn (1997) includes a summary of deaths and successful climbs on page 250 of his account of the making of the IMAX Everest film. Unsworth (1989) contains a complete account of Everest attemps to 1988, and on pages 614-618 lists fatalities by name, date and location.
Between 1980 and 1998 more than 5 mountaineers were killed each year.
For the geology of the Everest region see Searle, 1998, and for recent height information see this web site.
Coburn, B., Everest, pp256 , National Geographic Society, 1997
Unsworth, W., Everest, 1989, Grafton. pp 774
Searle, M.P. Extensional and compressional faults in the Everest-Lhotse massif, Khumbu Himalaya, Nepal, J. Geol.Soc Lond., 155, 14 pages, In Press Nov 1998