A brief biography of C. L. Griesbach 11 Dec 1847-13 Apr 1907

Carl Griesbach was born and educated in Vienna, and died at the age of 60 in Graz. Despite his Austrian links he was a third generation British citizen. His grandfather settled in England at the time of George III and his father George Griesbach lived in England. He worked initially for the Austrian Geological Survey(1867/8). In 1869 Carl married Emma Griesbach, the daughter of the Rev. W.R. Griesbach of Millington, Yorkshire. In 1869-70 at the age of 22, he led a German scientific expedition to Portuguese East Africa. On his return in 1871 he resided in London. In 1878 he joined the Geological Survey of India. The GSI photo below is probably from 1878.

While in England he joined the 6th Battalian Royal Fusiliers and rose ultimately to the rank of Lt. Colonel. On 6 March 1880 he was deputed on special service in Southern Afghanistan and was present in battles at Girishk (14 July 1880), Maiwand (27 July 1880), and at the siege of and battle for Kandahar 1 Sept 1880.

Born 11-Dec-1847 Vienna

1869-1870 Natal and E. Africa

1871-78 London

1878 Joined GSI

1882-83 Hundes/Spiti /GarwalHimalaya.

1884/886 Geologist to the Afghan Boundary Commission

Feb 1887 awarded CIE (Companion of the Indian Empire)

Jan 1888-July 1889 Geologist to the Amir of Kabul.

1894 to 1903 Director GSI

13-Apr-1907 Death in Graz

His 26 articles concerning African and Indian geology are illustrated with numerous sketches. The photographs preserved in Calcutta show his interests in local people and architecture matched his interest in geological features.

see "Obituary" Geological Magazine, New Series Decade 5, Volume 4, 1907, 240.

The following 3 mm high monogram is inscribed lower left on some of Griesbach's early plates.

Note on GSI numbering scheme

No complete index has been found for the early GSI archive, but it appears that photo numbers for each geologist were assigned a contiguous block (e.g. the attached sequence for Griesbach is 714 to 1009. Where a photo is missing it is either damaged or not yet recovered. The primary number on the negative envelope is a copy of one usually scratched lower right on the plate. Occasionally an earlier number inscribed by Griesbach is ignored. A red number is also present on each negative envelope - a secondary GSI numbering system that was added later and which follows the same sequential numbering with occasional deviations. The caption beneath each photo is the verbatim caption on the storage envelope.

C.E.D. Black writes in his Memoir on Indian Surveys, 1875-1890.London, 1891.

"On the termination of Mr. Griesbach's short leave in England (in 1882) Mr. Griesbach obtained permission to visit some places on the Continent, the collections made in Armenia by Staatrarth von Abich proving especially interesting in their close relationship to some of the Himalayan fossils.On his return Mr. Griesbach headed for the Tibetan frontier, but the cold was so intense as to impede his explorations considerably.

Of the work achieved during 1883 Mr. Griesbach's was probably the most interesting, dealing as it did with the main Himalayan range and its grand formation. He completed the survey of Hundes basin to its western limit on the flanks of the geneissic mass of the Porgyal mountain that separates Hundes from Spiti. From this region Mr Griesbach had to hurry late in October to join the expedition to the Takht- e-Suliman on the NorthWest Frontier.

Mr Griesbach was unfortunately taken seriously ill at Kohat, after the expedition to Takht-e-Suliman (Records G. S. I 17(4), but after recovering his strength, at Simla, he was appointed (in 1884) to accompany the Afghan Boundary Commision in the capacity of Geologist.

On the 1st November (1886) Mr. Griesbach returned to India with the Afghan Boundary Commimission not much the worse for his two years' wanderings. His notes appear in the Records GSI . The geology of the Herat valley is shortly described in 18(1). Afghan and Persian field notes, dealing with Eastern Khorasan and the Herat province , are contained in 19(1), while a very full, and valuable sketch of the geology of Afghan Turkistan appears in 19(4). The fourth or concluding batch of notes treats of the return march of the commision from Turkistan over the Hindu Kush and through Kabul to India.










































































































































































































Griesbach, Carl Ludolf

Kumaon Himalaya 1882-3

Application for permission to reproduce these photographs may be obtained from the Director, Geological Survey of India, Kolkata.The caption beneath each photo is the verbatim caption on the storage envelope.

714 (717) Kedernath peaks as seen from Muktinath (1882)

715 (750) Road between Pandu Keswar and Joshimath British Garwal 1882

716 (718) Palace Srinagar, Garhwal 1882.

717 (746) Dharmsala near the temple Ukhimath Garwal. 1882

718 (747) Forest scene Champatta, Garwal 1882


719 (748) Daldakharak #1 from the Niti Pass, Garwal 1882.

720 (749) Temple Ukhumath Garwal 1882.

721 (702) Begging Lama, Shinki Camp, British Garwhal, 1882.

722 (703) Rhaetic Beds Shinki River Hundes 1882.

723 (704) Rhaetic Beds Sinki River, Hundes Garhwal 1882

724 (738) Granite veins in Gneiss, right side of Dhaiuli river valley, N of Niti 1882

725 (739) Road between Gaurikund and Ukhalgadera (Kedernath Road) Garwal 1882).

726 (598) Group of Hunias and Coolies, Sinki Camp, Hundes 1882

727 (568) Rope brige over the Akash Kamini river 1882 (not yet found)

730 (567) View from the Gamsali camp to the east 1882 (glued to envelope)

731 (568) View from the Gamsali camp to the east 1882 (glued to envelope)

746 (583) Ancient Gurka Palace Srinugger Garwal 1882 (glued to envelope).

747 (584) Ancient Gurka Palace Srinugger Garwal 1882 (glued to envelope).

748 (585) Ancient Gurka Palace Srinugger Garwal 1882 (glued to envelope)

749 (586) Ancient Gurka Palace Srinugger Garwal 1882 (glued to envelope)

750 (587) Ancient Gurka Palace Srinugger Garwal 1882 (glued to envelope)

751 (588) Ancient Gurka Palace Srinugger Garwal (damaged)

752 (589) Ancient Gurka Palace Srinugger Garwal (glued to envelope)

753 (590) Ancient Gurka Palace Srinugger Garwal (glued to envelope)

754 (591) Road to Ganga Valley 1882 (not yet found)

755 (579) Daldakharakh No1 and glacier looking south (ruined: glued to envelope)

756 (578) Niti Pass from the upper Ganesh Sanga

757 (577) Panorama of Hundes 1882 (glued to envelope)

758 (576) Bagitathi Valley, North of Jalah, Tihri garwhal 1882 (glued to envelope)

759 (575) Gangotri valley from the Kopanga forest Tihri Garwa 1882 (glued to envelope)

760 (514) Rajah of Tihri (damaged on one half only)

761 (570) Tihri palace and city (Tihri) Garwal 1882 damaged.

762 (573) road between Tangla and Karcha almost opposite the Bhaironghatti bridge. Baghrati valley Tihri Garwal 1882 (glued to envelope)

763 (572) Bagirathi Valley looking south near Suki Tihri Garwal 1882 (glued to envelope)

764 (593 Temple Gopeswor Garwal 1882 (damaged)

764 (571) Dr Wilson and his hospital (Garwal) 1882 Griesbach writes on the envelope "Dr. Wilson was a well known character in Garwal. A missionary (American) by profession, a very clever surgeon and a great shikari. His shikari stories were the best I ever heard. CLG." (Shikari=big game hunter from the Persian -Shikar=hunter: note double numbering with previous?)

765 (594) Rawal's House Gopeswar Garwal 1882 Footnote: Griesbach writes: "The Rawal is the chief priest of Gopeswar temple and is said to be 100 years of age . He remembered the war between the French and British in the....words missing". (glued to envelope)

765 (569) Junction of Cambrian and Vaikritas Dauli Ganga north of Niti 1882 (glued to envelope)

766 (570) Tihri Palace and city (glued to envelope)

769 (592) Group of Hunnias and Niti coolies Shirkia camp N of Niti pass (Griesbach#41)

770 (564) Rawals House Gopeswar Garwal 1882 (damaged).

771 (563) Haimatas seen at Goting camp looking north Shanti Ganga Valley 1882

772 (600) Kedernath Temple 1882

773 (601) Southside of temple, Kedernath, Garwal, 1882.

774 (602) Peaks and temple of Kedernath 1882.

775 (603) Village scene Mahari Shanti GangaVlalley 1882.

776 (562) Gneissic gorge Dhauli Ganga (glued to envelope)

777 (604) Gneissic gorge between Niti and Gamsali Garwal 1882

778 (561) Sheep and Tibetan shepherds on the road between Niti and Gamsali Garwal (glued to envelope)

779 (560) Kedernath Glacier halfway up looking north Garwal 1882 (not yet found)

780 (580) Ukimath Temple 1882 (glued to envelope)

782 (581) Kedarnath Temple 1882 (glued to envelope)

783 (582) View near Mandi camp 1882 (glued to envelope)

784 (598) Nilang River Valley near bridge between the Jangla and the Karechan camps north of Nilang Hundes.

785 (595) Boundary of the granite with the lower Silurian, Mona Gadh, Nilang Valley, Hundes

786 (542) Hundes from the Tsang Tsok La 1882

787 (546) Hundes seen from the Tsang Tsok La 1882

789 (541) Nilang glacier Tihri, Garwal 1882.

790 (540) Hairmanta cliffs north of Sonam Camp Tihri Garwal 1882

791 (539) Panorama 65 snowy peaks NW of Nilang as seen from the Tsang Tsok La in Hundes 1882

792 (538) Panorama 66 snowy peaks NW of Nilang seen from the Tsang Tsok La Hundes

793 (537) Nilang peaks from the road between Pulamsunda and Sonam encampment ground Hundes 1882

794 (536) Temple looking down the valley,Gangotri.1883

795 (535) Temple of Gangotri from the river side 1883

796 (534) Gangotri Glacier looking south from the Gan Much

797 (607) Gangotri Valley between Bhairanghatti and Gangotri 1883

798 (608) Gowmuckh Gangotri glacier 1883

799 (533) End Moraine Gangotri Glacier from the Gan Much 1883

800 (532) Temple and Brahmins Gangotri 1883

801 (594) Temple of Gangotri (1883).

802 (555) Waterfall north of Derali Tihri Garwal in gneiss rocks 1883.

803 (554) East slope of the Mana Gadh Hundes leading into the Changganma valley 1883

803 close-up of figures carrying tripod and equipment

804 (353) Nilang village from the south (Nilang) Tihri Garwhal 1883

805 (552) View to the north of Kardia Enclosure, Iadh Ganga, Hundes 1883.

806 (551) Panorama of the Nilang Pass 1883

807 (550) Lama and Tibetan Nun at Karda Enclosure Ground (Hundes) via Nilang Pass 1883.

808 (549) Lake as seen from the souh end near the mana Gadh in Hundes 1883

810 (547) Panorama of the Hop Gadh from Tsang Tsok la in Hundes 1883

809 (548) Lake as seen from SE by S near the mana Gadh in Hundes 1883 [See also photos 811& 1008]

810 (547) Panorama of the Hop Gadh from Tsang Tsok La in Hundes 1883

811( 545) Nilang Peaks as seen looking southwards from the top of the Mana Gadh leading into the Changan valley, Hunda 1883

812 (544) Shepherds and Goats Dogma Aur in Hundes

813 (543)The Hop Garh en route from Tsang Tsik La to Dogwa Aur Hundes

814 (605) Trias cliffs in the Hop Gadh Hundes 1883

815 ( )Nilang pass peaks from pass in Mana Gadh Hundes 1883

817 ( ) Panorama of the Hop Gadh from the Tsang Tsok La in Hundes (1883).

819 (558) On the top of the Nila Pass (Garwal) (glued to envelope)

820 (557) Lama in the Dankar convent Spiti 1883

821 (556) View of Nithal Valley, west of Nila Pass, Bissaker state Central Himalaay 1883)

824 (835) Dankhar in Spiti, 1833 [signed by Griesbach but secondary numbering out of sequence]

825 (778) Views in Dankhar 1833

826 (834) Trias section near Tilling Spiti 1883

827 (779) Trias section near Muth Spiti 1833

828 (833) Babeh Glacier (towards north) Spiti Himalaya 1833 (Griesbach#12)

830 (832) Trias section opposite Kuling Spiti 1833 831 (805) Trias section Oppposite Khar, Spiti 1833

831 (805) Trias section Opposite Khar, Spiti 1833

832 (780) Trias section opposite Khar village Din River (Spiti) Part of Panorama. 1833

833 (781) Granite inclusions in schists opposite Nausgeah, Kumaon, 1883

834 (816) Granite intrusions in schists between Mamgeh and Dobling Kinawar Himalaya 1883.

835 (838) Panorama of Hundes and Sutlej Valley from the pass above Shipki 1883

836 (843 Panorama of Hundes from the pass above Shipki, 1833

837 (839) Panorama of Sutlej Valley from the Shipki pass 1883.

838 (840) Nila Pass glacier (looking south) Tihri Garwal 1883

839 (841) Deodars on the road near Chini; Sutlej Valley looking east, 1883

841 (842) Temple South of Gowrah bungalow near Saharn, Sutlej Valley, 1833

842 (793) Mission House Puch Kumaon Himalaya 1883

843 (794) Mission House Puch Kumaon Himalaya 1883

1007 (804) Nila Pass glacier towards south. Tihri Garwal, Central Himalaya, 1883

1008 (855) Lake as seen from SE by S near Mana Gadh in Hundes 1883. (see also 809 and 811).

1008 enlarged view of figure by lake

1009 (837) Pillars in glacial deposits left by denudation, north of Ganesh Ganga camp, [pour] Dhauli Ganga, 1882, Griesbach#15